
INTRODUCTION TO THE words, phrases, and ‘descriptionS’ found in the glossary…

There are many paths to where you want to go, so it’s not necessary to agree to one set of definitions if you don't resonate. The point is to embrace 'unlearning', while stepping through the knot of words. Now… we use lots of 'words', but know their best use is when they're here for enjoyment and play. We emphasize words to show their LIMITATION! Ultimately, we’re expressing NOT to describe or explain, but to clarify our reflection, so as to become MORE PRESENT. 

Our definitions are mainly extracted from the root meaning of the word (etymology). It’s effective to embrace definitions of a word that are related to its root, for that’s the intent of using that particular distinctive word… to relate the core essence. Where definition drifts from root, very little communication occurs. When encountering definitional challenges, we have the option of creating a new word to embody our intent. In addition, the 'sound' of the words are also as important to note as the 'visual'. When one spells, they spell not just in writing, but in sound and kinesthetics. That’s the original meaning of 'casting a spell'... essentially expressing Will that’s commonly described as 'information', moving into the eyes, ears and experience of others and 'in-forming'.

We’ve created numerous allegories, parables and fables to assist in navigating the thought-processes that oft desire to inflate the natural ego. Through this we become less attached to the perception that our creations are greater than 'our absolute-self'. The challenge is that we’re communicating in a language built to consolidate reflections. That said, there are ways, through humor, contradiction, and blended imagery that act to reframe and rebalance the observer into the the 'space between thoughts'.

Many 'definitions' are more of an 'anti-definition'. They move toward showing the contradictions of mind-based ideas. We don't subscribe to the notion that 'other' definitions are right or wrong, but simply lacking use for being able to break the trance state (all mind created things and beliefs).

Be patient as you journey. 

Got to love the in-built reflections within words!

Truly, the effort to speak and capture that which 'is' has stumbling blocks seized upon by the mind in hopes it can be what it dreams.


A system of representing and expressing increasing angles. A thought-form that reflects upon itself and suggests its own solidity. Allegedly a Hindu form of angular sequential progression that was later believed to be Arabic in origin, but the ‘historical’ veracity matters little. Each number corresponds to the quantity of angles (equal to or less than 180 degrees so its maximum internal sum is 9 [1+8+0)]) within its original structure.

3 Days and Nights

The earth winter solstice Dec 22-25th constitutes approximately 3 days of ‘death’ before the sun begins to rise from its furthest equatorial tilt. The sun/son/soul then rises again. Both the ‘intellectual’ and the ‘religious’ definitions are thought forms (trance inducing hypnotic suggestions) that imply duality is singularity, that the relative is Absolute (see def), and that the temporal is the essential nature (see def). 

10k mile maintenance and repair plan

A phrase alluding to the intermittent, yet disciplined plan to regularly ground oneself, give thanks, forgive oneself and others, reconnect to nature, and inspect/adjust/remove incongruent belief systems.


The ‘Absolute’ is placed in the context of ‘absolute and its subordinate relative’. This does not imply a dualistic relationship, as the ‘Absolute and relative’ are not mutually arising (see def). The vantage of the absolute transcends all suspension of disbelief when aware of the temporal (see def) concept of ‘mutual arising‘. To gain awareness by means of illusory-like (see def) thought (‘brain’ language) is impossible (like placing wind in a bag and calling it the wind). The ‘relative’ offshoot is a temporal word that incorporates all ‘things’, as well as all ‘duality’, including viewpoints that suggest yin/yang mutually arising concepts where it is inappropriate to do so. The relative is always arrived at from the vantage of the Stetson (or brain) see def. Only the space ‘between thoughts’ can embrace the Absolute. For this to be achieved, the observer must have a proper vantage upon the process of observing (see def), which is the physical and energetic temporal brain (that which is related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process. Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’ by Xavier. All ‘things'(see def), including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.) The essential nature incorporates the observer as a component (here defined using temporal words as best as possible), which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed). Mutual Arising is an Eastern concept of complementary ‘observations of processes’. Many of these concepts are littered with mistakes that arise from an incomplete recognition of the thought process that engenders their definition. Such examples are; Good-Bad, Good-Evil, Right-Wrong, Thing/No-Thing, Existence/Non-existence etc whenever linguistically associated to Absolute and Relative is incorrect. Used here, the word ‘absolute’ alludes to the Essential Nature, which is the actual ‘source’, essence, identity, that transcends all thought created abstractions regarding what ‘you’ are (see; ‘you’ below). It also can be considered as the negation of all experiential based identifications (ie; ‘you’ are not what you do, what you look like, what you feel, what you ‘think’). Because all experiences are based on thought/emotion, and all thoughts are emotion (no such duality exists, as the only difference comes from the vantage of perception), the essential nature stands alone as the actual You (see ‘You’ below). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a ‘component’ (defined here using temporal words as best as possible), which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts. Same as ‘Flood‘.

Important Note: The Absolute and the Relative are not normal concepts founds in most philosophies or religions. When they are, they’re not expressed in this particular way. Outside this definition, you’ll find that the language used has created inconsistent multiple meanings. In addition, while some definitions come close, there’s always a part that harkens back to that which is either ‘polar’, or ‘mutually arising’. Again… The Absolute is neither, while the Relative encompasses that which is ‘polar’, ‘mutually arising’, and ‘dualistic’.


Although the essential nature of what we temporarily and for convenience sake label ‘Absolute-self’, the term itself ultimately defies being captured by words, for words are the symptom of imagination and consent. Here, we use this term to allude to the terms ‘no-mind’ and ‘the present’ (as defined here). The Absolute-self is used to describe the clarity and vantage where the filters and templates of perception do not interfere with ‘knowing’ (as opposed to the transient distinctions of ‘knowledge’). See ‘Smaller-Self’.

The challenge of this variety of expression is that the words themselves (by their nature of being templated distinctions) always hold a contradiction. The 'Absolute-self' as alluded to that which has no-thing, and no-mind. Got to laugh at that… language, the representer of 'things' trying to infer 'no-thing'! The 'Absolute-self' within confines of the Alchemy Lounge, Playgroundia, and Twin Inferno indicate the ‘Absolute’ (see def). The phrase is placed in the context of ‘absolute and its subordinate relative’. Although we utilize the words and phrases, they aren't meant to imply a dualistic relationship, as the ‘absolute and relative’ are not mutually arising.


Although an Airstream is an aluminum travel trailer, it is used here as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ sometimes identified as body and soul. (Same as ‘R.V.’ and ‘Trailer’). The ‘Airstream’ is a metaphor for the ‘human experience’. Whether you ‘remember’ having made the choice ‘to be here’ makes no difference to the condition. Only when you are completely in the ‘now’ can you come to terms.


Etymology comes from the bull and its 2 horns. “Angus”. Derived from the ancient Bull God, from Osiris & Isis, to Canaanite EL & Asherah. The two (2) horns are representative of duality (see def).

Angle - ANGEL

The first constructions of thought, where angles construct numbers, then letters, symbols, shapes, and all ‘things’ in order of increasing complexity. The word ‘angle’ is considered by Xavier (character in Twin Inferno allegories) to be a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted with thought-forms without their awareness (ie; angle, angel by juxtaposing the ‘g’ and ‘e’). Note the sounds and spelling, ‘ang’ ‘el’, and their suggestions and root.



Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant) and audience.


A word that suggests many associations (see SMTS). An electrical arc is a luminous bridge formed in a gap. The ‘ark’ of the predictive programming flood story is also a bridge for the electrical ‘arc’ of the temporal experience, the ‘ark’ of the covenant is an ark that metaphorically carries the ‘arc’, and the ‘arc’ of the ‘arcons’ is the error that is carried when the perceiver believes that the thought that creates divided light has really ‘created’ any more than a temporal ‘thing’. You may or may not be at war with a thought-form. Listen to all the words that you may consume; archaic, ark, arc, archeology, arch angel, arch, etc. These words sometimes instruct your subconscious to categorize and perceive in ways that are not in your best interest. When you realize this, you have emancipated yourself from their influence.


At-ten-tion is a word that holds the construct, spell, and suggestion of ‘10’. The word indicates the direction of an individual fractionalized souls focus, as well as a wills ability to provide, send, and place information and desire within another soul, who then consciously or unconsciously chooses to allow that information to IN FORM within them.

Moreover, the number ‘10’ and the homonym pronunciation of the sound ‘ten’ suggests a method of magnifying advancing sensation, and operates by acting as a multiplier of the original set of 9 numbers (1-9 in their increasing succession of angles - ‘1 has one angle, etc’). It is hidden in plain sight and sound throughout many languages (l-ANG-uages). In English words, find the homonym (sound) within 'in-ten-sity', 'in-ten-tion', ‘ten’acity. ‘po’ten’tial, and more.


Within Twin Inferno, Alchemy Lounge, and Playgroundia, this term usually refers to the observer that embraces a connection between their trance state beliefs, and their corresponding desires. The term does not indicate a value system. It refers to the state where one has choice. This choice (or choice not to choose) is the source of attachment. One has the sovereignty to choose… whether they embrace that is what provides more experiential drama, including ‘beauty’ and ‘ugliness’ within their small-selves soul decision to be in this playground.


Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant below) and ant.


This metaphor refers to the commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a ‘playground’ or ‘battleground’ for Wills that have varied intentions. Bars consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity. Same as ‘fairgrounds‘, ‘rodeo’, ‘carnival’, and ‘luchador arena‘.

Barnyard Denizens

Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattle, farm workers, audience, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant below) and ant.

Bathrooms and bathroom Stall

A closed-in area that limits the awareness that our real essence is the ‘creator’ and interpreter of other Wills ‘creations’, rather than the creation of the creators. This does not infer we believe our temporal ‘selves’ are not the creation of a more complex Will. See ‘Funhouse‘ and ‘Outhouse‘.


Within the confines of the Alchemy Lounge, Playgroundia, and Twin Inferno allegories, the word ‘belief’ is specifically identified as representing thoughts, thought-forms (larger belief-systems with sigilized symbology), grander egregore belief systems with servitor characteristics, and the super-entranced god-form belief systems that build powerful reflections of inflamed ego while minimizing that particular soul (or group of souls) ability to become present in no-thought and no-mind.

We never identify or use this term in parlances of ‘faith’ (which knows no-thing and is free to detach and create, resides in the Absolute, never learning any-thing, not bound by thought, and a place and vantage, rather than a distinction and attachment. See ‘Phaithe/Faith

Birth and Death (life and death)

The temporal, dualistic observations of that which appears to ‘come and go’, are illusory-like transitions of form observed in the trance state, and reside within the relative perspective.


The perceived ‘solid matter’ that our thought created ‘temporalenergy interacts with.

Brain Prism

'Brain Prism' is a phrase that indicates that the brain acts as a 'light prism' acts, taking in vibrations and dividing them into further subjective categories for the observer to perceive. Same as ‘Stetson‘.


A person, soul, or entity that has a level of awareness of the situation they and ‘others’ are in, yet act to keep others within the confines of their illusory-like state (see ‘carnival’).


The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Carnivals consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity. Same as ‘fairgrounds‘, ‘rodeo’, ‘bar’, and ‘luchador arena‘.


An abstraction of the word ‘universe’ which speaks of the impossible dream of connecting all carnivals together as a new reality that supersedes, destroys, and removes the essential nature (see def).

Carnival Fence

The transition point between the vantage of the Absolute and the perception of the relative (see def). Same as ‘Carnival Gate’.


Within the imagery we use a variety of fences to symbolize the choice and recognition of their dance.

Carnival Gate

The transition point between the vantage of the Absolute and the perception of the relative (see def). Same as ‘Carnival Fence’.

Carnival Master

A singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including kabbalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support of illusion, misperception, and the encouragement of self-blinding behaviors. See ‘Chumba’ and ‘Fair Authorities’.

Carnival Rides

Any activity, behavior, or thing that competes for the attention of the observer. May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined 5 senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature. Same as ‘Signs on the side of the road‘, ‘Ped X-ing Sign‘, ‘Ferris Wheel*‘, ‘Menu’.


Within the imagery we use a variety of carnival ride as symbols.

Carnival Tokens

A metaphor for ‘money’ that is created without any corresponding value attached (fiat money). This counterfeit ‘money’ is incorrectly believed [by what Xavier calls the ‘patrons’ (see patrons), and what the character named ‘Chumba’ calls the ‘audience’ (see def)] to be valid units of account, transactional currency, and a storage of wealth. Carnival tokens steal the labor (energy/time) of those who use them through devaluation as more tokens are conjured at whim, in full faith of the issuing carnival token treasury.


Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, chattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; def below) and ant.

Cause and Effect

A phrase with an unidentified premise that assumes the validity of time ‘outside’ the relative construct of thought borne creation. Cause and effect are terms that attempt to form distinctions where there are none (from the timeless vantage).


The ‘language’ (or El-Ang-uage) that constitutes the symptom of thought, which is used to transmit information (other Wills thoughts) visual and auditory. Language acts as a cage or prison when used without understanding its real purpose. When examined in depth, the language in any of its forms will speak to the conscious and subconscious mind. Language is a symptom of thought, built on numbers, which are built on angles (see angles). Chatter has built in deceptions by its very nature.


Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant below) and ant.


A character used to represent aspects of the smaller-self and higher-rebellion. Also known as Chumba Cruz. He is Xavier’s internal and external antagonist who works in a real and metaphorical carnival by day, and fights in a real and metaphorical Luchador arena by night. Chumba represents a singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including kabbalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support of illusion, misperception, and the encouragement of self-blinding behaviors. Xavier recommends to the reader that they DO NOT view Chumba’s writings. Chumba speaks from thought, not heart. Depending on the context, Chumba may represent the demiurge of gnosticism. Chumba is sometimes spoken of as the owner of the carnival. Chumba may be considered an egregore who masquerades as ‘God’. His last name is ‘Cruz’, meaning ‘Cross’, which suggests the dance between creation & ego. Same as ‘Carnival Master’.


Same as ‘Carnival’.


'Colors' are subjectively interpreted ‘visions’. Their associated ‘feelings’ created by the ‘brain prism' (see def) when interpreted from thought-created subjective distinctions are called ‘sound’. Note: The first distinction called by many is described as 'sound' (“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters, phrases, concepts, and the feeling of perception. (see ‘Thought’, ‘Mexican Hanging Lanterns’ , ‘Tequila Sunrise’ and ‘Creation’).


Any’thing’ that is created by thought and its component desire. This encompasses all things (see; thing) created by thought.


Two or more, ultimately illusory-like distinctive be-ings/entities that may believe their creations are their creators, and who come together to create a more complex movie-like reality (see; movie) for themselves and others by use of thought generated angles (see; angles).

Controlled Opposition

Information offered on a ‘pretext’ for readers to ‘learn the truth’, but is actually providing that truth to hide the most important falsities. Also used to distract and mislead (especially in cases of un-examined premises).


A thought ‘created’ concept implying its own existence and the solidity of time when there is none. The word ‘creation’ incorrectly implies that the thought process created ‘past’ is real, and therefore, that there must have been a ‘creator’. ‘Creation’ may also allude to thought, which is the first distinction as well as sound (“God Spoke ‘word‘ and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters. (See ‘Tequila Sunrise’).

Creatures in the Pen

Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell (or trance state), yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant below) and ant.


Crossing roads

An analogy to the creations, or intersections of one soul with another, or groups of souls and their ‘creations’ with other groups of souls that have consented to a set of perceptions, beliefs, attachments, and emotions.


Any entity that serves to guide another who has expressed interest in stepping outside the temporal perspective, inviting them to the Absolute essential nature of the balanced Twin Inferno state. A crow may suggest contradictions, knowing that may or may not assist to further awaken another who’s chose to dive deep into the temporal trance perspective. The crow represents the knowledge that the ‘Absolute’ has no mutual arising component, and that within the ‘Relative’ we encounter all sensations.


Within the imagery we use crows as a symbol. The location and actions most often tell a larger story.


Within the confines of Twin Inferno allegories, Playgroundia, and the Alchemy Lounge, we have two definitions;

  1. From the viewing point of the natural ego (see def), we don’t include it when referring to the pursuit of needs such as hunger, thirst, reproduction, and survival ‘instincts’.

  2. From the perspective and state of inflamed ego (see def), ‘desire’ is largely considered and referred to as the symptom of a mind and/or soul heavily invested in the trance state. The ‘trance state ‘ indicates any-thing, or any thought, belief system, or perception that is symptom of small-self. We do not ascribe value or worth to such state, just varying levels of awareness that accompany its depth. The trance state is associated with word, spells, mind, ego, things, belief, thought-forms, egregores, god-forms, tie, creation, and perception. The trance state occurs ‘every-where’; with the exception of no-mind, no-thought, and the present. (See Trance State for full definition)

Dimension - (di-men-s-ion)

Di-men-s-ions are fun to play with while engaging in relative duality. This place of distinctions is where all dimensions are but imagined into existence and non-existence (see def). Yet, in the present there are no dimensions, for thought and its reflections aren't there to tease you into such contemplation. If the goal is to reach your essential nature, it's fortuitous to go the other direction, removing di-mensions until you arrive home ; )


‘Di’ is Greek for ‘two’. This is indicative of duality, and the convenient transitory distinctions that come and go.

‘Men(t)’ represents the landscape or earth (read, ‘firma-ment’).


‘Ions’ are the ‘El’ectrical dual component that mutually arise with the perception of ‘matter’. It is also a lingual suggestion of ‘where’ you will place your ‘attention’ (where you place your ‘eye’ ‘on’).


The term ‘discomfort’ indicates the state of be-ing where competing desires reside. The resulting lack of alignment may cause emotional disturbances, cognitive dissonance within the transient mind-state, and ‘bodily’ and ‘energetic’ aberrations characterized and usually labelled ‘un-desirable’.

Divine - (di-vinity, di-vine)

The word and concept of ‘Di-vine’ comes from the dualistic viewpoint that there is perfection and imperfection residing in the illusory-like dreamscape.


‘Di’ is Greek for ‘two’. This is indicative of duality, and the convenient transitory distinctions that come and go. ‘Divus’ in latin infers ‘godlike’ characteristics expressing themselves.


‘Vine’ represents the two vines that coil about each other, inferring that duality creates ‘one’, implying the ‘relative’ is not contingent on the ‘Absolute’. Most usage of the word ‘divine’ comes from a place of thought, pride, and unnecessary distinction.


A term that alludes to the ‘Soul’, defined here as the temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human ‘brain’). See ‘Soul’ for more description.


A concept of mutually arising and complementary ‘observations of processes’. Many of these concepts are littered with mistakes that arise from an incomplete recognition of the thought process that engenders their definition. Such examples are; Good-Bad, Good-Evil, Right-Wrong, Thing/No-Thing, Existence/Non-existence etc whenever linguistically associated to Absolute and relative is incorrect. Same as ‘Mutual Arising’.


Represents all aspects of the trance state within duality. An eddy may or may not be realized by those within it as a symptom of the dualistic playground experience.


'Ego' is transient (like a gust of wind). When attempting to capture it, it becomes clear it's not really any-thing... more of an attachment to a reflection. The ‘ego’ is neither said ‘to exist’ nor ‘not to exist’ from the Absolute vantage, while it is usually labelled as that which ‘exists’ from a relative perception (which all perception is).

It’s entertaining, because there are numerous definitions of ego. Every ‘thought biased’ field of study provides its own angle, then declares, ‘that’s the meaning’. The deeper they go, the more their belief system is solidified. It does a superb job creating ever deeper strategies of distraction so it doesn’t have to look into what it feels is the ‘void’…. that’s nail biting for some ; )

Understand… the ‘ego’ thinks it ‘knows’ some-thing. Essentially, almost every definition of ego is ego based. There is no good or bad about it, it just is. All attempts to validate the ego, to make it more ‘real’ come from the mind (all mind is trance state). Mind and ego doing the tango! Definitions that come from the mind-oriented perspective always reflect back to the psyche. They have to, as that’s their only way of feeling ‘certainty’ where there is not.

Unless one chooses to evaluate from between ‘thoughts’, no one reaches knowing. One remains satisfied with the knowledge that allows themselves to embrace faux security, while ignoring the insecurity the mind disdains. Alchemy Lounge 'definition' is more of an 'anti-definition'. It moves toward showing the contradictions of mind-based ideas. We don't subscribe to the notion that 'other' definitions are right or wrong, but simply lacking use for being able to break the trance state (all mind created things and beliefs).

Twin Inferno distinction between the literary device of ‘natural ego’ and ‘inflamed ego’…

Natural ego refers to the choice to play in the landscape of distinctions for entertainment. This is characterized by the the ‘will to live and survival instinct (often mistaken as fear)’, ‘desire and needs’, as well as ‘thought and distinction’.

Inflamed ego refers to the consequences of a choice made from a soul (see def) to attempt to view its creations and/or the creations of other Wills as greater than the Absolute-self. The state is not unlike looking into a mirror and being unable or unwilling to admit it’s casting a reflection. This attachment is symptomatic of unquestioned belief systems, a near-sighted perception of life and death, and observed in those exhibiting the states of fear and greed.

Natural Ego is differentiated from Inflamed Ego, where the natural ego understands its role of being within duality, while the inflamed ego wishes to force duality to become the Absolute, ignoring that they do not mutually arise.


The word is an SMTS (See def) that suggests through its homonym (sound) both the ‘eye’ and ‘I’. It is the thought-form that enhances the illusory-like distinction of a separation that is simply a transient dream-like state


A group hypnotic force that is represented by light and sound oriented mindset (defined in some circles as luciferian). A segregated illusory-like trance that is created through thought by another Wills awareness. All egregores are conjured. Within Twin Inferno stories, the character named ‘Chumba’ may be considered an egregore (see servitor, sigil, Godform)


A Canaanite term for the father of all humanity. He and his son ‘Baal’ wore real cool headdresses that had 2 horns on them. Legend in the carnival is that the horns worked to symbolize duality, the electrical Jacobs Ladder (see arc), and helped them get consistent bull riding times over 8 seconds.


This term is used today, suggested in words in homonym ‘sounds’ (see SMTS - Subconscious multi-term suggestion). EL=LA EL=LE (reversals) used as pronouns, El is used in Electricity, Elemental, Elect, Elder, and Electromagnetism. Its homonym suggests its deep programmed meaning in words such as ‘L-ight’. Varied spelling includes ‘IL’. Thus, IL is found in ‘Il-umination’, and ‘Il-usion’.

Also related to the number ‘1’ (note the one angle), as well as being suggested in the letter ‘L’. To understand the suggestion, simply say the word ‘Eleven’(El-Even), the ask yourself, ‘What makes ‘L’ even? The answer is two ‘L’s, or ‘11’. This is a reflection reinforcer of duality within our ‘L’ ang-uage.


A perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought and will. Energy and Matter are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points.


A term that is a SMTS (see def of Subconscious multi-term suggestion) and is indicative of the exact opposite of what the spiritual seeker needs to embrace. En-light-en-ment is commonly defined as ‘giving intellectual understanding or spiritual insight‘, however, its real purpose is to suggest that realizations based on the light bringing egregore are correct and spiritual, when in fact they are temporal and relative (see def). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters (see ‘Mexican Hanging Lanterns’ and ‘Tequila Sunrise’). ‘Enlightening’ oneself may refer to becoming either closer or further to the essential nature/absolute.

Essential Nature (See; tao, Flow, Torrent)

The actual ‘source’, essence, identity that transcends all thought created abstractions regarding what ‘you’ are (see definition of the small-self ‘you’ spelled with a lower case ‘y’). It also can be considered the negation of all experiential based identifications (whereas ‘you’ are not what you do, what you look like, what you feel, what you ‘think’). The essential nature stands alone as the actual You (see definition of the large-self ‘You’ spelled with an upper case ‘Y’). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a ‘component’, which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts.


A word that comes from a non-present viewpoint (as all words suggest). A linear and cyclical way of expressing the movement of perception. It is a temporal (see def) term that falsely indicates and assumes the existence of time as the basis for perspective. ‘Eternity’ is the temporal vantage of the ‘Ever-present’. Same as ‘Forever’.


The absolute point from where time based memes such as ‘eternity’ and ‘forever’ are relatively based. The ‘ever-present’ does not mutually arise with ‘eternity’. Present moment awareness may be accompanied with concurrent ‘relative’ realization.



The word ‘eye’ is a SMTS of the capital letter ‘I’ (see def of Subconscious multi-term suggestion). The visual ‘eye’ is a temporal entrance for the ‘light creations’ of other Wills. The seeing ‘eye’ and the capital letter ‘I’ sound the same because the word sounds were meant to mean the same to your subconscious. The creation of the self-distinctive, ego-filled temporary ‘i’ is represented by the lower case letter ‘i’. The word that denotes the physical seeing ‘eye’ suggests ‘ego’ (where ‘y’ and ‘g’ are pronounced similarly in various languages). This spurious distinction is constantly reinforced by the language we speak and think. Note that ‘seeing’ is the process of the visual organ called the ‘eye’ bringing in light information from other wills.

Exist and not-exist

The word/phrase ‘exist’ and ‘not exist’ are symptoms of a perspective that interprets mutually arising polarities. It is purely relative in perception, and usually without question about the origination and illusory-like aspects of ‘things’. For things come and go, thought comes and goes, mind comes and goes.

The mutually arising view of 'existence' and 'non-existence' reside in the playground of the 'relative' (as encompassed by the 'Absolute'). This ‘relative’ is not illusion, but illusory-like, having characteristics of transient dream.

The ‘Absolute’ is placed in the context of ‘absolute and its subordinate relative’. This does not imply a dualistic relationship, as the ‘absolute and relative’ are not mutually arising. The vantage of the Absolute transcends all suspension of disbelief when aware of the temporal process of ‘mutual arising‘. Gaining awareness by means of illusory-like thought (brain language) is impossible, akin to looking in a reflection and thinking its not one.

Unexamined language connects the word and sentiments of 'real' and 'unreal' to the mutually arising vantage of 'existence' and 'non-existence'. The important part is that from the Absolute, it’s unnecessary and without use to say any-thing ‘exists’ or ‘not exists’… it’s immaterial.


A term used to metaphorically refer to an experience that may be considered illusory or illusory-like. Same as ‘carnival’, ‘ranch lands’, ‘Playground’.


A term replacing the currently mis-defined word and concept spelled ‘faith’. A term used to express reality from a ‘Playground’ or ‘TwinInferno’ perspective. Phaithe knows no-thing and is free to detach and create, as contrasted to the now contorted version of the word ‘faith’ which has been bent to be synonymous with ‘belief’ or ‘belief system’. Like the older original version of the word ‘faith’, ‘phaithe’ resides in the absolute, never learning any-thing, not bound by thought, and a place and vantage, rather than a distinction and attachment.

Fallen Angel/Fallen Angle (note the location of the ‘e’ and ‘l’ in the spelling)

Any observer entity that perceives its partition from its identity as more real, equally or inversely related to its essential nature. (See; angle, essential nature). Same as ‘Luchador‘. Note the construction of both words consist of ‘ang’ and the ‘el’.

Farm workers/Ranch hand

Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattle, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see; ignor-ant below) and ant.


A ridiculous play on ‘Einstein’… because we ran out of creative juice at that moment.

Ferris Wheel

A carnival ride used to denote the illusory-like nature of time. Both linear and cyclical descriptions of time are temporal. May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined ‘5’ senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature.


Within the imagery we use Ferris Wheels to symbolize various aspects of our creation and consent of time. This particular ride may also symbolize other temporal aspects.

Fighting Ring

The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. This terms is used by the character is Twin Inferno story’s named ‘Chumba’ as an alternate metaphor for what his polarity arising character named ‘Xavier’ calls the ‘Carnival’. The fighting ring is also known in Spanish as cuadrilatero.


A loose metaphor comparing the ‘creations’ of those who use the thought process to a film that is produced and viewed by itself and ‘others’. Observers may or may not suspend their belief when watching a movie. Same as ‘tube’, ‘production’.See ‘Movie‘.



A metaphor alluding to the Absolute (see def) and the essential nature (see def). Also referred to by ‘Torrent’. All of these descriptions do not mutually arise, nor do they have polar equivalents. This metaphor is used as a metaphor for the Tao, the Flow, and Groove.


Within the imagery we use water symbology to flow realizations that are more challenging to express than words themselves.


Within the confines of Twin Inferno allegories, Playgroundia and the Alchemy Lounge we use the term ‘fractal’ in a purely ‘relative’ fashion. It is of our contention that fractals are convenient mirrors that act as a window (or ‘gate’ see def) for small-self souls, conjured be-ings to ‘go beyond’ their limiting views.

Fractals are reflective mirrors, ‘bread crumbs’ created by larger wills, as well as a symptom of our small-selves placing wider distinctions upon that which is ‘observed’.


Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator’. Same as ‘Bathroom Stall’ and ‘Outhouse’.


Within the imagery we use this ‘ride’ as a symbol of our own creations, and the tendency to give power away to the reflections.


A time meme based concept that is illusory-like. The word ‘future’ is merely anticipation of where in the present moment absolute it is focusing upon.


Gnosis is the term used here to define the awareness gained from the vantage that occurs ‘between thoughts’, not by the ‘knowledge’ gained through thoughts. (Vantage Point from inside your Airstream Trailer). Same as: Vantage Point (From Outside the Carnival) – A ‘comprehension’ that is based on a non-experiential based spiritual vantage (not the relative soul perspective).


Used as an analogy for the ‘physical brain’. Also used as a literary device to represent the ‘The process of observing’ and the ‘thought process’. The brand name ‘Stetson’ is used to indicate this common reference within various Twin Inferno allegories.


We use a variety of hats as metaphors to symbolize the thought process. The placement of which often tells a grander story.


A soul (sometimes referred to as ‘carnie’ in league with the ‘creators’ (manifestors) of the illusory-like world (also referred to as ‘carnival’), and actively promotes the notion that the world (or ‘carnival’) is the baseline to perceive all else from. A ‘Hawker’ is also any individual that works inside a carnival and uses overt sales techniques to attract business. Same as ‘Larger Beasts‘.


The initial geometric structure shape from which other shapes and ‘things’ can be created. Note that this is a primary symbol of numerous religions as well as science. The spell-oriented word ‘hex’ is derived from ‘hexagon’.


See ‘Absolute Self’.


Within the parables and allegories, the term ‘humanity’ refers to a perception that oneself, or those ‘like you’ are distinctly unique from other labels and creations of mind, thought, and belief that you have imagined and consented.

We realize that the term is used by many to indicate various positive characteristics such as integrity, compassion, soul; as well as negative characteristics such as short sightedness, soullessness, greed, vice, and fear. Our definition is holistically different in that we’re indicating the observer is embracing illusory-like perceptions of characteristics, completely based on convenience, and most often blindly embraced and unquestioned. The term when used by small-self be-ings is indicative of their conditioning, attachment to perception, and choice to reside within unexamined spells.

‘i’ and ‘I’

(lower case) and (upper case)

Denotes the illusory-like self (or ‘selves’). The lower case ‘i’ in the statement ‘i’ always represents a conjured entity or ‘entities’ (see; conjure). Also see You and ‘you’, ‘we’ below. ‘i’ and “I” are SMTS (see def of Subconscious multi-term suggestion) of the word ‘eye’. Upper case ‘I’, when used as a comparison with a lower case ‘i’ is asking the viewer to contemplate the ‘i’ as duality and ‘I’ as the overarching Absolute which may utilize duality as a playground state.

Ignor-ant I ignore-ance (‘Ignorance’)

An emphasized extension of the word ‘ignore’. This word illustrates that the common usage does not encapsulate the original meaning. To be ‘ignorant’ is a symptom of ‘ignoring’, or avoiding complete realizations for alternate reasons. Those that are inside of an illusory-like experience (a metaphorical bar, carnival, ranch, or playground that appears like a prison), but have chosen to stay are largely unaware that there is an ‘outside’ of their current perception.

The word ‘ignorance’ has warped from its initial meaning. It has popularly been applied to indicate those who ‘haven’t had a choice for learning’, or used as a derogatory to describe a person who’s ‘short on mental acuity’. Yet, the root of the term is ‘ignore’, and to do so is always a choice, be it conscious, pre-conscious, unconscious or forgotten. There’s no right or wrong about being ignore-ant, as it indicates one’s choice and consent to be in-formed by other Wills distinctions and desires. Every time we accept the message of other Wills without question we are ignore-ant, and acting in ignore-ance. This includes the heavily programmed acceptance of the tenets of language, science, religion, government, tradition, form, shape, color, sound, sensation, as well as the emotions of anger, guilt, shame, regret, arrogance, and more.


The wonderful contradictory essence in the word 'illusion' is its implication… that what the statement's basis sits upon is not an 'illusion'. Indeed, the words we use have a built-in mechanism to reflect the very thoughts we construct them with. 

See Illusory-like


The word ‘il-lu-s-ion’ holds the deep programming of the homonym inferences of ‘El’ (see def), ‘lu’ (indicative of ‘light’), and ‘ion’ (see def). It’s a word that self-reflects its very creation, which is the sensation and interpretation of ‘light’.


Used to denote that the strict definition of ‘illusion’ is not adequate to fully describe in normally used temporal words (note: all words are temporal). In this case, the word illusion infers not the typical ‘magic’ trick or optical (5 sense) deception, but speaks to the dissimilarity of the essential nature with thought created creations, and the inherent lack of questioning regarding which source is the base for the other (there is no yin/yang template, no duality or complementary relationship). The essential nature is ‘singularly’ real, while that which extends from it is illusory-like.


Thoughts that congeal a particular system of belief which take on a ‘life’ and ‘energy’ of their own. Thought-forms may exist in different ‘energetic’ forms and intensities. Created both consciously and unconsciously, they can attach and modify other thought-forms.


In-ten-tion and In-ten-sity are words that holds the construct of ‘10’. The number suggests a method of magnifying advancing sensation, and operates by acting as a multiplier of the original set of 9 numbers (1-9 in their increasing succession of angles - ‘1 has one angle, etc’). It is hidden in plain sight and hearing throughout the many languages (l-ANG-uages). In English words you can find the homonym (sound) within 'in-ten-sity', 'at-ten-tion', ‘ten’acity. ‘po’ten’tial, and more.


The word ‘intersection’ is a derivation of the homonym (similar sound) ‘inter s e x tion’. The ‘X’ is a cross turned 45 degrees. As one line ‘crosses’ the other, they form the union. ‘One’ soul joins with another soul, and through their intersection produce new consciousness, experience, and souls.

A metaphor for the ‘process of creation’, where crossed lines ‘create’ through their inter-sect-ions (derive; ‘sex’). ‘X’ is a ‘T’ on its side, and together present a temporal duality that is ultimately relative and non-spiritual. ‘X’ represents the temporal abstraction of ‘creation’, and ‘T’ represents sacrifice and death. Same as ‘Interseχtion’, ‘PedXing’, ‘Cross’, ‘Cruz’, ‘Christ’. The intersection is a key concept to understanding the sun worship construct that all religions and intellectualism are based upon. Note that birth and death (duality) dates of key figures and concepts within myths and egregores (group hypnotic force represented by light oriented mindset and creating a segregated illusory-like trance in other awareness’s) speak to the human subconscious to suggest and solidify the duality concept as if it was non-temporal (see def) and absolute, when in actuality, it is illusory-like (see def) and relative (see def).

'X' is a symbol and a sigil. Prior to any variant of language claiming the symbol 'as their own', the message built within 'x' is the visual intersection. Turned a few degrees it is also a 't' or cross. Here, the symbol denotes the creation and destruction of 'things'. Crosses 'create', whether they are on their side or not. It's a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted with thought forms without their awareness.


A SMTS (see def of Subconscious multi-term suggestion) for having your attention, or ‘eye’ on a particular suggestion from another will. The ‘eye’s pupil is a student, that’s why it’s named as such. In this, one wills desire is projected, and ‘forms’ ‘in’ you. Most often, this process is never realized by the receiver. Note the words L-ion, Or-ion, Z-ion, etc

Ion SuperBlaster Ride

A carnival ride that puts the ‘i’ into ‘I’ (meaning it incorrectly presupposes that through the relative, one can ‘capture’ the Absolute). This metaphor symbolozes a ride you can see with your ‘eye’. When the allegorical carriage you sit in (the carnival named it the proton/neutron) is contacted with the electrified on-switch (el-ectron), the ride goes into ‘positive or negative motion’. Super fun ride! Most that get on forget they ever boarded.


A contrived crypto-animal that’s part Antelope and Jack Rabbit. It sports a pair of antlers on a rabbit’s body. It represents any’thing’ fanciful created by thought desire, and imagination.

Journey (Road/ROUTE 66)/ROAD

Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. Same as ‘Travels‘, ‘Trips‘, and ‘Time‘.


Derived from Phoenician homonyms El-Ang-uage (see def of El and Ang). Where ‘phonetics’ carry on their message in a subliminal fashion. All Phoenician ‘Phoenetic’ language is constructed by the Ang-El-s (combination of more than 1 angle), and used to deliver information by sound, sight, and touch. If one is speaking and communicating in eng-lish (eng=ang), which is the l-ang-uage of angles, then you have consented at some level to play in the realm of what 'other' souls have created. The limitations of what their language creates are the borders of your perceptive programming.

Larger Beasts

A soul metaphorically referred to in animal form, and in league with the ‘creators’ (manifestors) of the illusory-like world (savanna, carnival, playground, arena), and actively promotes the notion that the savanna (or illusory-like world) is the baseline to perceive all else from. A ‘Larger Beast’ is also any individual that resides on the plains and uses various techniques to attract prey. Same as ‘Hawker’.


Within the imagery we use a variety of animals such as hyaena’s, jackals, crocodiles, scorpions, lions, etc to symbolize this particular soul-state. The placement of which usually tells a larger story.

‘Law’ of Attraction

The concept of attracting the objects of desire through intention and attention, whereby the focus and repetition of various thoughts and emotions manifest new experiences/realities. This definition does not make a judgment as wrong or right, but seeks to clarify that this ‘law’ it is a temporal tool, rather than a spiritual one. Note that this ‘law’ is effected by competing wills, as well as time based illusory-like notions of cause and effect. The law of attraction stems from a symptom of dualistic eyes. From one point of view, it appears as if ‘attraction’ is an evident process. From this we say such things as ‘ I attracted this or that’. But when we step back, just a few steps from that vantage, we find that there is no such thing as attraction in the present. The present is without time. And attraction operates within the framework of time. We do not ‘cause’ anything to occur by our ‘attention’. It only seems so from time-bound perception. We fail to come to terms with the hoodwink of cause and effect, a duo that is made distinctive by our own imagination.


The subjective sensation and interpretation an observer may make when information is delivered from other thought-forms (see def). This ‘light’ may be subjectively experienced as ‘red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, indigo, and other frequency sensations the mutual wills have consciously or unconsciously agreed upon’. 'Light' is a sensation, the resulting feeling one gets when receiving the Will of another creator. We 'see' what we have consented to 'see' and what we are then 'tuned'. The 'small-self' hosted in the relative (see def) plays in the realm of light and dark, and all that mutually arises


The word is related to and suggests the deep conditioned sound of ‘El’ (see def).

Derivative Words:

‘Enlightenment’ is a term that is a SMTS (Subconscious multi-term suggestion) and is indicative of the exact opposite of what the spiritual seeker needs to embrace. En-light-en-ment is commonly defined as ‘giving intellectual understanding or spiritual insight‘, however, its real purpose is to suggest that realizations based on the light bringing egregore are correct and spiritual, when in fact they are temporal and relative. The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters - all the wonderful things that make up our myriad of trance states.

To use the word ‘light’ in any word, and then subscribe to the notion of its implication without understanding what ‘light’ actually is, is like looking in a mirror, and believing your reflection is you.

EnLIGHTenment from the vantage of the essential nature is always a dead-end goal… as the very pursuit is but a reflection of the ego/soul not understanding that it itself has made the choice to play here in the playground.

Light Switch

A comparison that alludes to that which leads to ultimately false dichotomies.


The ‘King of the Jungle’… a god symbol (especially for those who worship ‘light’ and its implication of ‘dark’).

‘L’ ‘ion’ is a word that suggests ‘Ion’ (see def), and its implied electromagnetic creating characteristics (and consequent sensations of ‘light). The ‘L’ of ‘L’ion is the similar/same sound of ‘El’, which in turn suggests ‘God in Electricity’ as well as any other word that contains ‘El’ (think ‘El-ectromagnetism’ see def).


Within the imagery we use the symbol of lion. The placement of which growls a larger story.

LiMited Hangout

In effort to obscure dualistic information and has gone ‘in’side you and ‘form’ed, those with attachments to duality will speak about a 'relative truth' (that which aligns with most peoples perception) and connect other concepts, programming, and conditioning so that larger goals can be achieved.


Los Rudos

Represents the ‘rule breaking, bad boy Luchadors who fight against the ‘good guys’.


Mexican Wrestler.

A small-self ego entity & observer perceiving its partition as more real than its essential Absolute-self nature. (See; angle, essential nature). Same as ‘Fallen Angel/Angle‘.

Luchador Arena

A place where ‘Luchadors’ fight.

The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Carnivals consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity. Same as ‘fairgrounds‘ and ‘carnival‘.


A ‘fractal singularity’ where all things are overlapped, including but not limited to any experience, concept, object, time, distinction, category or section of matter or energy, symbol (including letters and numbers), whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process.

Used as a term to form contrast for the metaphor ‘Territory’.


An item of clothing that represents the aspects of the personality that are thought of as being the real you, but are nothing but symptoms of an experience. Usually, but not always used in context with Chumba’s luchador ‘mask’ (a character in Twin Inferno stories that acts as a representation of higher rebellion). Same as ‘Overalls


Anything related to that which is created by thought such as matter, energy, and vibrations.


A perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought. Matter and energy are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points. The word ‘matter’ is considered to be a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted with thought-forms without their awareness (ie; materium, mother, moon, matter).


Any activity, behavior, or thing that competes for the attention of the observer. May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined 5 senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature. 


The merry-go-round represents the dizzying reflective nature of ‘time’… that which always arises when creative distinctions are dreamt into tentative flight through Will and imagination. 

Mexican Hanging Lanterns

Stringed multicolored lights.

The first distinction which is sound (“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters (see ‘Thought’, Tequila Sunrise’ and ‘Creation’).

Mirrors/rearview mirrors/REFLECTIONS (Glasses, whisky goggles)

All interpretations of senses, as well as thought-forms (see def) including scientific theories, social conventions, religious and political dogmas, that we incorrectly perceive and believe to exist outside our own and others thought creation. Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator(s)’. Same as ‘Traffic Rules‘.


Within the imagery we use a variety of mirror symbology. Their location and particular reflection alludes to the grander story.


A loose metaphor comparing the ‘creations’ of those who use the thought process to a film produced and viewed by itself and ‘others’. Observers may or may not suspend their belief when watching a movie. Same as ‘tube’, ‘film’, ‘production’.

Mutual Arising

An Eastern concept of mutually arising and complementary ‘observations of processes’. Many of these concepts are littered with mistakes that arise from an incomplete recognition of the thought process that engenders their definition. Such examples are; Good-Bad, Good-Evil, Right-Wrong, Thing/No-Thing, Existence/Non-existence etc. Whenever linguistically associated to the Absolute, the concept of ‘relative’ is not mutually arising. Same as ‘duality’.


Neuro-linguistic Programming (the brain as a computer). A study of subjective experience that offers methods to improve total communication utilizing both conscious and subconscious techniques. Note that most main sources of information on NLP are disinformation, attempting to negate its recognition as a viable way of understanding the human ‘brain’. WPedia is such a source of disinformation.

National park

Analogous to the ‘perception of duality’. The ‘National Park’ has a special connotation that illustrates the beauty of that which is not usually considered acceptable or ‘that of a spiritual nature’. Still, the term is an emboldened word that speaks of peace in a place that is usually considered ‘chaos’ (a concept that is most often misdefined and ignores the essence that all motion is ‘caused’ by Will.) Also defined as ‘Savanna’.


Nazeur is a term that implies ‘choice’, as well as the place where the false dichotomy of ‘nature vs nurture’ can be questioned.


A term that signifies the word is actually a compound statement. In this case, ‘nothing’ originally refers to ‘no thing’ - where a ‘thing’ is defined as any experience, personality, concept, object, distinction, time, category or section of matter or energy, symbol (including letters and numbers), whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process.


The state where thoughts may or may not occur, yet the observer embraces their choice, placing their focus and attention according to their own desire.


Any ‘thing’ that is perceived (concept, object, distinction, category or section of matter or energy, symbol including letters and numbers, whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process). The process of observing, may mistake ‘the observed’ as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).


The essential nature incorporates the observer as a component (defined here using temporal words as best as possible), which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake ‘the observed’ as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).

Off Roading/Dirt Road

A place and method of traveling where the soul see’s itself as transient, views its experience within the confines of ‘trance’, and approaches its being as residing within a playground.

Open the curtains

A metaphorical phrase that alludes to removing the objects of perception that create various trance states for a better view of the transition point between the vantage of the Absolute and the perception of the relative.


A closed-in area that limits the awareness that our real essence is the ‘creator’ and interpreter of other Wills ‘creations’, rather than the creation of the creators. This does not infer we believe our temporal ‘selves’ are not the creation of a more complex Will.


An item of clothing that represents the aspects of the personality that are thought of as being the real you, but are nothing but symptoms of an experience. Same as ‘Mask‘


Not to be confused with the definition of suffering (see ‘Suffering’ def.). Here, ‘pain’ is any sensation that causes discomfort in the process of a dualistic, ‘human’ experience. Pain is a ‘relative’ concept (see relative), and commonly confused with the notion of ‘suffering’ (where suffering is caused by attachments to temporal events, be-ings, and things). Pain occurs within the confines of the smaller-self. The Absolute-Self knows no pain, and creates the landscape where pain and pleasure can be entertained.


Represents the creation of yours and other Wills, including those perceived as Earth and Sun. It also infers a level of ‘consent to perceive’ from those souls that are experiencing it.


A time meme based concept that is illusory-like. The word ‘past’ is merely memories of where in the present, the Absolute has its attention focused (please excuse the built in time-meme).


Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as travelers, cattle, chattle, farm workers, barnyard denizens, creatures in the pen, the ignor-ant (see def) and ant.

Ped X-ing Sign

May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined ‘5’ senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature. Same as ‘Signs on the side of the road‘, ‘Carnival Rides‘.


As identified within the Alchemy Lounge, Playgroundia, and Twin Inferno, ‘perception’ is defined as the process of observing that occurs only within dualistic, relative playgrounds. Perception is created by filters and templates that guide the observer into belief systems of consent. Perception is maintained by consent, self-created desire, the process of ‘in-form-ing’ through ‘other’ souls ‘light’ creations and Will (conjuring spell-craft), thought, thought-forms, egregores, godforms), and agreed upon tuned resonance and categorization within the imagined parameters of distance, time, and space.


A term replacing the currently mis-defined word and concept spelled ‘faith’. A term used to express reality from a ‘Playground’ or ‘TwinInferno’ perspective. Phaithe knows no-thing and is free to detach and create, as contrasted to the now contorted version of the word ‘faith’ which has been bent to be synonymous with ‘belief’ or ‘belief system’. Like the older original version of the word ‘faith’, ‘phaithe’ resides in the absolute, never learning any-thing, not bound by thought, and a place and vantage, rather than a distinction and attachment.


Any form of small-self ego, or symptom of ego such as organizations including religious, scientific, governmental, social, or other that needs constant maintenance and limitations to keep it performing its intended purpose (same as attack dog).


The term used to describe the optimal experience of duality. This Playgroundia is the ‘place’ and ‘vantage’ of having a mastery over the relative dualistic world, and walking in the peace of the ‘Absolute’ (see def).

Predictive Programming

Predictive programming states that myths, stories, public media, use subtle messages that speak to the subconscious mind, indicating a particular event to occur in the future. The subtle framing of the event is created so that the viewer, or one who experiences the event will believe that it is of natural occurrence, rather than staged and fabricated. Predictive programming is a concept widely accepted by psychologists (as well as religious figures throughout history) as highly effective. Predictive programming provides information to your subconscious so that the mass of attention increases the probability of that which is desired to manifest. Some sources you will find on the Internet (ie; WPedia) are controlled and modified by those who would like you to discount its significance – be advised!


A term used to describe the ‘place’ and ‘non-vantage’ of no-mind. When used in within the framework of Twin Inferno, Playgroundia, and the Alchemy Lounge it is synonymous with ‘now’ (which does not infer a ‘moment’ in time and space). The word ‘present’ is not indicative of mutually arising observations within the imaginary conjurations of the time based concepts of ‘past’ and ‘future’. Our definition of ‘present’ does NOT derive from a place of thought (of which is largely a symptom of the trance state). The use of ‘Present’ does not indicate a ‘thing’. ‘Present’ is simply an allusion to the here and now. Only from within the trance state would the transient labeling of ‘existence’ or its mutually arising ‘non-existence’ be applied. The present here and now has no words, nor distinctions. 

Process of Observing

The physical and energetic temporal ‘brain’ (that related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process). Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. All ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.) Also referred to as ‘Stetson’, ‘The Thought Process’, and ‘Hypnosis’ (all thought is hypnosis in varying degrees). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a component which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).


Any entity in a co-creating relationship that ‘produces’ an illusory-like experience, or ‘movie’. A loose metaphor comparing the ‘creations’ of those who use the thought process to a film that is produced and viewed by itself and ‘others’.


A metaphor of the field of perception that your own and others movie-like productions are cast upon. The screen is representative of the ‘brain’, the process of observing, the metaphor named ‘Stetson’, and the temporal energy which the brain subjectively interprets into its own ‘reality’. Same as ‘tube’, ‘window’.

question words; Why, what, where, how, when

A set of question words that each hold internal assumptions, including the implication that 'time' is the baseline to judge all things from.

Quotes – “…” ‘…’

Quotes or apostrophes surround any word or phrase that is used in the forms of communication (including written and spoken language), and is a source of possible SMTS (Subconscious multi-term suggestion), implanting, manipulation, distraction, and should be considered with scrutiny by the reader.


A Will of any form or identity that has made the choice to use their knowledge of creation through thought to build a delusion for themselves, while deepening the trance state of any of ‘the ranched’ choosing to embrace ‘ignore-ance’ (see def).


See ‘Mirrors’


A term used as a literary device to indicate all ‘things’ that are found in duality, including viewpoints that suggest yin/yang mutually arising concepts where it’s inappropriate to do so. The relative is always arrived at from the vantage of the ‘brain’ (also referred to as the ‘Stetson’ in some Twin Inferno stories). Only the space ‘between thoughts’ can embrace the Absolute. For this to be achieved, the observer must have a proper vantage upon the process of observing, which is the illusory-like physical and energetic temporal ‘brain’ (that which is related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process). Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’ within the Alchemy Lounge, Twin Inferno, and Playgroundia. All ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal. See ‘Absolute’.

Relative Truth

A term used as denote tentative distinctions and transient events masquerading as essential ‘truth’.


Any activity, behavior, or thing that competes for the attention of the observer. May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined ‘5’ senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature. Same as ‘Signs on the side of the road‘, ‘Ped X-ing Sign‘, ‘Ferris Wheel*‘.


A place and method of traveling where the soul see’s itself as transient, views its experience within the confines of ‘trance’, and approaches its being as residing within a playground.


A sport that originated from cattle herding. We use this term because of the applicability and metaphor of ‘cattle’ (see def). A rodeo is a commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Rodeos consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity. Same as ‘fairgrounds‘, ‘carnival’ and ‘luchador arena‘.


Any entity that competes with the will of those who are in love with their dualistic ego based experience, and have made it their objective to eliminate competition. Any of these Wills are given terms in the stories as Carnival Master, Rancher, and Chumba.

RV (Trailers)

Used here as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as the body and soul. (see Airstream)

RV Park

A metaphor for a gathering of fractionalized souls (physical and energetic ‘bodies’) who are interacting with each other.


Subconscious multi-term suggestion. Any word, usually in English, that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are then implanted with a thought-form suggestion (or sub-program) without their awareness. This language is used to achieve a desired effect, as the language is also the form in which the ‘physical’ brain (see; Stetson) uses to ‘think’.


Analogous to the ‘perception of duality’. The ‘Savanna’ has a special connotation that illustrates the beauty of that which is not usually considered acceptable or ‘that of a spiritual nature’. Still, the term is an emboldened word that speaks of peace in a place that is usually considered ‘chaos’ (a concept that is most often misdefined and ignores the essence that all motion is ‘caused’ by Will.) Also defined as ‘National Park’.


A metaphor of the field of perception that your own and others movie-like productions (see def) are cast upon. The screen is partially characterized by the brain (process of observing – see ‘Stetson’) AND the temporal (see definition) energy which the brain subjectively interprets into its own ‘reality’. Same as ‘tube’, ‘production’ and ‘window’.


The process of information created by other Wills coming through various senses (most often the ‘Eye’). The word ‘See’ is also a SMTS (Subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that it subconsciously connects to associations of ‘Sea’, ‘Ma’ ‘Mother’, ‘Moon’.


A metaphor for self-enforced ideas and behaviors used to reinforce belief systems.


A segregated awareness that is created to perform a function. All servitors are conjured, sometimes through the use of sigils. (see sigil, egregore, Godform)

Shadow self

The idea of the ‘shadow self’ was first conceived by Carl Jung, a 20th-century psychologist. In his field of psychology. The word ‘shadow’ refers to hidden parts of our being. This may be parts of ourselves we try to repress because they make us feel sad or wounded. This is the side that we may avoid showing society, such as when we are at work or school. It can also indicate how we internally perceive ourselves as being weak or in pain – that we feel the need to hide these parts of ourselves. Carl Jung believed in the integration of the shadow side so that our full self is acknowledged, and we can live in a balanced way by having explored all parts we resist or do not know how to accept.


A segregated awareness that is created through thought by another awareness. All sigils are conjured. (see servitor, egregore, Godform)

Signs/signs on the Side of the Road

May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined 5 senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature. Same as ‘Ped Xing’ and ‘Carnival Rides‘.


In temporal perspective (relative), it is used as a term that indicates thoughts or behavior that corrupt frequencies which propagate fractal constructions. Higher wills that wish to usurp the will of others modify the definition to include any thought or behavior that violates their own temporal constructions. From the Absolute perspective, the only ‘sins’ that have any consequence are the ones that attempt to present duality as singularity (ignoring the true reality of love).


A term used as a literary device to indicate the transient perception of both the natural ego and the inflamed ego. The ‘small-self’ perceives through the templates created by itself and other Wills. The small-self can be completely entranced or be partially emancipated in its view. When it is emancipated, any attachment to that which is perceived is lessened, whereby in its be-ing then acts in the knowing it chose its experience. From this, it expresses in joy, creates without fear of being ‘written over’ (destruction), and navigates its path as if in a playground (not a prison).

The small-self is relative, where all ‘things’ found in duality, including viewpoints that suggest yin/yang mutually arising concepts reside. It usually is characterized by having some level of attachment to its creations and the creations of others, as if they are Absolute (see def). Some of these attachments include the core meaning of soul, time, thought (which it usually identifies with), light (which it believes to be a symptom of the Absolute, rather than a transient reflection), as well as many other ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, and numbers.

The small-self is eternal (see in-glossary definition), the Absolute-self is ever-present. From the Absolute-self ‘vantage’ it is never identified as eternal, for that word denotes time.

The small-self is light, yet the Absolute-self is not. There is no light, nor darkness in the Absolute-Self. The word light only exists in time. Time is never in the present. A soul can be ‘en-‘light’-end’, where from the Absolute spirit, the distinctions have no significance. The small-self is illusory-like, and based in the ‘relative’. It is not an ‘illusion’ but shares characteristics and aspects similar to dream.

Also defined as; Tourist


The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human ‘brain’). The word ‘soul’ is considered to be a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted without their awareness (ie; sol, sun, son, soul). The use of this SMTS is due to ‘past’ sun worship and current ‘son’ worship, although both are merely suggestions that appear from the first creations of thought. The sun, son, sol, soul all set and rise again, which imply temporal (see; def), relative (see def), thought constructed time-based beginning and end, birth and death, existence and non-existence. The small-self and it's 'energetic' perceptive carrier called 'soul' can be labelled some-thing and no-thing. It resides in the mutually arising paradigm of dualism

At Twin Inferno/Alchemy Lounge/Playgroundia, we only speak of the word because 'others' do! There's no subscription to 'soul' in the Absolute. If anything, it moves in the direction of no-philosophy, and wouldn't be mentioning 'soul' if most weren't using the term. Why? Because it has no meaning outside the relative paradigm we're occasionally playing. The word 'soul' itself falls short of engendering any awareness. Only walking away from it brings presence. It's not like 'we' have a soul or don't, or are 'soulless'... that's not the crux. The statement or question of 'soul' is similar to playing with an imagination, then saying the imagination was profound because we created it. The soul is a 'thing', a set of reflections with no real source that's bouncing back and forth. A 'Soul' (my alleged 'soul') resides in perception, which is relative. Yet in no-mind, no-thought, and presence it's no longer. And from the Absolute vantage this illusory-like dream remains a largely unquestioned word that was built to infer its swelling ego 'self' as more than just transient.


A SMTS (Subconscious multi-term suggestion) suggesting and solidifying to the subconscious the duality of ‘Sun’ and ‘Moon’ and their associations. ‘Solomon’ was a biblical king of Is-ra-el who was purported to be a real historical character who spoke ‘wisdom’. Also known as ‘Sulaiman’ in Islam.


Sound as been called ‘the word’, which is vibration, which ‘glows’ to observers who are so tuned.


True spirit is referred to as only that which is ‘Absolute’ (see def). Any experience, duality (see def), distinction (see def), thing (see def), production (see def), materium, time, or creation (including ‘spirits’) understood from vantage of the temporal realm is not actually ‘spiritual’.


Used as an analogy for the ‘physical brain’. The Stetson is a cowboy hat manufactured by the John B. Stetson Company. Also considered ‘The process of observing’ and ‘thought process’.


Within the imagery we use a variety of hats to symbolize the thought process. The placement of which usually tells a larger story.


Not to be confused with the definition of pain (a ‘relative’ concept; see def) or the Buddhist concept of ‘suffering’ (where suffering is only caused by attachments to temporal things). Here, ‘suffering’ occurs as discomfort arising from viewing your experiences through the temporal attachments of time, space, the lack of vantage to differentiate between the small ‘you’ and the higher ‘You’ (see You and ‘you’), as well as an uncontrolled Wills desire to force the relative to dominate the absolute (see def). Suffering only occurs in the ‘Relative’ (see def). ‘Suffering’ when stripped of its filters is ‘pain’, without the clarity of being present.

Language gets in the way as the words 'pain' and 'suffering' are erroneously used synonymously. ‘Suffering’ occurs when the natural ego identifies and then becomes attached to ones small-self (see def).


The word ‘sun’ is considered to be a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted without their awareness (ie; sol, sun, son, soul). We understand the use of this SMTS is due to ‘past’ sun worship and current ‘son’ worship, although both are merely suggestions that appear from the first creations of thought. The sun, son, sol, and soul all set and rise again, which imply temporal (see; temporal def), transient, dualistic, thought constructed space/time-based beginning and end, birth and death, existence and non-existence.

Sundalini Rising Journey*

Together, the journey unmasks a simple mystery, one that walks you from esoteric to exoteric, a place to open your eyes and dis-cover your pupils are of the ‘sun’. As student-pupils, we allow in-form-ation from other Wills to form our light experience. Seeing eyes are windows of the ‘soul’, ‘sol’, ‘sun’, and the ‘i’. Life and light are not what they appear… when you see, you'll likely have the boldest, joyful belly laugh you've had in a long time.

*Note that the term ‘Sundalini Rising’ mirrors the more commonly discussed concept of ‘Kundalini Rising’. This is a purposeful connection, where the latter is an individual energetic release from the lower ‘muladhara’ chakra, through the ‘nadi’, and up to the ‘crown’. This energetic and dualistic definition (Kundalini) is the relative narrative fractal that points towards the absolute condition of awareness in Sundalini. All definitions of kundalini are filters processed through the templates of relative creation.


The ‘swing’ is used as a metaphor for the motion of our segregated memories, within the constructs of illusory-like lives and deaths.

™- Any word that ends with ‘™’ refers to the commodification, inversion, financialization, and distortion of a useful trance state vantage of perceiving and knowing, into one that does not serve its original purpose.


That which is related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process. Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. All duality, all ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.

Territory (See: Essential nature)

A metaphor referring to the Absolute (see def). That which has no mutually arising component or polarity. Similar to ‘Torrent’, ‘Essential Nature’, ‘Tao’, ‘Flow’, ‘Groove’.

Used as a term to form contrast for the metaphor ‘Map’.

Tequila Sunrise

The first distinction which is sound (“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters (see ‘Thought’, ‘Mexican Hanging Lanterns’ and ‘Creation’).

Texas Taoism

A modernized expression of Taoism, couched in the vernacular of Western allegory and blended with practical and esoteric insight.


A loose metaphor comparing the ‘creations’ of those who use the thought process to a film that is produced and viewed by itself and ‘others’ (see movie and producers).

Theatre of Unlearning

A place to unlearn past and continued conditioning and programming. Focuses on social, tradition, science, religion, financial, lingual, and institutional biases.


Any experience, personality, concept, object, distinction, time, category or section of matter or energy, symbol (including letters and numbers), whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process.


From the absolute vantage, the first distinction is thought, and can be described as sound (many couch the distinction this way...“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is 'sound', sound 'vibrates', vibrations are 'energy' that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’ (subjectively interpreted as light). Light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters. 'Energy' is merely consciousness in movement, and resides in the relative playground of duality. (see Mexican Hanging Lanterns).


The Egyptian god of Thought.

torrent of life.png


Thoughts that congeal a particular system of belief which take on a ‘life’ and ‘energy’ of their own. Thought-forms may reside in different ‘energetic’ forms and intensities. Created both consciously and unconsciously, they can attach and modify other thought-forms.

Thought Process

The physical and energetic temporal ‘brain’ (that related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process). Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. Also referred to as ‘Stetson’, ‘The Process of Observing’, and ‘Trance’ (all thought is hypnotic trance in varying degrees).


A symptom of thought and conjured distinctions, engendered from higher Wills, and co-created by the unquestioned premise of complicit observers. Where there is word, there is sound, which is vibration, which is energy, which creates the subjective sensation labelled ‘light’, which imagines into existence the ‘form’ of angles from mixing the 3 (read trinity) colors to construct the first shape (labelled ‘hexagon’), which contains angles (known also as ‘angels’), which creates objects and ‘things’. Here, where thought creates ‘things’, distance and space appear as an illusory-like manifestation.

Top Rodeo Riders - rodeo clowns

A Will of any form or identity that has decided to use their awareness of ‘creation’ through thought to build for themselves and others (see Producer), and retain observation (see Observer) of their essential nature (see def).

Torrent (Deluge)

A metaphor referring to raging unstoppable water that represents the Absolute (see def). That which has no mutually arising component or polarity.


A term used as a literary device to indicate the transient perception of both the natural ego and the inflamed ego. The ‘small-self’ perceives through the templates created by itself and other Wills. The small-self can be completely entranced or be partially emancipated in its view. 

See: Small-self


The ‘town’ is a reference to any place that there isn’t integrated awareness of the Absolute-self and lower-self.

Traffic/traffic Rules

All interpretations of senses, as well as thought-forms (see def) including scientific theories, social conventions, religious and political dogmas, that we incorrectly perceive and believe to exist outside our own and others thought creation. Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator(s)’. Same as ‘Mirrors‘.


Used as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as the body and soul. Same as Airstream and R.V.


Used to indicate any-thing, or any thought, belief system, or perception that is symptom of small-self. We do not ascribe value or worth to such state, just varying levels of awareness that accompany its depth. The trance state is associated with word, spells, mind, ego, things, belief, thought-forms, egregores, god-forms, creation, and perception. The trance state occurs ‘every-where’; with the exception of no-mind, no-thought, and the present. The Alchemy Lounge, Twin Inferno allegories, and Playgroundia define this state to reside in all sources of intellectualism, religion, math, light, mutually arising perceptions, thought, definitional/explanatory philosophy, as well as the very act of including and reading the statement in this particular glossary. There is no ‘right or wrong’ of this state. The relevance depends on the viewers use (or not) to become more Absolute-self based.

The distinctions of mind, body, energy, and soul are all clever imaginations to be enjoyed. Yet at the same time, these reflections of filtered perception and thought are exactly where these parts and pieces come from. Outside these enjoyable lines of demarcations, they are known and felt as transient dreams, ego creations seen as something more than a temporal 'thing'… mirrors of conjured desires we may or may not be attached. There is nothing right or wrong about projecting any imagined levels of dimensions... or trance. Sometimes it's preferred to have one foot out of the carnival/playground/theatre (so to speak). Other times, the dive is deep.

One might say the trance state ‘does not exist’, yet ‘existing’ and ‘not existing’ mutually arise only in a trance state, the distinctions of mind being grasped upon as if they were more than imagined. There is nothing good or bad about diving into varied levels of trance.

In addition, one may mention that there are no ‘states’, yet all unquestioned and unexamined words are consented to within a be-ing. This transient state only makes sense to speak about when playing with a notion that has no adequate description. Identifying the attempt to describe it doesn’t imply there’s an effort in validating it. To describe it only points towards it. That’s why we mainly use allegories and metaphors.


Referring to the soul (see; soul)


Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy, symbols (including letters and numbers), whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. Same as ‘Journey‘, ‘Trips‘, and ‘Time‘.

Truck drivers, retirees in RV’s, and vacationers

Those who are inside of an illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. 

Truck Stop Trinkets/Bobbles

Smaller units of ‘things’ which include objects and experiences that are relatively unsubstantial.


A loose metaphor comparing the ‘creations’ of those who use the thought process to a film that is produced and viewed by itself and ‘others’. Similar to ‘movie’. Same as ‘production’.

Twin Flame

Two souls that resonate with each other, where the combination of both is greater than the sum of its parts (experience, effectiveness and manifestation).

Twin Inferno

Where the soul and the spirit are resonating with each other in awareness and actualization. The state of being where the flame of present brings awareness to the soul and its ability to peacefully engage in multiple dimensional constructs. Twin Inferno state is that of choice. This comes from the vantage of having one foot in the relative playground of duality, and the other in the Absolute. Only through this state do you act in sovereign choice. When twin inferno is plugged in, Absolute fuses to the relative, and the dualistic playground becomes one of choice and possibility. Twin Inferno is a slightly modernized, less culturally appropriative term for the state of ‘no-mind’ (the place where all origination blossoms).

Vantage Point (From Outside the Playground, Carnival, Arena, Ranch, Airstream)

A ‘comprehension’ that is based on a non-experiential based spiritual perspective, rather than arrived at through a confluence of angular based thought. Gnosis is the term used here to define the awareness gained from the vantage that occurs ‘between thoughts’, not by the ‘knowledge’ gained through thoughts.


The illusory-like appearance of shape, length, trough, crest, within those ‘things’ (see def) we define as ‘energy’, and ‘energy’s waves within ‘matter’ (see def). Within Alchemy Lounge and Twin Inferno allegories, ‘vibrations’ are considered a symptom of the small-selves attention and perceived movement through the relative playground.

Waffle House/diner/Roadside Eateries/Grill/Road stop/eatery

The ‘Waffle House’ is a metaphor for unexamined life, a place where even those who consider themselves ‘spiritual’ end up when they don’t question every-thing. Refers to the commonly perceived ‘world’ the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a ‘playground’ or ‘battleground’ for Wills with varied intentions. They are structures built of duality, and duality disguised as singularity.


Our agreed upon consent to distance, time and space creates the appearance of waves, wavelengths, wave peaks and troughs. These wave features can be understood as the sole determinants of the colors of sight, sound, and touch.


note the case of the letters

denotes the illusory-like self (or ‘selves’). The lower case ‘w’ in the statement ‘we’ always represents a conjured entity or ‘entities’ (see; conjure). Also see You and ‘you’, ‘i’.


A force and an awareness whose source is based in the ever-present, but may use the relative dualistic acts of in-ten-tion and at-ten-tion to manifest or conjurethings’ (see def) for the purpose of entertaining itself, and sometimes limiting or increasing its own and others perceptive field. (Note the homonym ‘il’, ‘el’, ‘L’ ‘1’)


A metaphor for anything removing or minimizing perceptive filters, including belief systems. The consequent act of choice that seeks to REMOVE levels of trance state.


A metaphor of the field of perception that our own and others journey’s are perceived. The window is partially characterized by the ‘brain’ (process of observing – see ‘Stetson’) AND the temporal (see definition) energy which the brain subjectively interprets into its own ‘reality’. Same as ‘tube’, ‘screen’, and ‘windshield’.


Same as ‘Window


The first distinction which is sound (“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters (see ‘Thought’, ‘Mexican Hanging Lanterns’ , ‘Tequila Sunrise’ and ‘Creation’). Words are expressions of thought, and where thought points back to itself as its ‘reason’, the observer has embraced the trance state.


The term that the word ‘worship’ may be derived from (etymology suspect). Workship refers to working for or in servitude.


The constructs and unexamined language and assumptions that imply that time is not created by thought. The ‘wristwatch’ is one of the most persistent illusory-like perceptions.


Within the imagery we use a variety of clocks and watches to symbolize the illusory-like state.

‘You’ vs. ‘you’

note the case of the letters

‘You’ denotes your actual identity. A ‘You’ is not conjured (see def), where ‘you’ (and ‘we’) denotes the illusory-like self (see def). The lower case ‘y’ in the statement ‘you’ always represents a conjured entity.


The actualized manifestation of X’avier, the anti-hero of ‘11:11 Luchador’s Gauntlet’


A symbol and a sigil. Prior to any variant of language claiming the symbol 'as their own', the message built within 'x' is the visual intersection. Turned a few degrees it is also a 't' or cross. Here, the symbol denotes the creation and destruction of 'things'. Crosses 'create', whether they are on their side or not. It's a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted with thought forms without their awareness.


A donkey that is painted like a zebra. Zonkey’s can be found earning money for their owners in Tijuana, Mexico around Revoluccion Street.
