The term ‘ILLUSION’ perpetuates ILLUSION. Illusions are illusory in the alleged universal ‘hologram’.

Within the alleged universal ‘hologram’, all illusions are illusory.

Behold… a myriad of semi-deceptive relatives, stacked upon themselves.

Determine for yourself.
The word ‘illusion’ implies that what’s being modified isn’t an illusion.

The term ‘optical illusion’ suggests that the basis for ocular perception is being manipulated.

However, it’s more like a film being contorted by a warped lens.
It’s true… the very word called ‘illusion’ perpetuates illusion itself.

For an illusion to be, it must be built upon that which is not an illusion. Interesting game we’re playing, eh?


Here, the word ‘Illusion’ swims in unexamined assumptions;

…a thing may exist and a thing may not exist.

…‘Reality’ is inside or outside your ‘head’.
It’s true, the word illusion means little when things neither exist nor don’t exist.

This is why ‘illusion’ is sometimes spoken of as ‘holographic’.

‘Illusions’ and ‘Holograms’ are but translucent playground structures we like to point out - so as to distract our small selves ego from seeing ourselves floating in the original charade.


Yet this only muddles the cocktail of illusion. A ‘holographic’ world is presented, but the ‘insight’ is riddled with false assumptions and semantic distractions. It tautologically reflects its own creation. You can say your world is ‘like a hologram’, as a comparison to laser created ‘holographic’ projection.

Still, a more expansive way of speaking about any perceptive dimensions is to view it as a tentative window into the essential nature of the real soul, but false spirit.

Our creation is illusory-like. It neither exists nor doesn’t exist. Only in our souls, bodies, energies, minds, and imaginations are we tempted to deny our higher-self’s timelessness.


All perceptions are spurious. The spirit unfolds by creating pathways of physical nature, which appear to exist and not exist only in one small field of the source spirit. This ‘playground’ of contrast is a creation of spirit, not the other way around.
Before a TwinInferno State is realized, one finds themselves asking...

Is my perception reality? Should I care? After all… a large part of our experience is due to our consent.


‘Does the realization that our ‘world’ is illusory-like undermine or create the path for a greater amount of the ‘dark’ side of duality to become prevalent?
(It does not)
Does the ‘holographic’ perception negate ‘morality’, so that raw self interest becomes the pinnacle of aspiration?
(It does not) 

What does it benefit the transitory small-self to recognize and embrace a world that has no distinctions?
(It frees you to choose.)

Does the challenge lie in the question and assumption itself?

Can I trust perception?’
(Yes, but only to the extent that you know it creates experience.)

Take a walk into the Tao of Experience.