Posts tagged duality
Released to the clouds, you have choice. Exercise choice & accept the responsibility that comes with it.

Crows feathers are fluffed by the future, because they know whatever flies into the next here and now comes from the nest of intent.

Flying upward from the clouds, you exercise choice. Feel your heart beating under those feathers and soar into the blue.

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Wildebeest who cling to life are not in the present. A look at 'life' and 'death'.

Wildebeest who cling to life are not in the present, and not really living. Same goes for wildebeest that don’t run from lions.

If you’re a hoofed beast that wants to extricate itself from duality while ‘alive’, hoof over to X'Tzu's Zoo.

Truly, ‘death and life are real perceptions in duality’. But there's more than this false choice, and poorly worded description of the souls experience.

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Increased complexity is a sign of failure or frolic. Ask any crow.

The crow squawked, 'Beings flying into dualistic perception, the failure of complexity, technology failure, or anything roosting in duality become increasingly arrogant it’s found ‘god’. When it’s certain it’s on the righteous branch, it takes eons to come back… if ever.

Whatever their choice, the animals continue to play.

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