Posts tagged perception
Time is implied in words, where 'eternity' and 'forever' are rarely questioned.

The further you step back from time, the clearer it is some consciousness has been there, producing new exciting movies.

Listen to the parable of Jimmy Jack... the carnie who kept harping that he was ‘eternal’... and all because he wanted to ‘live’ forever!

All ‘future’ events are manifestations of Will. That’s because there’s no such thing as the future when looking through the Absolute. Time appears when you’re moving your head over a fractal picture.

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Could it be that even perception itself is a symptom of duality? A study of perceptive manipulation.

Refuse the refuse of perceptive manipulation, and find out why you’ve been trying so hard… with little return.

Walk into to discover a little known barrier to your perceptive emancipation.

The perceptive can never comprehend, for its action is the enabler.

Still, singularity is complete and needs not perception. This is known as the Essential Nature, the Word, Singularity, and the Oneness of Nazeur… all found in Twin Inferno state. This is where carnival dances and playground games are common and enjoyable.

Do you think it’s time to place one of your feet outside the carnival?

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Embrace choice, and change your view of humanity.

Examine the relationship between choice and perception in 'The ‘Human Race’ has no checkered flag'.

Now don’t get all uptight before you hear the whole thing, but the ‘human race’, the ones we see lulling around carnivals and truck stops will never be free. This is a truth that’s truer than the lines of my Airstream.

Take a pitstop and boldly embrace choice.

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Come on a hot air balloon. A minute can change your perspective forever. Become an ego whisperer.

Do you want to navigate where singularity is complete, and needs not perception? Embrace the fractal realization, become an ego whisperer, and reframe duality with oneness.

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