A look at arrogance and ego of creators. Behold... tremendous storks perceive ‘imperfection’.

How could it be that perfection is as plausible as the wind being still?

Why is it that ‘perfect’ storks have only been seen in still photos and artist renderings?

Navigate the ego, gliding into the study of animal perfection, and perceived imperfection. Discover the connection between arrogance and ego.

Hawks have to squint real hard to catch a glimpse of highflying storks.
Egoish birds aloft
The vanity of the publicly spiritual
With every nagging breeze, air currents carry them to a place where it’s ever more difficult to see that storks are responsible for the guano plummeting through the sky.
Now, the gulls and willets think it’s silly that hawks screech about such idiocy. Flipping them a middle tail feather, they flitter across the dump, heading out to check the garbage pile for new treats.
In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ sits amongst the symbolic ‘twin legs of duality’. There’s no limit to the characters, schemes, dramas, and vanity in the estuary.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ sits amongst the symbolic ‘twin legs of duality’. There’s no limit to the characters, schemes, dramas, and vanity in the estuary.

Pictured here is ‘The Great Stork’. Although it may look like exactly like a stork, it is not (at least to those who have accepted its suggestions that IT is the ‘Creator’).

Pictured here is ‘The Great Stork’. Although it may look like exactly like a stork, it is not (at least to those who have accepted its suggestions that IT is the ‘Creator’).

Well below the cirrus clouds where tremendous storks soar, there’s screeching. Attune hawk ears eavesdrop upon the debate above – a discussion about dissolving creation.
Evidently, some of the storks remembered it was they who created the duality below.

And having seen the mess of guano piling up, they’re now considering flapping their wings so mightily that the two sides of day and night, of right and wrong, of positive and negative dissolve into no-thingness.
a fractured mutual arising
out of balance duality
dissolving creation
When you’re disconnected with the Absolute, one never sees outside their intelligence.

When your self-awareness equates itself to self-realization, one’s ego is being stared at in distorted waters.

‘Hawks and gulls could’ve been so wonderful,’ they reason, unaware of their own slightly upturned beaks, ‘If they would’ve just covered their haughty, beady eyes.’
So, the Great Storks begin the circular meandering of vultures.
Perhaps an objective is to make things as challenging and out-of-balance as possible, so as to force higher rebellion to reconcile, and the smaller ‘wills’ to question duality.

Perhaps an objective is to make things as challenging and out-of-balance as possible, so as to force higher rebellion to reconcile, and the smaller ‘wills’ to question duality.

‘Mutual arising’ is a relative concept, ‘exists’ only in duality, and is something rarely questioned by long beaked taoists.

‘Mutual arising’ is a relative concept, ‘exists’ only in duality, and is something rarely questioned by long beaked taoists.

They comfort themselves by reminding each other that ‘duality itself is neither good or bad’, but hide from the realization that duality always creates tentative good and bad.
Other storks shake their feathers, smugly reminding themselves that bird colonies always collapse without their assistance.
As symptoms of ego, arrogance and ego may be found flying over the same lagoon, yet drifting over opposite shores.

Both the symptoms of natural ego and arrogantly inflamed ego may be found flying over the same lagoon - yet drifting over opposite shores.

Still it’s easier to blame the hawks, owls, gulls and willets for the failure of their creation.
The ‘crow’ knows that to consider such things is only for the intrepid. It is for those with courage to venture into a place of ‘no belief’… a place of childhood openness, a place where one decides to throw away arrogance, and pride.

The ‘crow’ knows that to consider the actual nature of ego is only for the intrepid. It is for those with courage to venture into a place of ‘no belief’… a place of childhood openness, a place where one decides to throw away stealthy arrogance.

Has ALL the ‘work’ you’ve done towards actualization transmuted into subdued, quiet, sneaky pride, arrogance, and ego? Can you dive into the nourishing soil of discomfort, to grow into what you have chose to be? That is after all, why you are here.

Has ALL the ‘work’ you’ve done towards actualization transmuted into subdued, quiet, sneaky pride, arrogance, and ego? Can you dive into the nourishing soil of discomfort, to grow into what you have chose to be? That is after all, why you are here.

At tree level the crows and hawks banter, lamenting that all a stork would have to do is sit on a low hanging power line to see that most fowl can’t question what’s fed to them at the bird feeder. And after losing sleep due to recurring dreams of becoming a gull, a few consider…
The real ‘you’ never had a beginning, only the temporal ‘you’ did.

The real ‘you’ never had a beginning, only the temporal ‘you’ did.

‘Perhaps the arrogance of the creator stork is built into every squawking word distinction.
Maybe with each beating wing, there’s a beginning and an end.
The distinctions of where water and waves and clouds ‘start and end’ are just conveniences used to create metaphor, not actual representation of perspective reality. In the same way, the beginnings and ends of ourselves are the exact metaphor as wel…

The distinctions where water, waves, and clouds ‘start and end’ are simple conveniences used to create metaphor, not actual representations of reality. In the same way, the beginnings and ends of ourselves are the exact metaphor as well.

‘Humans’ for the most part, perceive uniformly with each other. The ‘green’ that one person experiences is similar to the ‘green’ of someone else’s. We garner this opinion because of the similar words we use to describe the characteristics of sound,…

‘Humans’ for the most part, perceive uniformly. The ‘green’ that one person experiences is similar to the ‘green’ of someone else. We garner this opinion because of the similar words we use to describe the characteristics of sound, light, and touch. At the same time, it’s not that there are numerous agreements to perceive in similar ways between all ‘people’, it’s that there is one agreement, and those ‘different souls’ thinking that there must be a multitude of agreements with the higher wills that created air, fire, water, and earth.

What if every hypnotic flicker of shimmering complexity felt in the sensation of light is what makes the hummingbirds plumage so beautiful?
Perhaps the nest of all illusion is always created by a ‘magnificent’ stork. But maybe it’s their acceptance and co-creation that perpetuates it.
All creation is ego based. To use it and not control your ego leaves you blind.

All creation is ego-based. To conjure while entranced in distorted reflections leaves you enamored in your creations, and blind to their new formed wills.

Navigate the ego, gliding into the study of animal perfection, and perceived imperfection.

Navigate the ego, gliding into the study of animal perfection, and perceived imperfection.

Maybe, just maybe, the chaos of litter, strewn trash, and broken shells points to the creators arrogance… despite what perceived ‘good’ has been made in the trees, sand, wind, and blowing reeds.
Could there be an infinite number of creators? ‘We’ are created and ‘we’ create.
When you create a feathered ‘servitor’ or anything meant to serve with ego, you’re building a precarious nest.
Here we see the legs of a sigil, uh, I mean seagull. Upon the sand of matter and energy, a segregated awareness that is created to perform a function may be open to self-awareness. The conjuring of any ‘thing’ provides part of your spark to create a…

Here we see the legs of a sigil, uh, I mean seagull. Upon the sand of matter and energy, a segregated awareness that is created to perform a function may be open to self-awareness. The conjuring of any ‘thing’ provides part of your spark to create another ‘be-ing’. All servitors are conjured, they ‘serve’ until they don’t.

How could it be that perfection is as plausible as the wind being still.
Why is it that ‘perfect’ storks have only been seen in still photos and artist renderings.’
Perfection and its cousin are only found in the wind blown reflections seen on water.

Perfection and its cousin are only found in the wind blown reflections seen on water.