Suspending belief on the back of a bull? Suffering is not pain.
Suffering is not pain, it’s the perception that pain is forever.
Attachment does not have to be negative.
Pain and pleasure is the nature of our experience… embrace it.
Get a better understanding of the metaphors: Carnival, theatre, absolute, movies, higher self, lower self, top rodeo riders
Any belief that attachment has to be negative, is now thrown from the bull ride in less than 8 seconds, stomped in the dust of hooves, and driven into the dirt. Sent away with calm bravado, I hear an internal cheering audience. With a compassionate nod, it is done.
Unidentified attachment is suffering. Identified suffering is only pain. Pain comes and goes and is part of the great rodeo. When I get flung from the bull, it’s the nature of the experience.
Trust the boots your higher-self wears! This week, commit to doing what you wanted for years.
Wherever the bull riding universe takes you, you’re willing to surrender to what it brings.
Find yourself doing it now!