One wasps slavery is another's freedom. Manufacturing consent for your slavery.

What appears as slavery to one wasp is freedom to another?

Zip into X’Tzu’s Zoo and listen to wasps debate about the best way to manufacture consent for your slavery.

Explore choice and its role in the perception of freedom, in an honest assertion of the control system.
In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ considers those beings built to reject conscious choice.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ considers those beings built to reject conscious choice.

A few solitary wasps suggest the way to change the hive is to reprogram the mind of the worker so they feel that they have choice.
They ask themselves, ‘How’s it that the hive drone are complicit in their ‘slavery’? It’s as if they have a need to lower their antenna without questioning, ‘why’.
The solitary wasps sparkle in their metallic blue-green quandary, then with laughing mandibles say, ‘Perhaps social wasps aren’t actually wasps at all.’
Emancipated from the burden of choice, conscience, and consciousness?Are you in the state where you believe you’ve been ‘freed’ from the stinger of choice? Is there a quiet benefit of being without conscience, an accountability and freedom too heavy…

Emancipated from the burden of choice, conscience, and consciousness?

Are you in the state where you believe you’ve been ‘freed’ from the stinger of choice? Is there a quiet benefit of being without conscience, an accountability and freedom too heavy to carry?

True sovereigns examine the source of apparent consent. If you’ve made commitments, you should at least have conscious recollection of having made those choices. Without it you’re like a robotic social wasp, an unquestioning six legged automaton.

True sovereigns examine the source of apparent consent. If you’ve made commitments, you should at least have conscious recollection of having made those choices. Without it you’re like a robotic social wasp, an unquestioning six legged automaton.

Then, after a few frustrating nanoseconds of contemplation, slip on their king wasp crown and snicker, ‘Well this works nicely. Perhaps what appears as slavery to one wasp is freedom to another. After all, that would be choice too.’
There are many beautiful ways that consent is manufactured. Flowers of acceptance and temptations of unexamined beauty and ugliness are a few.

There are many beautiful ways that consent is manufactured. Flowers of acceptance and temptations of unexamined beauty and ugliness are a few.