A path to ‘en-light-enment’ where illumination of soul comes from other wills.

There’s little need for a path to enlightenment, as ‘’Illumination’ comes from other Wills, while ‘Radiance’ glows from yours.

When you understand the truth of how to be a co-creator, you no longer ‘try’ to fly.

When you understand the truth of how to be a co-creator, you no longer ‘try’ to fly.

Friends, just yesterday, a sunset, the most beautiful of all filled my eyes.

My pupils were the setting suns pupil, but I refused to remain its student.

My eyes were open, but I refused to see my ‘eye’ as ‘I’.

In glory… its red folds and clouds of wonder ramped the very core of perception.

It’s illusory-like temporal energies streamed from a more complicated Will. And ‘i’ (the small-self), as a receiver of such information, used that borrowed ‘brain’ under my Stetson to perceive those energies as the sender intended.

The sender created a movie. Well produced, I might say.

I reckoned out loud, “I know you’re gorgeous, but you only ‘exist’ as the semi-solid dream of my sensation.”

Indeed, beauty didn’t lose its fascination, but it did lose its hold.

The sunflower rises when illuminated. It’s made from reflected light of another’s Will. It streams into your eye, which makes your small ‘i’.

A sunflower, when without time has radiance. It’s the ‘I’ of the Absolute-self. It’s the key in how to be a co-creator.

The Twin Inferno state encourages you to freely modify your perception to obtain the self-improvement you’ve been working on.

The Twin Inferno state encourages you to freely modify your perception to obtain the self-improvement you’ve been working on.

Illumination comes from an outside source, and is the ‘energy information’ that reflects from another’s souls Will to be internalized by yours. Is this a path to enlightenment you’re seeking… the illumination of soul? The esoteric eye looks away from such things.
Do you want to know what ‘enlightenment’ really is? Increase your spiritual in’sight’ and understanding. Radiance comes from ‘within’. It is desire dressed as ‘energy’, reflecting off objects & souls into other souls to ‘illuminate and enlighten’. When you know how to be a co-creator, it flows into other souls and ‘in-forms’, while reflecting into your souls esoteric eye to reinforce your ego’s small ‘i’.
Illumination of soul occurs when other wills place attention on you.

Illumination of soul occurs when other wills place attention on you.

For XTzu (character featured above from the 11:11 Luchador Gauntlet), spiritual awakening occurred in unexpected ways. The simple awareness that ‘pupils’ are another name for ‘student’ was one key. Once embraced, he then knew whatever he felt, from …

For XTzu (character featured above from the 11:11 Luchador Gauntlet), spiritual awakening occurred in unexpected ways. The simple awareness that ‘pupils’ are another name for ‘student’ was one key. Once embraced, he then knew whatever he felt, from any of his senses, is information from ‘other’ wills (which are just versions of his Absolute-self’s smaller-selves manifestations).


Just what are you seeing as ‘light’?


And from who has sent this desire?


How much il-lumination do you need from other wills desires?

Should en-light-en-ment really be your goal? ‘En-lightenment’ occurs from others wills, not your own.


What color of sunsets and flowers are you creating?
A path to ‘enlightenment’ may not be what you seek.

A path to ‘enlightenment’ may not be what you seek.

Deeper into the darkness, a blend of will with an esoteric eye reveals much.

Deeper into the darkness, a blend of will with an esoteric eye reveals much.

Then back to light, gathering spiritual wisdom in your path.

Then back to light, gathering spiritual wisdom in your path.

Are you just a receptacle for experiencing light, or have you embraced your creator role, manifesting what’s considered to be ‘light’ by others?