'Infinite' & 'Finite' are clickbait for minds swimming in duality. “The words and concepts spelled ‘infinite’ and ‘finite’ are distractions and spells, created by Wills for cheap self-entertainment.” Not knowing you’re in a theater perpetuates the fallacy of circular, tautological reasoning. “When ‘Will’ Produced cinema flicks are forgotten to be passing as weed filled drive-in theatres, then the cheap twins of infinity and finity are seen as the basis to judge all else by… which is like thinking theatre popcorn is steak, soda is wine, and low budget movies are a grand play.” “Ignore your compulsion and drive outside the ‘Theatre’ (even if only for intermission).” …and while you do, drop on by the Alchemy Lounge Theatre of UnlearningMaatAugust 2, 2019infinite-and-finite-are-distractions, duality, false-choices, circular-reasoningComment Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes