Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Desire’s a dress that gets hiked higher as you stare. A soul parable of desire and choice. Understand undivided light.

Entertain a soul parable, and come experience the carnival calliope of your spirit. You can understand undivided light.

Friend, the ‘world of undivided light’ was made distinctive by thought, also known as word or sound.

Would you like pain and pleasure to dance without suffering?

Are you in a place where choice is obvious, and presence parties in the ever-present?

Our personality, memories and experiences are created things… sure to wash away in the next big wave.

Join us for a celebratory drink, and a cheers to this experience.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ realizes he is thinking the thoughts of other Wills as well. The stars in his glasses are pulled through his ‘head’ from the celestial backdrop behind him. This symbolizes the information that he has consented to, has ‘formed’ ‘in’ him, and he has examined as congruent with his desires.


Sound as been called ‘the word’, which is vibration, which ‘glows’ to observers who are so tuned.


Subjectively interpreted ‘visions’ and their associated ‘feelings’ that are created by the brain when interpreted from thought created subjective distinctions called ‘sound’.


The initial geometric structure shape from which other shapes and ‘things’ can be created. Note that this is a primary symbol of numerous religions as well as science. The spell-oriented word ‘hex’ is derived from ‘hexagon’.

(If you’re not there to see it, get off your sorry butt and take a red, green, and blue flashlight, place them 120 degrees from each other, and point ’em to a center spot to see what you get. You’ll be more surprised than a Walmart checker looking up to see a beautiful person in line. You might even go so far as to contemplate the real meaning of ‘trinity’… which isn’t that mysterious.)

Can you be desirous of a thing that has no sensation, shape, color, or sound?

There are two wills, the higher will and the smaller-self will. When you desire some-thing and it isn’t manifesting, it’s because either you’re out of alignment with your higher will, or your perspective is rife with the binding of time AND competing desires.

There is risk under these two buttons.


A term replacing the currently mis-defined word and concept spelled ‘faith’. A term used to express reality from a ‘Playground’ or ‘TwinInferno’ perspective. Phaithe knows no-thing and is free to detach and create, as contrasted to the now contorted version of the word ‘faith’ which has been bent to be synonymous with ‘belief’ or ‘belief system’. Like the older original version of the word ‘faith’, ‘phaithe’ resides in the absolute, never learning any-thing, not bound by thought, and a place and vantage, rather than a distinction and attachment.


The constructs and unexamined language and assumptions that imply that time is not created by thought. The ‘wristwatch’ is one of the most persistent illusions.


The actual ‘source’, essence, identity that transcends all thought created abstractions regarding what ‘you’ are (see definition of the small-self ‘you’ spelled with a lower case ‘y’). It also can be considered the negation of all experiential based identifications (whereas ‘you’ are not what you do, what you look like, what you feel, what you ‘think’). The essential nature stands alone as the actual You (see definition of the large-self ‘You’ spelled with an upper case ‘Y’). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a ‘component’, which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts.

What time is it? Well it’s always 11:11 in duality ; )

Attention is what creates the perception of motion of energy.

Resistance is taking your attention off that which is considered something you ‘don’t want’, and looking at the mirror of it. All it does is create a funhouse effect of bouncing reverberating avoidance that impedes what you DO want.



Denotes the illusory-like self (or ‘selves’). The lower case ‘i’ in the statement ‘i’ always represents a conjured entity or ‘entities’ (see; conjure). Also see You and ‘you’, ‘we’ below. ‘i’ and “I” are SMTS (see def of Subconscious multi-term suggestion) of the word ‘eye’.


Any’thing’ that is created by thought. This encompasses all things (see; thing) created by thought.


The term used to describe the optimal experience of duality. This Playgroundia is the ‘place’ and ‘vantage’ of having a mastery over the relative dualistic world, and walking in the peace of the ‘Absolute’


Where the soul and the spirit are resonating with each other in awareness and actualization. The state of being where the flame of present brings life to the soul and its ability to peacefully engage in multiple dimensional constructs. Twin Inferno state is that of choice. This comes from the vantage of having one foot in the relative playground of duality, and the other in the Absolute.


Not to be confused with the definition of pain (a ‘relative’ concept; see relative) or the Buddhist concept of ‘suffering’ (where suffering is only caused by attachments to temporal things). Here, ‘suffering’ occurs as discomfort arising from viewing your experiences through the temporal attachments of time, space, the lack of vantage to differentiate between the small ‘you’ and the higher ‘You’ (see You and ‘you’), as well as an uncontrolled Wills desire to force the relative to dominate the absolute (see def). Suffering only occurs in the ‘Relative’ (see def). ‘Suffering’ when stripped of its filters is ‘pain’, without the clarity of being present.


The absolute point from where time based memes such as ‘eternity’ and ‘forever’ are relatively based. The ‘ever-present’ does not mutually arise with ‘eternity’. Present moment awareness may be accompanied with concurrent ‘relative’ realization.

Image shows a rodeo clown unfazed by time, but quite aware that it’s time to run!

The trinity of ‘colors’, the angles of creation, and the ferris wheel of time are all set in the carnival. By choice, whether you ‘succeed’ or ‘fail’… there’s a ‘winner in every race!’

a thought…

Consider how we can be as relative for as long as we like. As long as we desire desire… this ‘we’ we talk about will always remain. This is why when we ask, ‘How do we get out of here?’, we shouldn’t be inclined to believe that it’s others efforts that kept us glued to this reality.


The relative wants badly to become the absolute. From the relative perspective, this want is eternal. From the absolute view, it’s but a moment of focus.


Desire is an attempt to create (AND HAVE THAT DESIRE REFLECT BACK).

It is no-thing prior to its creation.

Desire with in’ten’sity makes ‘Will’ (ESOTERIC NOTE: THE HOMONYM AND SPELLING IS ‘Il’ ‘EL’ & ‘L’).


At’ten’tion and In’ten’tion form the ‘El’ of Electricity (or the Will of Electrical action).

The universe is el-ectrical from the many Wills of creative juice.

See this form in the original post