Animals interviewed about their thoughts on love.

Behold... love within the savanna and ocean.
The earth thinks ‘Love’ is a perception and a place, its animals have their own opinion…
Discover the creatures of XTzu’s Zoo
Crocodiles believe love has the right to kill, steal, and lie, as long as it’s true to itself.
Dogs find themselves with no concern for their tail, paws, body or soul, and call it ‘love’.
With wind in the whiskers you channel your inner dog!

With wind in the whiskers you channel your inner dog!

Orangutan love looks at its children and adores them, looks at others children and adores them the same.

Love for another pachyderm, pond, or Pleistocene is a real sensation; but not the ‘love’ elephants ultimately aspire.

An ants true love is arrived at when it moves gravel, but acts in the knowledge that each grain comes and goes.
Termite love is loaded with the sounds of munching and crunching. It’s used for communication, appreciation and manipulation.
Insect love
Potato bugs have multiple ‘types of love’ (as if they’re ultimately ‘experiences to be had’)… and all to hide the intrinsic nature of what a be-ing is.
Attachment masquerading as love
For lampreys, remoras, and suckerfish; attachment, bonds and appreciation for experiences are not lessened because there’s greater love.
A giraffes higher love doesn’t see right or wrong, good or bad, up or down, positive or negative, or any ‘thing’ temporal because its head’s so high.
Peak into the safari at XTzu’s Zoo
Donkey’s with spread obstinate legs are remiss to tell you that not all the ‘love’ they feel is Big Love. But then again... any provision is useful when you’re loaded with ore, dried bacon, coffee, and jingling pots and pans.
Underwater dreams
For ‘human’ adults, love is mainly lust for playground games and fairground lovers. But sometimes they swim like otters, locked arm in arm while floating in giant kelp bliss.
For children, the energy of love is duality embraced in the playground; two kids hugging each other on a merry-go-round in complete peace that their higher-self created it.
Dualistic love
Jellyfish like to say ‘God is love’, but know it to be part of the godocean.

Under the sea, love’s their vantage, a current you drift in. It ensures actions are without fault, no matter how they appear to the relative eyes of shrimp and barnacles.

All the creatures laugh that the simplest amongst them, use it for unstoppable buoyancy.

Like plankton, attempting to drown the essence of love is futile. In the ‘end’, it always bubbles up.

Love bubbling up
So, do these animals’ opinions devalue our wild experience?
Does the fleeting nature of an illusory-like ‘humanity’ stampede on love’s motivational force?
Flight of the water phoenix
Because your beloved he-pitbull or hairless she-cat has a coat of tangled ignorance, shabby ego, knotted falsity, or mangy rebellion… does this remove your love?
The timeless perspective may appear to negate love, but only from vertical pupils.
Love’s timeless perspective
Absolute love
Yet once in flight, absolute love soars above the relative wishes for duality to pupate into singularity.
All beasts are loved greater than one may reason or feel…
including those that effect you most like chiggers, ticks, fleas, presidents, spouses, bosses, the lazy, entitled, and even leopards that seem to kill for sport.
Depths of love
The surface and depths of love

For the clouds and water beneath, love is only necessary from dualistic eyes.

(Love doesn’t care what you think! It transcends existence and non-existence, your consent, and the approval of the small-self.)

When you’re in flow there’s no need for the word ‘love’, as you are love.

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