Soul co-creators embrace the difference between illumination and radiance.

When you realize you’re watching a ‘movie’, that’s the time to choose your motivation. You’re a co-creator, and not the only one in the theatre.
In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is quite worked up! He’s discovered that other ‘be-ings’ in the seat next to him may not appear ‘human’, and that he’s not the only one in the theatre.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is quite worked up! He’s discovered that other ‘be-ings’ in the seat next to him may not appear ‘human’, and that he’s not the only one in the theatre.

Grab a popcorn and saunter into the ‘theatre’. Sitting before the red curtains we contemplate what we’ve been producing... and how perception’s a simple symptom of co-creation and consent. From this vantage, we discover spirit in every seat - all the while standing ‘outside’ as well.
You’re not the only one in the theatre.
Become the co-creator you choose to be as you partner with ‘other’ souls.

Become the co-creator you choose to be as you partner with ‘other’ souls.

Discover what your present moment motivation is… do you want to be ‘illuminated’ or ‘radiant’ (or both).

Discover what your present moment motivation is… do you want to be ‘illuminated’ or ‘radiant’ (or both).

When you realize you’re watching a movie, it doesn’t mean you’re alone in the theatre. Your squirming comes from the realization that the clothes you wore were slightly transparent, and embroidered in the same illusory-like form as all the other moviegoers.
Here in the theatre, all so-called ‘souls’ have their own form of light, which project stories to suspecting and unsuspecting film buffs.
Embrace the tao of your soul. Here in the ‘theatre’, all sensation are considered ‘light’, and always a symptom of the particular ‘wavelengths’ you’ve tuned into.

Embrace the tao of your soul. Here in the ‘theatre’, all sensation are considered ‘light’, and always a symptom of the particular ‘wavelengths’ you’ve tuned into.

Understand how fractals act as a projector for your perception.

Understand how fractals act as a projector for your perception.

Meet the ‘producers’ and the ‘audience’... within yourself.

Come to terms with ‘no future or past’... only ‘present’. Then perception itself is viewed as a fractal projector and reflector.

The ‘Now’, of the natural ego is where all creation (and destruction) originates.

Step into the theatre of the Alchemy Lounge