The word ‘sacred’ sure sounds cool. Find out what's really sacred.

The word ‘sacred’ sure sounds cool. Discover the truth about what's really sacred.

Unfortunately for those used to lavishing such praise, sacred and special are words that enforce duality.

‘Sacred’ and ‘special’ aren’t found in the present.

You brave enough to face the truth about the ego of ‘sacred’ and ‘special’?

In the Arctic, and only in the Arctic, the word ‘sacred’ sure sounds cool.
Do you really buy into the label of ‘sacred’.

the word n’ feeling is a glacier of icy arrogance, frozen caste, and shivering judgment.

Got to bundle up with the word though, as it allows igloo bound shamans to hide their frost bitten noses from themselves.

Ultimately, when you chill, there’s neither ‘sacred’ nor ‘unsacred’. 
So now that we just harpooned that seal, take a journey with me to the great refrigerator named ‘Antarctica’…
Here we find a snowy penguinic sentiment called ‘special’, which is the cool squawking cousin of sacred. As twin icebergs, they imply a frigid unsacred and an ice cold unspecial - two subzero perspectives and judgments.
Twin Inferno Phoenix flies above the concepts and self-imposed labels of sacred and special.

Twin Inferno Phoenix flies above the concepts and self-imposed labels of sacred and special.

Is one snow cone more special than another? 

Is one type of Eskimo pleasure more sacred than another? 

I call hypothermic BS.
Unlearn judgments arctic freeze.. the sacredness and specialness creating distinctions where there shouldn’t be.

Unlearn judgments arctic freeze.. the sacredness and specialness creating distinctions where there shouldn’t be.

Break your attachment to the twin icebergs and you’ll find yourself at the equator.

We’re all one, and everything between the Arctic and Antarctic is one.
How’s it that any ‘part’ of us has more ‘value’?

Is it because we hang out at the poles? Wear polar bear skins? 


Is it because we wear down insulated egos?

So if you’re Eskimo or Inuit listen up! Anytime self-worth is derived from how love’s manifested or consummated, it’s the ego speaking. Most often, it spills from the chapped lips of two or more wills playing the fantasy-freezer game.

The here & now twin inferno state melts the ice that covers twin flame.

A few more questions...
The notion of sacredness never exists in the present.
Is an Eskimo woman more valuable because she’s been less ‘active’ at the rookery?

Is a frozen fudgesickle better tasting because it was hard to get?
All value comes from the source, that which the poles rest upon.

Now, the ego has to endure a few icicles breaking off if ‘specialness’ was the original motivation for your relationship. For the ego, specialness melting feels like -452F, which causes a lot of chattering teeth.

The word ‘sacred’ doesn’t reside in the present, nor in an integrated planet. That’s why true love in the present never sees anything as special, sacred, or exclusive. 

Yeah, I know… sometimes you want to recast the tundra spell, suspending your disbelief in the sacred to make the documentary ‘special’ again.


Declaration of sovereignty from the judgment of ‘sacred’.

I am sovereign. I am the creator and the created. I am not in agreement with any ‘sacred’ religion, any ‘sacred’ name, any ‘sacred’ language, any ‘sacred’ science, any ‘sacred’ history of victors, any ‘sacred’ unquestioned tradition, any ‘sacred’ etiquette, any unexamined ‘sacred’ moral, any sacred book, any ‘sacred’ government, any ‘sacred’ system, any ‘sacred’ monetary system, any ‘sacred’ ingrained attachment, any ‘sacred’ belief or belief system, any ‘sacred’ scorn, ‘sacred’ judgment, or anything else I have not consciously chose. This is my creation, I take it back into my creation, I cover up uncooperative co-wills, my Absolute-self is the designer, the planner and maker of agreements.



Are the ‘things’ you create ‘sacred creations’?

Creator gods are numerous as tumble weeds strewn across an infinite plateau.

Creator gods create by fiat, and by their ‘command’ then have ‘value and worth’ ; )

If seχ is sacred, then every-thing is sacred.

Creator gods are as transient as their creations.

And creations with and without awareness are as numerous as the imagination conjures.

What do you say, let’s just create or not… and get over the judgment of their value.

Create without expectation, or attachment. Create because that is simply ‘what you do’. Create or build on others creations. Create unabashedly because all creations partially or completely paint the ones that ‘arrived prior’. Create knowing your creation serves the same fate. Create and laugh. Create and cry. Create your dreams that cast shadows over the creations of others.

Create even though you know it brings anger, and fear, frustration, and sadness to others who want their creations to be more than what they are.

Create and fly into the dreams of Playgroundia experience you are now conscious you chose to be in.

If anything is ‘sacred’, then just have it be presence.


Sled into the Alchemy Lounge


And a word about ‘Reverence’…

Just like ‘sacred’, so goes the term ‘reverence’. Most reverence is not what it seems… it’s a public announcement of your alleged connection to source, one you wouldn’t announce if you were actually connected to source. It is not equivalent to ‘being present’. It is a term that implies ‘irreverence’, and a sublime method to protect belief systems from being questioned. It assumes that the relationships and people and things and processes aren’t actually creations from other souls (including our own), to create and support distinctions that are only there for as long as they are imagined. It is a term and a motion we speak of and act in to lend credibility to our own supported rendition of duality. Who here will say that something should or should NOT be revered? Who is willing to place judgment upon that which is has beginnings and ends, consequences, and unknown endings? Who are you to place value upon one thing, and ignore that your neighbors version may not be yours. Who hasn’t questioned the validity of ‘earth’, and are you the one to consenting to that distinction of what ‘earth’ is? And who of you can say where earth starts and begins? And when will you be ready to see that ALL of your distinctions are but conveniences? And who 

Not that I actually care that much, nor does it ultimately matter what you think or feel… but hey, thought you might want to consider ; )