Who creates purpose? Inquisitive lobsters want to know.

Did you consent to your 'purpose'?

Have you boldly asked, ‘who creates purpose’?

Crawl from the holding tank and head for the open seas.

X'Tzu's Zoo awaits your spiny self. Shed your exoskeletal beliefs.

A contemplative lobster hung out in an aquarium talking to its reflection…
Fictional manipulative purpose

There are some animals that will never sense stillness and satisfaction if they continue to follow the unquestioned theme of ‘having to have purpose’. Moreover, the very quest of such is the antithesis of what they are!

They are creatures of the present, true angels of this plane. They are like the tree that needs no purpose. They are like the lion without the requirement of identifying with meaning, they are the flow, the stream, where only bystanders who feel it necessary to assign value and worth, and are compelled to apply these labels.

“Dearest crusty friend, in this tank our bristly small-selves are here to fulfill a role, one that makes artificial plants more real, crab pinches more painful, squid ink more opaque, and whales to wail at the whaling wall. If only the unmolted ‘you’ could shed its exoskeletal beliefs, to question if a crustacean ‘god’ really designed you for the purpose of the boiling pot.
‘How, why, and when’ are purpose related, time based, and exist in duality. Once you’re here and now, you’re present, and you won’t be asking ‘why, when, or how’ you got there!

‘How, why, and when’ are purpose related, time based, and exist in duality. Once you’re here and now, you’re present, and you won’t be asking ‘why, when, or how’ you got there!

It’s acceptable to embrace the definition of doing something that is greater than yourself. However, you might want to ask ‘how and where’ did this realization of ‘what’s greater than yourself’ came.

It’s acceptable to embrace the definition of doing something that is greater than yourself. However, you might want to ask ‘how and where’ did this realization of ‘what’s greater than yourself’ came.

You have choice whether to accept the ‘purpose’ of another Will. You find these ‘values’ nestled like fishhooks in tradition, patriotism, religion, reductionism, intellectualism, and language.

You have choice whether to accept the ‘purpose’ of another Will. You find these ‘values’ nestled like fishhooks in tradition, patriotism, religion, reductionism, intellectualism, and language.

Are you sure you approved of this spiny objective before we ended up here?
Though ‘aquarium time’ isn’t a good place to judge from, it seems my Will has been tricked by bib wearing gods, shellcracker and fork in hand.

Here, only in the tank, does this fictional ‘purpose’ exist. There is no destination, nor any place we should be going.


A few questions for you…

If you ask a day what its purpose is, what do you get?

What about asking a tree? Or perhaps the ocean?

For those that are challenged to see outside their own portal of observation (ie; labelled ‘body’, ‘soul’, or ‘ego’), the illusory-like vantage is persistent. It hates to be questioned. It tell itself, “All other ‘things’ must have purpose. When it doesn’t seem to have one in of itself, then its reason must be ‘to revolve around me’ (the small-self, the inflamed ego bouncing in the hall of mirrors).”

There is no lasting purpose to this this layer of ‘humanity’s world’ or this experience. It’s OK, and nothing to fret. Purpose only resides in the past and in the future. It swims about because thoughts beg it. Purpose makes out with time, and needs to believe in the solidity of its trance state. From outside the relative of duality, the absolute has no purpose, needs no purpose, and is relaxed in its purposelessness. Come to think of it… does a porpoise have purpose?! Nope. They know that.

And what if someone asks you ‘what’s your purpose?’, yet you say ‘nothing’. Soon, judgment will swirl about you, for in their duality locked eyes, they can see no other alternative, as if experience has no value unless some other source has proclaimed a purpose that you’ve bought into.

When you’re present, there’s no purpose, and no desire for purpose. Yet, to operate without purpose doesn’t mean you don’t act or do. It means that you are sovereign, no longer available for rent.