Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Studies show zebras are judgmental! Lions laugh at those who refuse to judge.

Cross the croc infested water to discover the metaphors of; Absolute-self, Smaller Self, Soul, Observer, Savanna.

Though you may not see it, animal’s have choice.

Did you know that zebra’s judge?

Each animal may choose their belief systems.

Who could guess that zebra’s are born taoists?

A lion may or may not be judged. Either way, it’s of no concern.

Upon the savanna, a ‘form’ of judgment reigns. When we think we’re above, without regard to the knowing ‘that all things are bound to time’, that events are born in the imagination, and perceived hierarchies are but illusion, we reinforce our maya ‘realness’ of the savannas we play upon. ‘Animal’ souls simply wait and watch, then appear to ‘accept’ your judgment and outcomes, all while drifting in and out of what can only to our foggy eyes be ‘suffering, injustice, life and death’.

Animals are more like angels than ‘angels’. Look through fresh eyes and you’ll see.

Judgment doesn’t always have the odor you’re expecting. Judgment and arrogance are symptoms of ego, but not always related.

There are many beliefs in the jungle.

What are the choices your ego is confronted with?

Ask yourself if the Absolute-self judges.

Do you believe the judgment you hear?

Those who refuse the choice of judgement, also refuse to play in the jungle.

There are times when you shouldn’t need to judge.

There are occasions when one should definitely judge. Agreeing with another animal’s judgment about themselves is not self-absorbed and shallow. Reacting to another’s self-judgment is wise assessment.

A zonkey that has chose not to judge.Today’s stormy weather may or not favor his choice.


Judgment is something you can use, or not. It’s built from and constructs belief systems. This takes energy.

Yet as it does, to jump to the conclusion that ‘one should not judge’ is premature. For if you are aware that this belief system exists, or that you are consolidating an existing one, or that you are constructing a new one… then it is your choice. And how you spend your energy is your business.

Now there are others that will ‘judge’ saying ‘don’t judge’, then forget it is their own belief system that takes the same energy that compels them ironically to move in the same direction of those who they condemn.

For ‘belief’ is rarely an awareness building tool, and yet serves as an oasis for those who need to slow the process of change from their place of conditioning, to a place of absolute freedom.

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