Suggestions are hypnotic, illusory-like. Wake and sleep are in your imagination.

Visions of wake and sleep congeal creation. Do you want to find out how all suggestions are hypnotic, are illusory-like, no matter how ‘solid’ they may appear?

It is us that go bump in the dark ; )
The real dream isn’t at night. It’s the one that makes you believe there’s a ‘wake’ and a ‘sleep’. Wake and sleep are in your imagination.

Fly through visions and dream with us. The opportunity of creation during sleep awaits.

Drift into a new dimension and perception of duality...
FUNHOUSEAlso used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator’. Same as ‘Bathroom Stall’ and…


Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator’. Same as ‘Bathroom Stall’ and ‘Outhouse’.

Enter the realm where dreaming and waking are but visions of the imagination.

We wonder if there are sneaky beings creeping around, or things that go bump in the funhouse.

Well friend, pull up a barstool and order a double because we’re what we’ve been wondering about.

Without looking through the bug splattered windshield of our waking state, consider that ‘awake’ is actually sleep.
In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is visiting the varied dimensions during both wake and sleep

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is visiting the varied dimensions during both wake and sleep

Within the dimensions of dream, we rarely contemplate ‘awake’.

Within the dimensions of dream, we rarely contemplate ‘awake’.

Damn right, sure looks like a body with a pair of overalls laying there from the ‘wake’ state, but it’s the other way around. You see, consciousness during ‘sleep’ has thoughts… ones about the illusory-like ‘wake’ state. Yet, those thoughts are called ‘dreams’ by the wake state perma-goggles.
The imagination conjures the distinctions of wake and sleep.Many who are in their ‘awake’ state who hear this throw brazen temper tantrums, as it’s painful to have belief systems and perceptive consistency challenged.

The imagination conjures the distinctions of wake and sleep.Many who are in their ‘awake’ state who hear this throw brazen temper tantrums, as it’s painful to have belief systems and perceptive consistency challenged.

The twin moons of wake and sleep engender emotions and feelings that are rarely spoken about, not conventional, and have so little associated with other emotions that we don’t have ready words for it. We feel these in the quiet moments, the stages t…

The twin moons of wake and sleep engender emotions and feelings that are rarely spoken about, not conventional, and have so little associated with other emotions that we don’t have ready words for it. We feel these in the quiet moments, the stages transitioning into ‘sleep’, our journeys, and energetic travels.

While awake, we see others ‘sleep’ reflecting from funhouse mirrors. That honey who passed out after an evening of bar carousing, well… she’s a projection perpetuating trailer depth.
Duality is the crescent moon looking at its ‘earth shine’

Duality is the crescent moon looking at its ‘earth shine’

We are creators in any perceived state.

We are creators in any perceived state.

We see others ‘sleep’ from our temporal perspective.
Dreams and wake are two sides of the moon.

Dreams and wake are two sides of the moon.

Embrace nondualism at your convenience.

Embrace nondualism at your convenience.

They aren’t asleep, they’re superimpositions perpetuating a 3D view.
In wake, are we sleeping. During sleep, are we awake? Indeed, sleep and wake are two sides of a 'dream-like' experience.

In wake, are we sleeping. During sleep, are we awake? Indeed, sleep and wake are two sides of a 'dream-like' experience.


When we ‘sleep’, we simply aren’t ‘here’ in the 3D realm. We do not, as it’s so-called, ‘exist’, although those who’d watch us slumber would swear on their Stetson it wasn’t true. During snores, we travel from carnival to carnival. That is, unless there’s a tunnel going past the carnival gates, and coming up in-between.

Placing as many D’s into ‘D’imensions as we want, we feel hyper-dimensional. Visions of wake and sleep congeal creation. All suggestions, no matter how solid, are illusory-like. The real dream isn’t at night. It’s the one that makes you believe there’s a ‘wake’ and a ‘sleep’.
The suggestions of mutually arising sleep and wake are but a game we play.

The suggestions of mutually arising sleep and wake are but a game we play.

So I’m curious… just what are you going to dream about tonight?

You’re invited to tuck yourself in at our group…


Considerations of ‘emotion and thought’ during ‘sleep’ and ‘wake’

There is no limit to the variety of emotions one can feel. Usually during ‘sleep’ is where these are sensed. And although thought and emotion are two ways of looking at the same thing, it’s still interesting to look at how their internal structure works; first, thought is like a handler, a guide. It’s always the action that suggests the desire of a Will (from anywhere and anyWill) is manifesting. So here, thought points towards the sensation, where this emotion is more ‘like’ a place. In this locale, the vast number of emotions are as wide as there are thoughts. 

Emotion only exists where there is thought… and vice versa.

Now there are those sensations normally called ‘emotions’, but they are not created by lesser Wills. They are the initial ground state of ‘joy’. Joy is not something you feel, it is something you are. 

The Wills frolic about, creating suggestions for you to swallow or reject. The schemes are without boundaries… to create emotions and engender thoughts. Then, these Wills suggest thoughts that have a higher correlation to creating certain emotional states. Wills in the deep shadows, may through an aware or unaware state use the two in a tandem dance… so as to stir a dizzying medley for other wills to navigate. They mostly do so in order to consolidate their own creation, or their desire to perceive in certain ways for a ‘longer’ period of dualistically created time.


A Suggestion from Kaat

Say this to yourself frequently, in meditation, or as you go to sleep, when you need to get your thoughts under control and back inline with spirit:
I AM....
A Divine...
I AM LOVE.....
I am Joy......
I am patience......
I am Kindness...
I am gentleness ....
I am wisdom.....
I am knowledge ...
I am understanding....
I bring peace to chaos 
I bring mercy and pardon to judgment
Where there is darkness, I bring light...
Where there is despair I bring hope....
Where there is sadness I bring Joy.....
Where there is strife and anger, I bring peace and forgiveness....
Where there is doubt, I bring hope and faith.

i am sovereign

i co-create through command