Posts tagged time
Reincarnation attachment - Is this your stop? Explore the existence of will, choice, and rebirth.

Last stop in the reincarnation station – All Aboard! Tickets please…

Our life’s stories are chiseled with our own hands, ‘before’ we were born. Whew! Time means nothing ‘before’ then. This doesn’t pull the soiled sheets out from under the existence of Will. But you thinking so, if you are, is the reason you’ve believed fate was a headlock you could never get out of. Fate, well… it’s nothing more than freewill in the now, awareness bent through thick geezer glasses.

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Time is implied in words, where 'eternity' and 'forever' are rarely questioned.

The further you step back from time, the clearer it is some consciousness has been there, producing new exciting movies.

Listen to the parable of Jimmy Jack... the carnie who kept harping that he was ‘eternal’... and all because he wanted to ‘live’ forever!

All ‘future’ events are manifestations of Will. That’s because there’s no such thing as the future when looking through the Absolute. Time appears when you’re moving your head over a fractal picture.

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The world serves you by its limited time frame. Belonging isn't everything.

Indeed, all things that come... go. Including planets and people.

If self-appointed carnival masters of civic, financial, scientific, religious, social and educational leadership perpetuate beliefs that can’t be questioned or debated, it’s safe to say there’s fairgrounds about to be washed away.

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Salvation has no deadline. In the present, becoming self-realized has no final cutoff.

At your leisure, free yourself from the suggestion of 'salvation'. Here, in the here & now, the present... becoming aware has no final cutoff. Remove your consent from the manipulation.

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