Would you close your eyes if you learned astrology isn’t what it appears?

Could it be that there’s an enhanced way of looking at astrology that makes it more useful because it connects you to the present? Astrology isn’t what it appears when you understand how fractals are perceived.

At which equinox do we stop being the dream, going along with the dream, to dream ourselves?


Understanding the true essence of how and why 'mercury in retrograde'… or any fractal 'position' is a key to making your next transition of awareness.

‘Cause and effect’ are not what they appear. release attachment to their programming and find yourself in a different space.

RANCHThe commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions.


The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions.

Out on the ranch, ‘astrology’ is the name of a reflecting pond that reflects what ‘is’, without the shortsighted glasses of cause and effect.
Ranch hands who never look to the sky think it’s silly that ‘mercury in retrograde’ might lasso your attention.
The choice of ignore-ance is what keeps ‘ranch hands’ in true poverty.

The choice of ignore-ance is what keeps ‘ranch hands’ in true poverty.

Unlearn the common view of astrology, reframing it in its source nature, playfully re-presented within the fractal picture.

Unlearn the common view of astrology, reframing it in its source nature, playfully re-presented within the fractal picture.

Cowboys who drive the cattle, having no choice but to spend the night gazing upwards, eventually notice the livestock, crickets, and earth seem different.
Prairie dogs, although their chirps are difficult for cowboys to understand, feel the gravitational angle to be similar to the angle of attack from hawks they regularly dodge.

When their friend Mercury changes its angle to the sun and earth, the fractal picture changes, and so does attentions’ location upon the prairie.
We’re like crystal constellations, the numbers and predictions we see are fractal parts of our focused attention.

We’re like crystal constellations, the numbers and predictions we see are fractal parts of our focused attention.

Wherever our fractal attention is eagle-eye focused… our mirrored behavior, likes and dislikes, and personality manifests.

Wherever our fractal attention is eagle-eye focused… our mirrored behavior, likes and dislikes, and personality manifests.

Ultimately, the ‘distance’ we see is a templated superimposition upon our experience. Although there ‘is’ distance, it’s not what you think…. outside of our consent, there’s no distance between the observer and the observed, which are both aspects o…

Ultimately, the ‘distance’ we see is a templated superimposition upon our experience. Although there ‘is’ distance, it’s not what you think…. outside of our consent, there’s no distance between the observer and the observed, which are both aspects of the smaller-self ‘you’. In the present, the sun is ‘us’, and we the ‘sun’.

In the grasslands of spaceweather, the giants appear to be playing with each other. ‘Out there’ the sun ‘ejects’ vast horizons of high energy from its corona.
‘Down here’ the animals ‘act’ out their fractal mirror within the corona of their furry heads. Their perception represents places of attention built entirely of imagined and ‘consented to’ angles.
ANGLEThe first constructions of thought, where angles construct numbers, then letters, symbols, shapes, and all ‘things’ in order of increasing complexity. Where space-time are two ways of seeing the same thing, the ‘angle’ is the first symptom of ‘…


The first constructions of thought, where angles construct numbers, then letters, symbols, shapes, and all ‘things’ in order of increasing complexity. Where space-time are two ways of seeing the same thing, the ‘angle’ is the first symptom of ‘space’, as well as the creator of time

We are tuned to varied templates of ‘electromagnetism’ (also known as ‘inform-ation’). These frequencies are sensed as ‘forms of light’, and conjured into some-thing with our consent. The angles’ waveform… crest, trough, and length are dictated by t…

We are tuned to varied templates of ‘electromagnetism’ (also known as ‘inform-ation’). These frequencies are sensed as ‘forms of light’, and conjured into some-thing with our consent. The angles’ waveform… crest, trough, and length are dictated by the ‘speed and vantage of our consciousness’. (Reframe your understanding of E=mc2)

ENERGYA perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought and will. Energy and Matter are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points.


A perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought and will. Energy and Matter are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points.

Scurrying electromagnetic connections bounce simultaneously between ‘Earth creature’ to ‘Starcreature’.

Any-thing realized from twitching noses, beady eyes, and attune ears is in-formation that resolves another wills attention and intention into yours.
The inform-ation suggesting the sun’s ‘orange’ and hawk’s ‘red’ occurs behind our eyes, coaxing us to focus through filters, which are temporary meadows of black dot sunspots obscuring oneness.
Have you ever looked at a color, really absorbed it and then asked, “What is it communicating? Whose Will is this? Why do have these internal sensations from the ‘color’? Why have I consented to these sensations? And why and how does that connect to…

Have you ever looked at a color, really absorbed it and then asked, “What is it communicating? Whose Will is this? Why do have these internal sensations from the ‘color’? Why have I consented to these sensations? And why and how does that connect to the ‘color’ of our chakras that we imagined into dualistic existence?”

SOULThe temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human brain).


The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human brain).

When we back out of our hole or gaze into the sky, we cease to connect sense driven cause n’ effect. Here, cowboys n’ cowgirls clarify sensations coming from other wills, and know what their soul is ‘not’.
And through this understanding we gallop away from thinking ourselves what another will has prescribed… whether in the form of human, planet, tree, star, or rock.
The more and more that we clearly see the ‘complexities’ of the ‘human’ experience; how perception is a symptom of choice, how dualistic control is the myopic path… the more noticeable it is that its nature is confined. This closed in, walled off pe…

The more and more that we clearly see the ‘complexities’ of the ‘human’ experience; how perception is a symptom of choice, how dualistic control is the myopic path… the more noticeable it is that its nature is confined. This closed in, walled off perception is supported by most traditions, religions, sciences, and philosophies.

BIRTH AND DEATHA temporal, dualistic perspective based from a relative perspective.


A temporal, dualistic perspective based from a relative perspective.

DUALITYA concept of mutually arising and complementary ‘observations of processes’. Many of these concepts are littered with mistakes that arise from an incomplete recognition of the thought process that engenders their definition. Such examples are…


A concept of mutually arising and complementary ‘observations of processes’. Many of these concepts are littered with mistakes that arise from an incomplete recognition of the thought process that engenders their definition. Such examples are; Good-Bad, Good-Evil, Right-Wrong, Thing/No-Thing, Existence/Non-existence etc

At the ‘end of the cycle’, where ‘birth and death’ are suggested as real, we no longer use this momentum to re-live the dreams of others.

We know the ‘dualistic’ prairie isn’t ‘dual’, but a view that prancing wills would like us to believe. Only from sleepy eyes does the small-self supernova across skies.
Here, under the Stetson, the cattle drive seems to halt before the flooding river called ‘death’.
STETSONUsed as an analogy for the physical brain. The Stetson is a cowboy hat manufactured by the John B. Stetson Company. Also considered ‘The process of observing’ and ‘thought process’.


Used as an analogy for the physical brain. The Stetson is a cowboy hat manufactured by the John B. Stetson Company. Also considered ‘The process of observing’ and ‘thought process’.

You can be in a place where choosing to simply ‘look out’ brings a wide open area, a vista of expansive experience, regardless of any condition of ‘being controlled’ (in all of the dualistic ways that abound). This is a key to becoming one, stepping…

You can be in a place where choosing to simply ‘look out’ brings a wide open area, a vista of expansive experience, regardless of any condition of ‘being controlled’ (in all of the dualistic ways that abound). This is a key to becoming one, stepping outside your bounds, getting into the twin inferno state, the flow, the groove, the tao… and embracing the Playgroundia experience.

When the temporary ‘creator’ understands its essence, it moves to another form.
Then, the eyes and body change, where it may ‘believe its brain’ is the connection of planets within a solar system, neuron stars of a galaxy, galaxy synapses in a universe, or other ‘yet to be imagined’ frameworks.
BRAINThe ‘brain’ acts as a light prism acts, taking in vibrations and dividing them into further subjective categories for the observer to perceive.


The ‘brain’ acts as a light prism acts, taking in vibrations and dividing them into further subjective categories for the observer to perceive.

Unlearn and metabolize your understanding of ‘earth’, then reframe it within the vantage of Wills. A vivid playground is entered when you realize that all distinctions are the symptom of ego.

Unlearn and metabolize your understanding of ‘earth’, then reframe it within the vantage of Wills. A vivid playground is entered when you realize that all distinctions are the symptom of ego.

With each movement, there’s a red shift, where attachment to ranchland things lessen, and the big sky of creation becomes more game-like.
The grasses catch the wind and you hear the movement. At which equinox do we stop being the dream, going along with the dream, to dream ourselves?
Isn’t it discriminatory… a bigotry, to look at astrology, then judge ourself or someone else? (just kidding)

Isn’t it discriminatory… a bigotry, to look at astrology, then judge ourself or someone else? (just kidding)

Fire of the soul
A cricket chirp, a hawk’s screech, the heat of the sun.
At which solstice do we say ‘dreaming’ just stops?
When we see our dreams create ‘realities’, with new entities being dreamt into existence, and undreamt into non-existence… do we feel comfort in the knowing that the bubble dream we’re on can pop as well?

When we see our dreams create ‘realities’, with new entities being dreamt into existence, and undreamt into non-existence… do we feel comfort in the knowing that the bubble dream we’re on can pop as well?

The dreamer is our higher-self.

The dreamer is our higher-self.

The night sky keeps moving in tandem with the burrowing beasts and ambling cowboys, all the while, ‘we the stars’ change with imperceptive slight.

There is an enhanced way of looking at astrology, one the makes it more useful because it connects you to the present.

There is an enhanced way of looking at astrology, one the makes it more useful because it connects you to the present.



It’s important to remember that one set of planetary alignments, or universal occurrences are not the cause of any effect. In this place, we move our power away from pure opportunity to make changes within the perception of internal and external environments. Even with this knowledge, our language implies subtle cause and effect by its mere emphasis. Such ‘events’ associative power can be minimized by making fun of their opposites… stating things such as, ‘We cause Mercury to go into retrograde’. We know that’s non-sense! Fortunately, our language holds a contradiction which allows us to see the fractal universe, without artificial templates being superimposed upon them which infer a ‘solid’, unquestioned time.


The ego is not something you kill. When we say ‘ego death’, it’s placed and posited in a language that’s reinforcing. You cannot kill some-thing and have it not be reborn. The ego is a tool, a merry-go-round in the playground. In the natural, un-inflamed dualistic dream, it supports all experience, both pain and joy… and is far away from being a tool that binds. There is no right or wrong here… the I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, science, human design; all is all born of thought, a symptom of ego. All religions, all systems, all that can be perceived is created by thought (yours or some other Wills). It’s challenging to admit when we ascribe undue honor to ‘thought’, as if it defines ourselves, but doesn’t.

There’s emancipation when you realize astrology to be a fractal based mirror borne of thought. We choose to land in these fractals, mistaking them for something outside of thought. In the present, there is no thought. From the vantage of the present, astrology then is a symptom of ego. Yet the ego can be what ever it wants when launched from the present. It can reset its birthday (or fractal), it can ‘die’ and be ‘reborn’… which changes the fractal. Nothing is set when you reside in the present.

The ‘i’Ching and Astrology tells you what ‘you’ are and how you will behave… NOT as a subscription, but as a mirror of what your self in the present has chose. But the higher-self in the present can be whatever it wishes. The objective and the subjective, the public and the hidden, the traditional and the esoteric… none are truly present. They are but suggestions and reflections of higher-self choice. In this place, astrology does not exist ‘outside’ or ‘inside’ you.

We need not define ourselves from the symptoms of our higher-selves tentative choice, for it’s just a costume. 

Twin Inferno dreams
Spirit ranch contemplations