Chaos is not real.

When you examine the enclosures of Will, it’s clear there’s no such thing as chaos. Where there is Will, any appearance of disorder is due to the inability to perceive the underlying intent.
Over the ocean there are many currents.

Some gulls know ‘em.

The hungry cormorants know of others.

With each wing beat, they soar in the knowledge that there’s nothing such as chaos.

The sound of it squawks of its owner.

Every dripple, dropple, maelstrom, and whirlpool is created by Will, and everything in and over the sea has pattern. Wherever the cackle of chaos is uttered, you can bet your feathers there’s a manipulative albatross flying by, and a larger tempest on the horizon.
chaos is not real.gif

You’re invited to wash the chaos from your rubbery skin