Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Freewill on the ranch - a study of possibility and choice, and how the control system operates. Confident ranchers know the cattle always return

Pour yourself a cold one and drop into the glossary to imbibe in the descriptions of the following words; Absolute, Dualism, Chumba, Carny, Rancher, Cattle, Luchador, Carnival

The ‘shoes of duality’ standing amongst humanities cattle.


A Will of any form or identity who decided to use their ‘knowledge of creation through thought’ to build a delusion for themselves, and any willing ignore-ant participant (see ignorant definition).


A term used to metaphorically refer to an experience that may be considered illusory or illusory-like.


The transition point between the vantage of the Absolute and the perception of the relative.

In the dust of duality, many souls follow the shapes and motion of other Wills without questioning the source of their experience.

The control system’s ‘fence’ isn’t opaque. Those with curiosity can discover a way through, under, over, or around.

A dense cloud of sensation acts as a challenge for souls navigating the ranch lands… all the way until the ‘livestock’ arrive on the other side of the fence.

The field of creation is not an illusion, it is ‘illusory-like'‘. Upon the stage of grazing, getting too close to the ‘actors’ can end up with dualistic consequences.

There are souls that would rather have you remain ignorant of their desire. Keep in mind - to ignore takes two.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is in contemplation. He recognizes that those who believe themselves ‘in charge’ think they’ve given the herd the choice to be free, or enslaved. They have seen the hooves walk the lazy ‘slave’ route. Because the beasts haven’t chose to be a rancher, they figure they wish to be ranched. They’re satisfied in being no longer responsible for the herds desires, state, and position.

In the dust field slave state, ranchers increase the price of necessary assets, so only those with credit can ‘afford’ them (with credit they issued). The rentier plantation never lets a renter ‘own’ another freeing asset. Although it seems the prices of stalls and corrals could go up… and that work hand salaries couldn't possibly keep pace - prices still increase. Credit is issued to those in the hierarchical rentier farm scheme. Yes, the cattle and goats have ‘agreed’. The ranchers believe they aren’t taking anything, but merely reacting to the herds laziness and lack of interest.

In the process of soul ‘control’ and the perceptive delusion of higher rebellion, the intelligent are quite so, yet not quite where they need to be. They create a scam system out of ego necessity, which has to self-destruct because its very path undermines itself.

Yet the ego-bound intelligent believe they can outsmart their predicament. They think, ‘This cyclical system is quite useful - it prevents humanity from escaping.’ Unfortunately for them, it only serves to keep themselves bound, and the ‘robotic cattle’ in check. Souls that uniquely detach can traverse in and out of the system, but their own system blinds them to the sight of it happening.


A singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including kabbalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support of illusion, misperception, and the encouragement of self-blinding behaviors.

An explanation for those who don’t live on the ranch, or fight in lucha libre contests!

The powers of dualistic control cannot see or understand the quest to oneness and the absolute… it is of no threat. Only those who frolic with, or have inflamed ego while diving into dualism must play, fight, and tangle.

Wonder why those who are ‘revealing’ the essence of the ranch aren’t permanently removed?

Only those that challenge the ‘ownership’ of the herd are thought of as competitors, and physically eliminated. Moreover, opening the gate to let the ‘cattle’ roam isn’t usually thought of as threat. The rancher knows his fences deter most, and where none are built, the livestock oft return of their own accord.

Now, why aren’t those who inform the ranchers of their error eliminated?

Simply put, a rancher cannot hear admonishing words. Only a rancher who’s ready to become something else will understand, and the very nature of their watercourse way unlearning ensures they no longer act in defense of the now quenched inflamed ego. Most persuaders, change-makers, and proselytizers on the ranch are cattle, mooing outside the fence, lamenting they can’t change the dress and attitude of the rancher. Their words are like mosquitoes buzzing around the ears of ego’s who’ve made their home on the range.


Power attempts to force others not to disturb their suspension of disbelief. Those that succeed in ‘changing’ the minds, attitudes, beliefs, actions of others aren’t really changing anything. For those they view as being changed aren’t ‘any-thing’ to be changed. Those that consent want it to seem as if they’ve been subjugated. Their supposed unquestioned ‘compliance’ hides their prior choice. Another way to reframe their state is to understand that their alleged ‘consent’ was not consent at all, rather the response from one who has freewill, but chose its path and now appears to others as if an automaton.


A note to the curious

The ptb* (powers that be) aren’t interested in those who seek to be ‘one’ again because they are ‘outside’ of their system. And though the desire of some who claim to be emancipated gnash their teeth on having to bear their temporal life time, the very contest is within.

*Want to know who these ‘powers that be’ are?.