‘Failing to examine the thought process’ is consent to perpetuating the control system.

Most tales, sung from gulls, are built from the ‘oh so grand’ thought process squawked by the ‘Great Stork’ and his wannabee herons.

It’s this particular slurry of guano that works ‘within’ the storyteller to solidify nests and bring about a mightier bond to duality… of course, camouflaged as the single feather of singularity. Truly, when you examine the thought process you’ll discover how the control system works.

Now don’t get your feathers riled, because I’m not talking about you! It’s only the crows whose tongues create the confines of their offspring’s perception. So…. CAW!!!


Thoughts are convenient distinctions. When meshed with desire, they create ‘attached beliefs’. The more complex they become, the farther they are from essential reality. Because of this, there has never been a belief system that didn’t turn out to be more than a real snazzy convenience. All beliefs are transient templates that lay above the essential nature. We use them when they’re convenient or necessary to retain our experiential view. When the templates are removed, then that which ‘is’ is that which is no longer labelled. When overlays of beliefs dissolve, that which ‘is’ and that which ‘is not’ never ‘were’.