In the playground, ‘illusion’, ‘fake’, & ‘3D’ all are games. Are you suspending your disbelief? “We appear dimensional when there’s sand in our eyes. It’s the subjective experience and perspective that’s illusory-like. That which is truly objective has no time or space, and no things. Stop suspending your disbelief for a moment and take a look at the hollow essence of ‘fake’, ‘3D’, and ‘illusion’.” “Right, wrong, good, bad do not apply to either subjective or objective. It only seems morally relativistic to those who demand interpretation through relative eyes.” “Meanwhile, down in the playground, the words ‘illusion’, ‘fake’, and ‘3D’ are words with built-in playfulness. Those who like to orchestrate the activities on the sand, slides, and hopscotch game assume the conceiver of such notions won’t question their baseline.” On the hopscotch of life, sometimes you need to step outside the chalk. illusory-like events and things fill our senses. “For to do so would create an uncomfortable reflection, one that might threaten to deny the very substance playgrounders want – the suspension of disbelief.” “Admitting you’re on a jungle gym, where the solidity of belief is suspect might take away the fun.” In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ is open to the realization that ‘creation’ in the playground takes on many forms. Spirits of the monkey bars fly from experience to experience. “Here in the sandpit, a word’s use undermines the effort to free yourself from it.” The slide represents the choices you have made, yet somehow believe weren’t yours. “Being built on math and angles, these unexamined assumptions are jungle gym bars seen either as play structure or prison.” The suspension of disbelief is a desire found in the playground. Sound and light are the first sensations suggesting an ‘imagined space-time’ has been created. Our perception gets dizzy when we don’t know our souls are on a merry-go-round. “When language spins the dizzy merry-go-round, cognitive dissonance and denial results.” “The playground at this ‘physical’ level we’re creating and experiencing happens without dimensional constructs whatsoever.” Playground souls create their own light. Are you asking or forcing others to help you in suspending your disbelief? “For if we realize our sensations are converted to something our ‘brain’ is subjectively applying experiences to such as light, sound, and touch; then we understand the game within the game, the construction within the construction, and the movement of thought on playground art.” Come to the sand pit Playgroundia's JournalMaatJune 1, 2020illusion, fake, 3d, suspension-of-disbelief, illusory-like, space-time, dimensions, subjective-experience, creation, words, language1 Comment Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes