Dr Seuss of the Tao - A seal shows you how creation really operates.

Can a seal reveal the spell of the suggested ‘sun and moon’? Behold, a Solomon Seal that wishes to impart how creation really operates.

Join all the creatures of X’Tzu’s Zoo as they get together to squawk and bark about creation, light, souls, and experience.
Learn the simple truth about how spells are made.
The spells and metaphors of ‘sun and moon duality’ are cast to us hook, line, and thinker.

The spells and metaphors of ‘sun and moon duality’ are cast to us hook, line, and thinker.

Down by the sol-o-mon sea, a seal barks the sound…

an eel named ‘Will’ creates the noises that abound…

from the big bang of a supposed verse, and

the tiny bang when mantis shrimp claw-crack-curse!      

In jellyfish zeal, glowing krill thrill that sound creates ‘light’,

‘vibrations’ heard, seen and felt in ‘colors’ turn’n day from night.

Trilobites know ‘light’ is the seed of more thought,

Creating dripple and drop distinctions where there are not.

And thinking ocean currents create ‘things’ from ‘no things’

Where sea foam swill spills, and seals n’ krill sing
We create distinctions and forget they’re just for our convenience.

We create distinctions and forget they’re just for our convenience.

The secret to creation is not that secret, and not what you’ve been led to believe.

The secret to creation is not that secret, and not what you’ve been led to believe.




The word ‘Solomon’ (Sol-o-mon) is a Subconscious multi-term suggestion (SMTS) that suggests Sun and Moon, or duality to your archetypal being.


Will is the creator of every noise… whether the big bang of a supposed universe or the small bang of the celebratory firecracker.


’Sound’ is the basis for what’s called ‘light’. Its ‘vibrations are heard’, observed and felt in many ‘colors’.


What is called ‘light’ is the seed of much thought. It brings distinctions where there are none. It creates some ‘thing’ from no ‘thing’.