Respect for the world is a reciprocal agreement. Your soul-body always listens.
I can choose to collapse the illusory-like system now… to discard the false separations that through silent ego tell me I must not effect ‘others’ in what seems a segregated, compartmentalized, distinct world.
Ultimately, there’s no such thing as ‘service’, except to your ‘Absolute-self’. This service only occurs in the perception of time, and in unrealistic, relative viewpoints. Although I use the word ‘service’, it’s not reality, nor adequate to represent how we relate. It’s ‘one side of action’ is embraced by stealthy ego as if the giver is greater than the receiver. Yet of course, all ‘things’ are just imagined conveniences. And here, we know the contradiction and illusion should be treated as such… with the limited amount of respect it actually engenders.
Bring in the trashcans, then saunter into the Alchemy Lounge…