Posts tagged choice
Desire’s a dress that gets hiked higher as you stare. A soul parable of desire and choice. Understand undivided light.

Come experience the carnival calliope of your soul.

Friend, the ‘world of undivided light’ was made distinctive by thought, also known as word or sound.

Consider how we can be as relative for as long as we like. As long as we desire desire… this ‘we’ we talk about will always remain. This is why when we ask, ‘How do we get out of here?’, we shouldn’t be inclined to believe that it’s others efforts that keep us glued to this reality.

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Embrace choice, and change your view of humanity.

Examine the relationship between choice and perception in 'The ‘Human Race’ has no checkered flag'.

Now don’t get all uptight before you hear the whole thing, but the ‘human race’, the ones we see lulling around carnivals and truck stops will never be free. This is a truth that’s truer than the lines of my Airstream.

Take a pitstop and boldly embrace choice.

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Come on a hot air balloon. A minute can change your perspective forever. Become an ego whisperer.

Do you want to navigate where singularity is complete, and needs not perception? Embrace the fractal realization, become an ego whisperer, and reframe duality with oneness.

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