Posts tagged ego
How adept are you at sidestepping pride while playing 'the creator'? Are you an arrogant creator?

The ants were bedazzled as I created morsels of churro at will.

Soon I learned how important it is to sidestep arrogance while you’re being the creator.


“I am moving into my mastery, a true creator, and not just of tasty deep fried breads. Neither the ant nor the arrog-ant Great Churro Creator, nor the Master of Yummy Baked Goods may have my power.”

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Illuminated moths eventually become ‘enlightened’ cinders. The nature of illusory-like en-light-enment.

“Here’s what the moths seem not to understand… all things in time, created by the subjective ‘magic’ of sound and light eventually fade."

Flutter into X'Tzu's Zoo. There you'll remember dreams that attempted to lay ego eggs on the nearest leaf... so you might ‘live forever’.

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To call ourselves ‘human’ is to forfeit potential. Growing in self-realization, self-awareness evaporates. here, we cease to insist our descriptive experience as ‘human’.

Is it that we perceive like ‘humans’, that we appear like ‘humans’?

Breech into X'T'zu's Zoo, where the less belief systems you have, the more aware you become.

Oh, and the more aware, the less ‘human’!

It's true... think ourselves ‘human’ is to forfeit our potential.

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Living forever is the dream of ego, probing the shoreline for an existence that can never satisfy.

Is your beak probing the rocky shoreline for an existence that can never satisfy?

When a ‘Great Stork’ realizes the ‘fall’ is a process she’s unwittingly attempting to complete, so as to ‘live forever’ (whether in physical or energy form), she flies away from the inability to be in the present, and free to be her true self.

Living ‘forever’ is the dream of ego.

The bubbles will always be, waiting.

Join the sandcrabs and curlews at X'Tzu's Zoo.

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Time and ego float upon the shoreline. Unattached to time, you're free from that which comes & goes.

At X'Tzu's Zoo, time and ego are floating about the shoreline...

Fly with us, detach from that which comes and goes.

Looking forward to seeing you, kicking back on the sand.

‘I am now unattached to the tidepool of creatures that came and went, and the ego that suggested I was like the jetty rocks supporting the entire story.’

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Increased complexity is a sign of failure or frolic. Ask any crow.

The crow squawked, 'Beings flying into dualistic perception, the failure of complexity, technology failure, or anything roosting in duality become increasingly arrogant it’s found ‘god’. When it’s certain it’s on the righteous branch, it takes eons to come back… if ever.

Whatever their choice, the animals continue to play.

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