Relative truths - Can you lie to a horse, hog, or machine? What it really means to be 'in our truth'.
Some know ‘relative truth’ through mind, but claim it to be essential truth of heart.
(Relative truths are tentative distinctions and transient events masquerading as essential ‘truth’.)
Many who say, "I'm in my truth” have defined truth in multiple ways for their convenience.
Mostly, relative 'truths' are nobodies business. Personal activities, medical records, religious/tradition/intellectual beliefs, philosophical ‘explanations’ and leanings, dreams, desires, emotional connections, triggers, thoughts, attachments, shortcomings, mistakes… are all found in duality (and none are absolute ‘truths’). They reside in knowledge, not knowing. These tentative distinctions related on a 'need to know' are thing-truths created by our programming, imagination and societal consent, and seen out of context from the whole. For us to decorate them as ‘truths’ encourages unneeded judgment, reinforces attachment to ‘mind’, and tempts us to use them in the inflamed ego dance of power plays.
There are relative truths which we choose to no longer care about, while embracing the great absolute truths we do.
We determine which truths are which, then reframe their value.
Indeed, being 'in your truth' is bigger than just 'telling the truth'.
Thoughts about what passes as ‘truth’
The head attempts to trick the heart into believing its truth. It places ego strangled perception over possibility. Real truth is not ‘what is’, it’s ‘what can be’. If the two don’t agree, and someone is bound to get hurt, it’s best to go with the latter - even if that turns you into a ‘liar’ in others eyes. A glaring, judging version of truth is a dream of limited value, one resistant to subordinating itself to love (if it has any consequence).
Do you think truth is as great as love? Do you think it’s not subordinate to love? Well, love doesn’t give a hoot about what most call ‘truth’. Love’s sovereign, not built of a need for comfort. It’s willing to spin the merry-go-round in the other direction, to go ‘up’ the slide to see what MIGHT BE. It’s willing to take a punch.
The ‘truth’ of some suffer from the delusion that there should be no personal barrier between one soul and another.
Most commitments to ‘always speak the truth’ are really hobbled excuses for subdued judgment or cruelty.
The mistaken ‘spiritual’ will say ‘the truth always comes out’. Which… if it’s a relative dualistic truth, is rarely accurate. Unless of course, the mutterer of such words wants to enhance their ego by bringing it attention. One who honorably rejects ‘enlightenment’ as the final state is willing to ‘lie’ for the greater good, washing karmic residue if need be. Only ego based judgment makes issue of relative ‘truths’.