Scurry in for a dose of animal tao. How to unlearn beliefs and change your perception forever.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ begins to remove or reframe EVERY BELIEF SYSTEM. As he does, UNLEARNING brings him to a ‘place, a vantage’ of clarity.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ begins to remove or reframe EVERY BELIEF SYSTEM. As he does, UNLEARNING brings him to a ‘place, a vantage’ of clarity.

A taoist lizard that lost its tail once said, “It’s not what you know, but what you don’t know that makes you whole. I’ve scurried across this granite rock not to provide knowledge, but to remove it. For knowledge is the creator of all duality… the creation of the two headed snake in the crevice below.

A grounded lizard doesn’t climb steeper rocks in the dualistic ‘world’, but basks on a stone which has no attachment to the knowledge that thought creates.


Come to the present, where thought and beliefs are toys, playgrounds games, carnival rides, and films of your creation. This is the place, whether you recall or not, that either your smaller-self allowed for the agreement, or another aspect of you has demanded the challenge.