The law of cause and effect is perceptive karma... a dogs head and tail in a fractal chase.

The more sovereign your vantage, the clearer it is that ‘cause and effect’ are aspects of the same ‘thing’, ‘event’, and ‘perception’. No matter how much whining & whimpering you do, the appearance of ‘the law of cause & effect’ is due to your conscious proximity to the fractal.

Learn the true nature of perceptive fractals from dogs in the story below.

Scratch your way into X’Tzu’s Zoo, and scamper upon the painting of the relative.
A ‘dog’ will explain fractals from the view of the perceptive doghouse. When we fold the fractal, essentially we all experience the exact same thing.

A ‘dog’ will explain fractals from the view of the perceptive doghouse. When we fold the fractal, essentially we all experience the exact same thing.

My dog Mandelbrot said the reason we perceive fractal natures is that it’s a window to the tentative nature of cause and effect. Barking out the quantities of distance-time-space is the language of math, and temporary creations of well-bred Poodles and Great Danes.
All the while, Wired Haired Pointers aware of their attention in the field strike a timeless stance showing cause and effect to point neither way.
The appearance of ‘cause and effect’ is created by how close we are to the fractal, as well as the movement of our conscious attention.

The appearance of ‘cause and effect’ is created by how close we are to the fractal, as well as the movement of our conscious attention.

Mandelbrots’ fractals, from macro to micro, are mere reflections of our conjuring.

Mandelbrots’ fractals, from macro to micro, are mere reflections of our conjuring.

The perception of any-thing described by distance, space, or time can be fit into fractals, and are the mirrors of our creation and consent.

The perception of any-thing described by distance, space, or time can be fit into fractals, and are the mirrors of our creation and consent.

Yet through the nose of the Blood Hound, a ‘pattern perceived’ leaves a scent trail of understanding; engendering tail wags as they realize ‘all things are sensation filled portions of the entirety’.
When a hand reaches out to turn on a light switch, it can be said that that hand reaching out is the cause and the light switch turning on is the effect. Yet this is just a convenient distinction, nothing more. It can also be said that when a desire…

When a hand reaches out to turn on a light switch, it can be said that that hand reaching out is the cause and the light switch turning on is the effect. Yet this is just a convenient distinction, nothing more. It can also be said that when a desire occurs to turn on the light, that is the cause - while the reaching out and the light turning on is the effect.

This is the same for every ‘act’ that occurs within the confines of dualistic thought and perception.

If you step back a few feet from your observation you will see little if any distinctions where they once stood unquestioned. Indeed, an act, a ‘series’ of acts, a slew of ‘events’, and lifetime of ‘moments’ are all one thing… it just depends on your willingness to step outside the dualistic paradigm.

In the ‘left-brain’ side of the dog house, Sheep Dogs with too furry of bangs view equivalencies as separate from its creation, and then can barely discern why there isn’t a need for both a kennel entrance and exit.

Oh yes, my dog is a Mexican Hairless.