‘What we can think about’ - How the language we use prevents us from becoming aware.

on the top of the ferris wheel, we can take a good look at the control system implemented through language.

understand how ‘what we can think about’ limits our potential.

Come into the carnival and discover how the language we think with acts as a stumbling clock to becoming completely aware.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ remembers his good friend ‘Tork’.CARNIVALThe commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a p…

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ remembers his good friend ‘Tork’.


The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Carnivals consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity.

Tork had taken to this wacky idea of parachuting into the carnival with a satchel of Rambo gear to clean up the fairground from the hoodlums who’d taken over.
Little did he know that the operators of the carnival had been expecting him for some 6,000 years.
He planned and planned, thinking in the same language that the carnival owners had specially designed for him to rant to his bar buddies.
CARNIVAL OWNERA singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including cabalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support o…


A singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including cabalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support of illusion, misperception, and the encouragement of self-blinding behaviors.

XTzu’s truck. Here he can be seen loading up the ‘carnival gear’ to set up in the next ‘city’.

XTzu’s truck. Here he can be seen loading up the ‘carnival gear’ to set up in the next ‘city’.

The night before his caper, he found himself driving round and round the donut shop. Suddenly, out the darkness, a silhouette of a man appeared. Hitting the brakes, his head slammed into the steering wheel.
‘Why was this so difficult?’ Tork lamented.
Out of the dust walked the shadow… a wrinkled bum, lurching towards his open window.
’Uhh, eh, yer language is undermining yer efforts son. If you’re going to fight the man who controls words, you’re gonna have to give them words a bath,’ he muttered.
LANGUAGEDerived from Phoenician homonyms El-Ang-uage. Where ‘phonetics’ carry on their message in a subliminal fashion. All Phoenician ‘Phoenetic’ language is constructed by the Ang-El-s used to deliver information by sound, sight, and touch.


Derived from Phoenician homonyms El-Ang-uage. Where ‘phonetics’ carry on their message in a subliminal fashion. All Phoenician ‘Phoenetic’ language is constructed by the Ang-El-s used to deliver information by sound, sight, and touch.

XTzu remains mindful that even the ‘spiritual’ books he reads are loaded with lingual contradictions.

XTzu remains mindful that even the ‘spiritual’ books he reads are loaded with lingual contradictions.

Smarting from the mound forming on his forehead, he wondered,
‘Could it be that everything I’ve done is undermined by language?’
He quickly pulled himself out of that realization, only to find the bum leaning precariously into the vehicle, heaving rotten breath and shaking off a few nuggets of last nights supper from his beard.
Uplighting the future.
Undermining desire.
‘Ehhg… Listen’ dumbass, them der shapes, sounds, backward spellin’, similar sounding werds are going right to your subconscious n’ usurping your desire.’
‘This couldn’t be true,’ he thought, ‘How was it that religion or science were using these words, preventing him from embracing his essential nature?’
The cool downlighting of science and the vivid uplighting of religion place you square in front of an oncoming truck.HATUsed as an analogy for the physical brain. The Stetson is a cowboy hat manufactured by the John B. Stetson Company. Also consider…

The cool downlighting of science and the vivid uplighting of religion place you square in front of an oncoming truck.


Used as an analogy for the physical brain. The Stetson is a cowboy hat manufactured by the John B. Stetson Company. Also considered ‘The process of observing’ and ‘thought process’.

Contemplating faux realizations.

Contemplating faux realizations.

‘Werds at best can only point at der own scrawniness. More you lern, the longer you likely drive around the donut shop,’ the bum slurred.
Tork pushed the bums greasy head out of his car and questioned,
’O.K., so you looking for a handout, or have you stumbled here to tell me that if I lay down with knowing, I’d better be wearing a raincoat?’
Under the snazzy stage lighting, XTzu is modeling the newest in back to school fashion… the ‘hat of mind’, and the ‘wristwatch of time’.

Under the snazzy stage lighting, XTzu is modeling the newest in back to school fashion… the ‘hat of mind’, and the ‘wristwatch of time’.

WRISTWATCH/CLOCKThe constructs and unexamined language and assumptions that imply that time is not created by thought. The ‘wristwatch’ is one of the most persistent illusions.


The constructs and unexamined language and assumptions that imply that time is not created by thought. The ‘wristwatch’ is one of the most persistent illusions.

‘Tork, I’m mumblin’ in terms of time, so you can ‘temporarily’ get it,’ the bum snorted.
‘Wait, how do you know my name,’ Tork retorted.
Gestalt moments!
You can ‘change the world’ more by simply kicking back on a Cadillac and changing yourself.

You can ‘change the world’ more by simply kicking back on a Cadillac and changing yourself.

Spitting as he spoke, the bum continued,
’Get me… building a nuther carnival world could take a millennia, but only yer reincarnated self will experience it. And you CAN create new thoughts, but you really wanna?’

‘Old languages must skedaddle, and new ones created. You gonna do this?’
Kundalini rising is a great game, and it can be found in the carnival as well.
Only through ‘time’ do we desire that which can never be.

Only through ‘time’ do we desire that which can never be.

‘If you think yer gonna create a world of beauty wit out ugliness, then maybe I’ll drop by to see ya in a few thousand illusory-like years. Problem is… you’ll be them, and won’t recognize me.’
The bum backed up, and kept stumbling backwards until he was well into the highway. He straightened his crooked spine as well as he could, but before he said another word, two bright lights and a metal grill found him.


Moving souls from one carnival to another.

Moving souls from one carnival to another.

Theta healing occurs within the realms of the soul carnival.
Tork jumped out of the car to help.
Rides of the soul.
An energy of compartmentalization.
Yet… there was nobody there.
Carnival rides and soul wheels
Thrill and chill with XTzu
The truck kept going.
The forms may fade, but new ones return.

The forms may fade, but new ones return.


Tork sometimes hangs out in the Alchemy Lounge. Come on in and buy him a drink…