Posts tagged choice
Released to the clouds, you have choice. Exercise choice & accept the responsibility that comes with it.

Crows feathers are fluffed by the future, because they know whatever flies into the next here and now comes from the nest of intent.

Flying upward from the clouds, you exercise choice. Feel your heart beating under those feathers and soar into the blue.

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Unbelievable things you have in common with spiders! You can choose your attention.

In this parable, The spiders eyes represent our awareness of the myriad places where other wills have requested attention.

8 leg it over to X'Tzu's Zoo to discover the unbelievable thing you have in common with spiders!

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Living forever is the dream of ego, probing the shoreline for an existence that can never satisfy.

Is your beak probing the rocky shoreline for an existence that can never satisfy?

When a ‘Great Stork’ realizes the ‘fall’ is a process she’s unwittingly attempting to complete, so as to ‘live forever’ (whether in physical or energy form), she flies away from the inability to be in the present, and free to be her true self.

Living ‘forever’ is the dream of ego.

The bubbles will always be, waiting.

Join the sandcrabs and curlews at X'Tzu's Zoo.

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