On the reef, the truth of shame, guilt, and anger is seen during low tide. Joy is your real state.
Shame De-Mystified
Shame is reflective judgment, unexamined by souls unwilling to question the source of their belief and premise. When the soul forgets it has choice, it derives worth from the ridiculous source of other people, traditions, religions, and corrupt suggestions hiding in language.
This sensation lays upon the real ‘us’. It covers essential worth, blinds us to our Absolute-selves magnificence, and suggests we should conform to the expectations of what other Wills have created (and we’ve consented). As a specter of ignorant imagination, its unquestioned disharmony resides within the ‘body’, ‘brain’, and ‘energy centers’. To transmute and metabolize shame, work on and choose worthiness. Go to the source, embrace choice, and admit you’ve been thinking the thoughts of others, mistaking them as your own.
(Note that emotional clearing is most often needed PRIOR to examining such beliefs)
Karma and ‘Shame’s’ Relation to Time
Karma is peculiar, as when one person does something, they have different karmic results than another who does the apparent same. Why? Because behavior and action never ‘causes’ karma, the state of be-ing does. If you lavish shame upon any action you partake or believe, you become attached to those sensations (which are bound by time, thought, desire, and perception). As with shame, so is suffering, grief and anger also based in time, and contingent on time; so if you eliminate or diminish these aspects, you also remove karma - for karma is based in time, transitions of time, and the passions of time. In the playground, the only things (including souls) that move from one timeline to another are those that make that choice, and those who have not realized they’re in a playground.
A Shameful Insight
There’s an inordinate amount of focus on the sensation of shame. Why? Because shame is used by the small-self as a tool to keep its awareness limited. Shame is a form of self-imposed ignore-ance, a clever way of NOT having to deal with the reality of ones COMPETING DESIRES. If you feel any emotion such as shame, anger, or guilt, it’s your responsibility to use the feeling as a trigger to re-examine your conditioning. ‘Feeling shame’ can be metabolized to act as a mirror which assists in seeing and repairing the wounds you once allowed, but no longer do so… through choice.
(Habitually de-programming thought-forms is a challenging endeavor. Clearing your emotional energies first allows for easier transition into a sovereign shameless be-ing.)
If you Need your Shame, are a Shame Farmer, or had Shame for a Very Very Long Time, Don’t Read This…
While it’s true that shame is a powerful emotion, we are told that it has more power than it does. This shame, this alleged ‘fear of disconnection’, this lack of courage to step into ‘uncertainty’, this over-focus on getting rid of enough-ness, this constant microscope on being more vulnerable still misses the point. And yes, you should not share your shame with most people. Yet… it’s not that you need someone ‘to be with and listen’ without judging. What’s important is that ‘shame’ IS actually self-judgment - a judgment only occurring outside ‘Playgroundia’, inside the confines of unquestioned beliefs, and during the hypnotic spell that takes you outside of being present.
Because of this, without reflection from yourself or others, you’re challenged to discover the BELIEF SYSTEM that you swallowed, the SPELL that you condoned (at some level). For though it true that ‘guilt’ is an obvious growth tool, ‘shame’ is a reflection in the flood, a mirror you haven’t looked away from, an identification with your dualistic self. Here you see the one who rarely feels or accepts the sense of shame for more than a few moments, then is characterized by the judgmental shame stewards as ‘sociopathic’, or labelling those who choose to walk away from the programming as ‘unable to experience the human condition’ - as if the ones who release themselves from the spell have an incurable malady. Ultimately, it’s not your public vulnerability, it’s your private internal vulnerability that matters.
Can you march into the place where your world’s a playground, where you recognize it’s ONLY your transient self that feels shame, and judges itself? And when gain this sovereignty, it doesn’t matter how many events of transgression, ‘unacceptable’ alignment to societies goal, your souls Absolute-self expectations you recognize; you always forgive yourself, always start over, and are always born again. Connection with the Absolute-self reveals an enough-ness in the present is key to navigating the emotions causing undue trouble in unexamined time and space. They were given too much power over your real selves honor of being a creator, bursting with what the ‘almost spiritual folks’ define as worth.
Brene Brown says, ‘Shame is the fear of disconnection’. She’s a loving heart, but, it is not. It’s the clear message that ‘you have chosen to be disconnected’. Regarding this ‘fear of disconnection’, a soul who knows its actualized self has no fear of disconnection, for it cannot be disconnected, and knows it. The word ‘sociopath’ is more aptly used for those forms of spirit who have chose a life and perception that can only reside in pure duality. This is the opposite of the soul that appears to need no connection, but isn’t troubled by what other un-actualized souls ‘believe’.
Shame is something you can always remember. You can go back and feel the sensation. But it’s also a state that can be eliminated in the present, and all presents that are ‘yet to be created’ (commonly called ‘future’). If you’ve tried other ways of removing shame, but are still wondering how to rid it, that’s because you need to make a decision. In the present, shame has no hold, it can’t grow, nor take your power. It just blows through. Again, if you’re feeling shame, you’re not present.
Shame is the state of being that’s the result of a being who hasn’t chose to forgive themselves, not just cast away and analyze the beliefs systems that were provided. For those instances where one would think someone has cleared themselves of shame… yet after a year seems to have refilled - it’s because there’s an unexamined belief system.
Shame isn’t an emotion that can be considered a tool, such as guilt or anger. It’s merely the state of being that points toward the other state of being called ‘joy’ (which isn’t an emotion either). Joy is being covered up, occluded to the natural state of a creator aware of its singular, one, all connected being.
Addiction is based on shame, and shame is a self-aware emotion. As a self-aware emotion it creates havoc, and is contagious. It’s one of the worst emotions to hold, because it’s viral (and was meant to be by the original programmers). It seeks to lower others to keep itself intact. It very essence is sublime cleverness.
Shame’s a state that’s the result of giving your power away to other souls, beliefs, ideals, and things. Shame is the place where one is determined that they don't have the power to become something new… as if they need the approval of some other soul, social system, god, to give them permission!
Shame is based on self-awareness, and self-awareness is based on ego. Although you cannot fix an ego vested in its vibe, you can prevent the shame from boldly manifesting by choosing to ‘limit’ the ego. And as you do, you understand it only lives in the future and past. Ego, self-awareness, are illusory-like states where limited, prevent a variety of unsavory emotions. Self-awareness only occurs in the future or past… never the present.
Shame comes from two perspectives; one from unexamined belief systems meant to control you. Two, from Absolute-self/smaller-self dissonance.
Shame is locked in time, a self-approving state that falls under self-punishment, ignorance, or failure to meet ones expectations, beliefs, or desires.
Shame is a reflection attached to the feeling that’s born of the thought that it sat down in front of the wrong movie.
Shame is accepting someone else's judgment as if it has more value than your own.
Shame is a choice, at different levels of consciousness and awareness.
Shame doesn’t create disconnect, DISCONNECT creates shame.
Shame is a spell you swallow, from others and yourself.
Shame purposefully drinks too much.
Shame is suspect.
Dealing with the Shame Spiral
Earlier, I went after a spider, one who hung upon a handle… as it might be poisonous.
The spider swung away.
But without overt compassion I carried out my intent.
Moments later, I felt ‘unease’, judging my action as an act of ‘universal’ harm.
Yet just as fast, I was filled with a pointed presence and peace...
without having ‘wronged’ the universe… or it.
I’d mistakenly took its origination for ‘heart’, when it was really from ‘mind masquerading as heart’.
My present essence was in motion (from perception), but no act had been made, and flowing in the state where all is forgiven without asking.
The choice was dualistic, which could’ve ‘shame spiraled’. Being present, I made a new choice, ‘to choose a different action next time’. It would be ingrained. The spider could’ve easily been relocated. In the new present, that’s what I’d do.
This event is the same ‘other’ Wills experience,
as sometimes we’re all the spider.
When elements produce the appearance of destruction and creation, it rarely results in a ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ sensation. There is sentience in all, and elements don’t oft reside in the soup of time; rather, they bathe in the present. When elements appear to act, they’re not bound by morals, structures, and cause & effect karma of duality. They’re fluid, regardless of our overlaying transient distinctions upon perceived motion. This is one of the aspect that defines ‘what an el-ement is’.
And ultimately, you are an element as well.
It’s our unquestioned perception that creates the distinctions labelled ‘elements’, our alleged separation from them, and the temporary game we play of separation - using metaphors upon metaphors upon metaphors.
Upon arrival, the playground experience became more obvious, accessible, and pure.
To eliminate the shame spiral, go to the present… where the dream of cause & effect is washed clean, the actions of the dualistic soul is evened, and expansion into totality occurs.
To honor your Will as an entity of choice, make the choice. Then reside in the present.