Did you know that in the 'carnival', we use spelling to cast spells?
A precarious ego believes... 'The spells of experience are temporal building blocks, therefore I can play with them and never be consumed’.
Hmmm, perhaps...
Journey into the parable where we'll look deeper into the structural Big Top creating our physical-energetic experience.
You're casting spells and don't know it!
Walk into TwinInferno's 'Carnival' and discover what you've been up to.
Everything is a spell. Only ‘time’ disallows you from seeing the true nature of how this works. When you compress the timescale, then you can observe how effective spells are cast. The best and most prominent spells are never seen. If they are, they are mediocre methods of creating change.
If you were to view how a large building was constructed in ‘fast speed’ it would seem like what’s been marketed to you by those who love their ego as ‘spells’. So ask yourself, when ’s the last time that you saw a spell cast that immediately created a building. NEVER! Well, what does this tell you? It clearly says that you are not seeing the real spells.
Again, all is spell… even the most sublime happenings or occurrences are the spells of master sorcerers who understand the source, and are not binding themselves to the short lived, inconsequential spell-making of those who think its super-ultra-cool to do their ego-trance rituals.
You see, if you’re a shaman or a witch, and need a shaker to make your world, you may want to jump between your thoughts to get present for a moment.
After thoughts
I’m here not to teach you spells, but to reveal how a spell is made. This knowledge puts you at the position of creator-at-will. No longer do you respond without question to the spells of others.
All things are spells. But the ones that hold energies and trance are spells of a variety that remove lucidity in the moment. When you can see them, it takes the power away. Residues of trance may remain, but for the most part they’re rendered ineffectual at manipulation.