The 'Human Experience' Comes from a Conjured, Illusory-like Perspective
You have the choice to be ‘Human’,
…even if you don't look like one.
The 'human experience' can rarely experience the playground, as it comes from a conjured, illusory-like perspective. Ultimately... there's no 'humanity'. It's a word that begs to be unexamined. It implies it's own existence. It coddles an illusion to believe it’s more than it is.
Discover the truth of what it is to be human, and if that’s what you've been thinking you are!
Shed your attachments to that which is illusory-like.
You have the choice to be ‘Human’.
The human race and the humanity experience will never completely experience the playground because in the very nature of what’s termed ‘humanity’ comes a conjured and illusory-like perspective. There’s ultimately no such thing as humanity. The term itself implies it's own existence, and acts to sublimely reinforce an illusion that wants to believe it’s something more than it is.
If there’s a disagreement from animals, it's minor.
Where there’s perception of a brain, there’s already a choice to be made... whether it’s a movie to enjoy or a delusion with the suspension of disbelief.
‘The Tao that can be explained is not the Tao’. The process of explanation is a symptom of the ‘brain’, and unable to confine the essential nature. The mirage doesn't lay in anything physical, nor does it exist as something obscured from the farce labeled brain potential. This is WHY you and I are still discussing this!
We've been subjected to the illusion-reinforcers called; brainwashing, innumerable food borne DNA corrupters, fluoride poisoning, NLP, TV programming, school indoctrinations, false science, dogmatic religion, language manipulation, environment modification, space weather and planetary/solar/universal alignments-conjunctions, and even the stealthy limitations of logic... but still we question.
Now, the observer is unaffected at all levels unless it’s chosen to be. Only the process of observing can be manipulated. Despite all our efforts to disallow ourselves from seeing outside the playground, techniques to remove awareness are only temporarily successful, and the brain can only be twisted so far. Those who believe they can get their perfected 'world' are assigned to perpetual failure.
When the observer blames the process of observing, or relies solely on the process of observing to free itself, it misses the point, and has, for 'un-definable' and 'un-writable' purposes, continues to do what it does. The liquid-like reasons are choice and higher rebellion. They lay in the realm between thoughts, twin inferno state, and singularity. How and why we are having this experience cannot be ascertained, ever, from our embodied position. It can be speculated upon, but never known.
Confusing, I know. To view the truth, remember that the 'we' mentioned above is also illusory-like. If there is no 'we', then the questions 'how' and 'why' are invalidated. The premise of having a brain with occluded potential infers a belief that’s sure what you’re experiencing has some validity and usefulness. How and why become cement for the delusion. Their very existence screams of a last ditch effort to keep you confined - one you can choose to accept or decline.