Butterflies and gardeners in the dance of life and death. How perception is built with angles.

The time from birth to wing-wither is constructed in the angles of the sun.

Flutter to X'Tzu's Zoo to hear butterflies & gardeners in the dance of life and death.

Learn how perception is built of angles, through esoteric construction.

All perception resides here… Everything you ever conceived and felt.


Close to the garden, a butterfly flutters around the gushing stream of a groundskeepers hose. Her wings beat enviously, seeing what could only be magically created water. Inside her tiny head, she forgets perception is the angel borne from angles… the jitters that make up sunflower visions, flowing water, and howling leaf blowers.


When in the presence of droning bees, she’s oblivious that there’s no sound without the hive of original thought.

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If she could just remember… for every creature alike, thought streams only from patterns imagined in leafy canopies.

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She doesn’t know it, but the amount of time experienced from cocoon to wing-wither is delivered by the angles constructed in radiating sun rays.

So it is that the gardener comes and goes, and the butterfly flirts from life to death and life again.