A Constellation ONLY Happens in the Viewers Mind. Understand How Perception and Time Relate. Explore the connection between astrology and astronomy.

Imagine going to a shimmering golden nebula where time disappears. You’re drifting in the ‘now’, where the colors of space and time are but a painting. You find your eyes looking into what once was thought the ‘future’ and ‘past’. You feel it… every place you glance is now the present.

Perception is a trickster, until it isn’t.

Re-bend your perception.
The constellations of ‘space’ are similar to the ‘constellations’ of the mind. How so? So as the stars of constellations are only related to each other in our perspective, so are the thoughts we think our ours. Most are but disjointed desires and di…

The constellations of ‘space’ are similar to the ‘constellations’ of the mind. How so? So as the stars of constellations are only related to each other in our perspective, so are the thoughts we think our ours. Most are but disjointed desires and distinctions from other Wills. We mistake their confluence and grouping to have more meaning than we have provided consent.

The carnival of space is a spiraling fractal lollypop, an aluminum foil pinwheel reflecting our observation in mirrored origami leaves.
Because the shiny leaves reflect at the same time, regardless of whether you look at one leaf first.

‘Cause and effect’ is a convenient belief of imaginary distinctions embraced by those who want to forget they’re the creators of time.

So friends, constellations like Scorpio, Virgo, and Orion are whipped up in your mind. But that doesn’t stop these thought-forms from being fun, cool, and a great perceptive game. Now, constellations don’t fib, although they may tell you they caused you to spill your milk.

Many purveyors of astrology unnecessarily stomp their feet when it’s revealed that the ‘cause and effect’ of planetary movement is but a mirror of fractal creations. They only appear to come and go, and are unable to ‘cause’ anything.

Explore the fractal relationship between astrology and astronomy.


You likely don’t remember, but you consented to universal attention. This agreement supports the same imaginary angles appearing as astronomy AND astrology.

In the fractal, Jupiter in the third house doesn’t effect a human, nor does a person cause Jupiter to be in the third house. The fractal picture is simultaneous, the painting of the absolute, unlimited by the overlaying of time. It’s our souls eyes attention, moving from one part of the picture to another that creates the appearance of the dancing time partners called cause and effect.

Cause and effect are one - not two events. Unblemished astrology is perception of the fractal in the present.
A constellation ONLY happens in the viewers mind. No star or star-being ‘belongs’ to a constellation. The stars that construct a constellation are unrelated in every viewed angle but our own. It’s wonderful for eyes to experience such clarity.
So imagine this with me as we see the star in Orion named Rigel, it’s 864 light years away. While another star has the unfortunate name of Betelgeuse, and it’s 642 light years away. Another naughty star in Orion is named Bellatrix, which is only 244 light years away.

Even the perception of ‘sacred’ is just a belief system.


Constellations are but illusory like groupings that fit the narrative of our imagination.

We’re getting the sensation that there’s no such thing as a constellation outside our own point of reference.
Get it?
A constellation only occurs in your mind.
OK, perhaps an analogy for all you vegetarians…
From our earth-farm point of view there’s a space-potato floating just west around 2 ft away, and a carrot shaped asteroid just slightly northwest at 10 ft, and a eggplant-moon southwest at 25 ft. Because of this, we see a delicious grouping of astral produce. In our vegetative state, we may wonder why that potato is so big and the carrot so small.

From micro to macro… our perceptive blunders are as poignant as the game of perception itself.

You’ve got to love the realization!

Now’s a good time to consider what it means.

Time and perception are bound to each other. One without the other dissolves both.

Perception is a trickster, until it isn’t.

The appearance of cause and effect may mean you have Vaseline in your eyes.

Collapsing the two into one serves to limit the power of time, and has the inverse effect of increasing your ability to be in the present.

A con-stella-tion is not a con-man looking to gain your con-fidence.

(If you’re interested in why ‘Orion’ was chose as an example, scroll down to see the intriguing brain language spell that the word [and sound] ‘Orion’ was chosen to perpetuate.) 


Release attachment to belief systems and begin to see clearly again.
‘Cause and effect’ is an artificial distinction.


“I’m unattached to any belief system, including the supporting structure of astronomy and astrology. The same angles that create Astrology are the same angles that make up the light, space and time of Astronomy.”

…and if you’ve jumped to a new perspective - consider saying,

“I’m unattached to any belief system, even the one I just replaced the other with.”

“Here in the stars, any belief that cause and effect are real beyond perceptive playground duality is now gently pushed to the side.”



California - A little note to shine some light on the ‘dark desert highway’ you might be driving on ; )

Some say there’s a potential ‘con’ of con-stellations. With a few homonyms and spelling reversals, you get suggestions diving into your subconscious. 

For instance, Orion (the great warrior) had a state named after him; California is the ‘Caliph of Orion’. And what a perfect metaphor for the Carnival this particular state is…

Damn, the carnivals in California go off! 

As the perpetuated thought-form song-spell aptly named Hotel California is playing, the same angles that create Astrology are the same angles that suggest the distance, area, and state. These are the result of thought-forms that knowingly and unknowingly have been passed throughout time, and are reflected in the shape, state, city, monument, mountain, river, and many other names of ‘things’.

Yeah yeah, I know… the shape of the state and the name itself couldn’t have anything to do with the shape and name of Orion, and that the state is exactly 770x770 miles square when looking at its borders NSEW lat/long. I can hear it now, ‘That Maat must have really hit his head hard when he fell out of the Ferris wheel’.