Achieve success in your illusory-like ‘illusion’! What ‘spiritual’ really means. A key to creation in the number ten. “Do you have any sense of what ‘spiritual’ really means?What do these words have in common… attention, intention and potential? Why is it that you haven’t already seen what lies under the mystery of intention and attention? It’s in front of your eyes, and flying by your ears.” Place your ‘attention’ at the glossary and define the following metaphors prior to reading the riddle: carnival, thought-forms If you learn the real meaning of spiritual, then you can enter the playground of soul, and achieve success in your illusion.Are you listening? Truly, there is a key to creation in the number ten, that when understood can dramatically increase how your will manifests.Should I reveal it to you? OK, it's in the form of a riddle-like parable... “In the carnival there’s a booth called ‘Achieve Success in Your Illusory-like Illusion through the Not-So-Mysterious number 10’.” The key to how creation operates doesn’t look like a key at all. Intensity is a word that holds the construct of ‘10’. The number suggests a method of magnifying advancing sensation, and operates by acting as a multiplier of the original set of 9 numbers (1-9). It is hidden in plain sight throughout the many languages. In the words that have been incorporated into English you can find it in 'in-ten-sity', 'at-ten-tion', ‘ten’acity and more. Learn the geometry of creation to become more adept at manifesting. Visit the ‘10 Rooms of Time’ “Now, the guy who runs this stand is no huckster. In truth, he’s neither ‘human’ nor of the carnival.” What people are telling you about sacred geometry is missing the most valuable information. Numbers cannot exist without duality. Geometry is created by the same. “All the competing fortune tellers scoff as they unknowingly perpetuate other wills thought-forms with the built-in spell.” When you determine what ‘spiritual’ actually means, your ‘soul’ is then freed to move and create within the playground. “That’s why the words have the homonym in their belly, and why they can’t stop using the words; ‘attention’, ‘intention’ and ‘potential’.” The mystery of attention directly ties into the number 10. Numbers represent the angles that create and reflect the brain prism template that reflects upon itself. The numbers of creation are based on angles, and angles on imagination and will. The original angles that make up each sequential number between 1-9 come from the wills desire of potential. This is represented by an intersection (beginning of the angle). From here, created and perceived space is created (between the angles). Where there is space there is distance. Where there is distance there is time. “Their ‘ten-acious’ ignorance about words, both thought and spoken, sing a boisterously ‘in-ten-se’ song that drowns out any sense of what spiritual really means.” Learn the depths of real creation in the guided 11:11 tour Carnival AlmanacMaatSeptember 25, 2019what-spiritual-really-means, mystery-of-attention, key-to-creation-in-the-number-ten, how-creation-really-operates, key-to-creation, learn-the-geometry-of-creation, sacred-geometry-secretsComment Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes