How to create souls. Did your parents engagement with the ‘illusion’ create servitor children?

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Are your children servitors? If you use inductive thinking, you operate in probabilities. You might ‘quantify’ a likelihood of whether your children are ‘real’. Still, in the end it’s you who makes the choice of whether they are or are not real, or …

Are your children servitors? If you use inductive thinking, you operate in probabilities. You might ‘quantify’ a likelihood of whether your children are ‘real’. Still, in the end it’s you who makes the choice of whether they are or are not real, or tentative. This is why you can easily say, ‘I will exchange my life for theirs any day.’ The process of creation through inter-sextion opens up windows of awareness.

Your children, like you… go beyond the mere false choice of existence and non-existence.

In the process of ‘how to create a soul’, is the communion of two beings, their focus on duality (along with passion to make duality seem like singularity) create the rift where another ‘soul’ was born?

And is this ‘soul’ another aspect of the falsely universal expression, who thinking themselves separate, perpetuates the dream, the solid ghost, the specter of matter and its reciprocating partner called ‘energy’?

You share the soul, to varying degrees, of that which you’ve manifested. In essence, although all is connected, some is connected more.

The soul you share is more or less bondage or freedom.

The soul you perpetuate has no guilt, for it’s ‘you’ not remembering what you did, wearing different cloths, and expressing a different personality.