Alien or Human - Who is Who? Bet You’re not as Sure as you Thought!

An alien, a demon, and a human exchanged masks and looked at each other confused.
How could it be that they all thought the same word, yet saw slightly different colors coming from the energy of their vibration?
Who is who?
To whom are ‘we’ demons?
Whose energy do we feed?
Where the ‘animals’ see us as such…
In complexity we gloat,
And whose ghost is whose?
And which alien is alien?
And who is the rancher,
… and who’s the ranched?
Who’s to say?
Alien is only ‘alien’ because our perceptive filters cast ‘them’ that way. The perception of forms is nestled within our consent.

Alien is only ‘alien’ because our perceptive filters cast ‘them’ that way. The perception of forms is nestled within our consent.



Recognizing spirits and knowing they’re ‘you’ allows the small 'you' and Absolute You to flow untouched from brushing against the apparitions of the lower-self. A spirit entering the playground through the mirrored soul must be prepared. The benefits are a more compelling game; the dangers… a deeper ‘fall’.


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