Posts in Carnival Almanac
Remaining present during the great Armageddon distraction. A foray into truther blindness.

You’ve always wondered how there’s been such a great misunderstanding that ‘now’ is more special than other ‘nows’. ‘Earth changes’ are not unusual. ‘Rare’ events are constant.

Truth is, those damn carnies are trying to dazzle you with Armageddon BS.

Here friends, listen to my description of this carnival hawker’s tool. It’s ridiculous name… ‘Armageddon’. I can see you sweating! Sooo damn scary!

Now, dreaming of all the ways ‘Armageddon’ might unfold is senseless when you look at your real nature from outside the fairgrounds.


“Any belief that I must solve a single problem of the world is now released to the wind."

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Reincarnation attachment - Is this your stop? Explore the existence of will, choice, and rebirth.

Last stop in the reincarnation station – All Aboard! Tickets please…

Our life’s stories are chiseled with our own hands, ‘before’ we were born. Whew! Time means nothing ‘before’ then. This doesn’t pull the soiled sheets out from under the existence of Will. But you thinking so, if you are, is the reason you’ve believed fate was a headlock you could never get out of. Fate, well… it’s nothing more than freewill in the now, awareness bent through thick geezer glasses.

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Time is implied in words, where 'eternity' and 'forever' are rarely questioned.

The further you step back from time, the clearer it is some consciousness has been there, producing new exciting movies.

Listen to the parable of Jimmy Jack... the carnie who kept harping that he was ‘eternal’... and all because he wanted to ‘live’ forever!

All ‘future’ events are manifestations of Will. That’s because there’s no such thing as the future when looking through the Absolute. Time appears when you’re moving your head over a fractal picture.

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The most intelligent are often the least aware. A study of contradiction in thought.

Ask yourself if a contradiction in thought says something about the subject, or the mind that’s encountered it.

“Any belief that ‘I'm my thought’ is now uncreated, ran over by a train, thrown off the caboose, and shipped off to some unknown railyard. I smirk and declare my sovereignty from thought. It is done.”

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The perception hosted in duality can never truly understand oneness.

Light delivers words that lead back to itself, reinforcing it’s very perception.

You can learn how to immerse yourself in the present and take your joy back.

‘Twin In-fer-no’ / where the soul and the spirit are resonating with each other in awareness and actualization. The state of being where the flame of present brings life to the soul and its ability to peacefully engage in multiple dimensional constructs.

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Could it be that even perception itself is a symptom of duality? A study of perceptive manipulation.

Refuse the refuse of perceptive manipulation, and find out why you’ve been trying so hard… with little return.

Walk into to discover a little known barrier to your perceptive emancipation.

The perceptive can never comprehend, for its action is the enabler.

Still, singularity is complete and needs not perception. This is known as the Essential Nature, the Word, Singularity, and the Oneness of Nazeur… all found in Twin Inferno state. This is where carnival dances and playground games are common and enjoyable.

Do you think it’s time to place one of your feet outside the carnival?

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Desire’s a dress that gets hiked higher as you stare. A soul parable of desire and choice. Understand undivided light.

Come experience the carnival calliope of your soul.

Friend, the ‘world of undivided light’ was made distinctive by thought, also known as word or sound.

Consider how we can be as relative for as long as we like. As long as we desire desire… this ‘we’ we talk about will always remain. This is why when we ask, ‘How do we get out of here?’, we shouldn’t be inclined to believe that it’s others efforts that keep us glued to this reality.

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The more you stare, the deeper trance becomes. Align attention to your desire, not someone else’s.

It's true... the more you stare, the deeper your trance becomes. Attention is a tool to be used in alignment with your desire, not someone else’s.

Get the heck off the tilt-o-whirl and top spin ride while you have any sense left.

Do you want to understand ‘creation’ for what it is?

Where are you unaware you've given consent?

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Embrace choice, and change your view of humanity.

Examine the relationship between choice and perception in 'The ‘Human Race’ has no checkered flag'.

Now don’t get all uptight before you hear the whole thing, but the ‘human race’, the ones we see lulling around carnivals and truck stops will never be free. This is a truth that’s truer than the lines of my Airstream.

Take a pitstop and boldly embrace choice.

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No ‘spiritual’ book, well known prophet, or super cool kitchen gadget has more value that which perceives, creates, and consents to them.

Embrace your TwinInferno sovereign soul. Every-thing, no matter how revered, positive, or useful, remains subordinate to heart. Retain your power and remove consent from beliefs that undermine. Nothing of what you've been told through religion, tradition, or science has more value than your soul.

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The world serves you by its limited time frame. Belonging isn't everything.

Indeed, all things that come... go. Including planets and people.

If self-appointed carnival masters of civic, financial, scientific, religious, social and educational leadership perpetuate beliefs that can’t be questioned or debated, it’s safe to say there’s fairgrounds about to be washed away.

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