Remaining present during the great Armageddon distraction. A foray into truther blindness.
October 11, 2021
Armageddon is an empty promise.
Remaining present during the great Armageddon distraction can be easier than you think. YOU CAN release yourself from 'future' fears.
there’s been such a great misunderstanding… that ‘now’ is more special than other ‘nows’. they are not. ‘Earth changes’ are not unusual, and ‘Rare’ events are constant.
Stumble into the glossary to sweep up the metaphors in this parable: Chumba, Carnival, Carnie, Rides, Fair Tickets, Carnival Tokens
Here friends, listen to my description of this carnival hawker’s tool. Its ridiculous name… ‘Armageddon’. I can see you sweating! Sooo damn scary!
Truth is, those damn carnies are trying to dazzle you with Armageddon BS.
The programmers of media content are making a bundle on your 'destruction porn' appetite.
But here, sit down and have a beer. In most cases, the outspoken personalities aren’t even aware they’re working for the carnival controller who goes by the name ‘Chumba’. He wants you to place attention on these possibilities for unsavory reasons… which the big-word crowd calls predictive programming, distraction, and conditioning.
Dreaming of all the ways the ‘unavoidable’ gears of ‘Armageddon’ might unfold is senseless when you look at your real nature from outside the fairgrounds... so goes truther blindness.
Also known as Chumba Cruz. He is Xavier’s internal and external antagonist who works in a real and metaphorical carnival by day, and fights in a real and metaphorical Luchador arena by night. Chumba represents a singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion.
A metaphor for ‘money’ that is created without any corresponding value attached (fiat money). This counterfeit ‘money’ is incorrectly believed the ‘patrons’ to be valid units of account, transactional currency, and a storage of wealth. Carnival tokens steal the labor (energy/time) of those who use them through devaluation as more tokens are conjured by whim, in full faith of the issuing carnival token treasury.
In this image, Chumbas’ Soul Mariachis can be seen. Upon his instructions, they play the ‘sweet sound of fear’. The music’s so loud that it drowns out ‘presence’.
That miserable Chumba likes to cover all angles, everything he does has many reasons. He figures he can use your labor to pay for his fantasy, and so far… he’s right.
As long as you use his carnival tokens, and get sucked into riding all his rides with no perception of an 'outside of the carnival', you’re going to find yourself cleaning out the bathroom stalls for more fair tickets.
It's mostly about distraction, redirecting your attention upon 'futures' that likely never arrive. A tricky balance - for if too many fairgoers place their focus and energy there, it can cause the event to occur.
Fear, trepidation, despair, and hope all reside in the illusory-like future. When one feels any of these sensations, the carnival fence suddenly manifests barbed wire.
A time meme based concept that is illusory-like. The word ‘future’ is merely anticipation of where in the present moment absolute it is focusing upon.
There is no end to the depths souls go to convince themselves their creation is their creator.
In this image, Chumba’s ‘hit mariachis’ are blaring out the tune of time. He reserves these musical ensembles for those who have ‘seen the carnival gate’, and are headed that direction.
Understand… this ‘world’ is going nowhere!
Asteroid impact,
Climate change,
Toilet flush,
Killer solar flare,
Sleepy sun
Armageddon probably occurs when you’re plowed down by a bus, ran over by a combine, or gored by a bull.
Even the 'well intentioned' can take you too far down certain roads, and most the ‘anti-status quo’ are still alive because they’re ‘useful controlled opposition‘.
Your disclosure project, your Thrive, your money, country, Prison Planet, free energy, religions, saviors, language, re-written history, science, math, and what most Pastor’s, Priests, and Mullah’s call your soul… everything is but smoke and shattered mirrors.
This image shows a luchador dragging a fair patron back to the ‘ferris wheel of time’.
Despite the outlandish efforts of souls to turn away from recognizing their choice… choice remains. The experience of ‘duality’ and the essential ‘state of joy’ can CO-EXIST.
The term used to describe the optimal experience of duality. This Playgroundia is the ‘place’ and ‘vantage’ of having a mastery over the relative dualistic world, and walking in the peace of the ‘Absolute’
Captured in this image is the unlimited fury of distraction brought to bear to keep you from taking one step into the Playground. Remember, it was you who made the ‘choice’ to enter this distraction. ‘Chumba’ is you. You have CHOICE, and can go anywhere you want. Place one foot outside the carnival while keeping one foot in… if you want.
The evil luchador and the good luchador party after the ‘fight’. Remember that!
While you’re doing nothing because you think the world is going to ‘end soon anyways’, Chumba and his pals are making new carnival rules, shipping you to Lucha Libre wrestling rings, stealing your salted bacon, and squeezing your woman’s rear end when you’re not looking. All these ‘disasters’ are in front of your eyes because they’re a tool to get you ‘not’ to fight back.
Did I just hear you say,
'There’s nothing we could do about it anyway?'
If that’s what I heard, then you better start breaking mirrors, because you’re in the funhouse and don’t know it.
Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator’.
Whether disasters occur or not means as little as ‘how long a bulls horn’ is AFTER it tossed you into the air.
Seen in this image is a snap shot of the in-house rodeo at the carnival. The two horns of the bull symbolize duality.
Etymology comes from the bull and its 2 horns. “Angus”. Derived from the ancient Bull God, from Osiris & Isis, to Canaanite EL & Asherah. The two (2) horns are representative of duality.
Sometimes rides break, and souls are thrown from their carriage. The word ‘disaster’ (‘dis’-’aster’) means ‘evil star’. Even etymology misleads, for here in examined duality, both good stars and evil stars are seen to play.
Image features an attractive group of metaphorical soul mariachis thinking they can stand before the ‘torrent’.
A metaphor referring to raging unstoppable water that represents the Absolute (see def). That which has no mutually arising component or polarity.
You see, Chumba and friends think they win both ways… that is, if the disasters do or don’t happen.
Oh, and within the carnival grounds, it’s true that they’re dualistically protected from any ‘disaster’, because again, they used your labor to construct safety facilities for their miserable selves.
That’s right, they’re more flexible than a contortionist at a freak show. If the earth vibrates too much, they’ll send you to the small-self preservation caves (located under most carnival grounds). They just laugh, watching you seal your fate in the tomb of their 'shared ignorance'.
If no 'disaster', they slowly end your life with rotten corndogs and sterilizing soda pop. Those who remain on carnival grounds without awareness can look forward to filthy suffering surrounded with electrified barbed wire.
They’re way ahead of you!
Or are they?
Yes, I can hear you thinking,
‘I’m having these prophetic dreams of disaster, it must be god telling me the future’.
The original distinction which makes for the first angle, grew like a crystal to create sets of angles, and deeper ‘thing’ constructions in all senses. This is the playground, and we can choose to ‘remember’ that WE are its creator.
The ‘eye’ perceives itself… understand that. Within this ‘eye’ we find our ‘i’… our ‘ego’. The templates of ‘mind’ our segregated souls have consented to and agreed upon is the basis for experience. We can choose to embrace our original creator role, no longer sitting on the side lines thinking the act of creation ‘is out there’.
Every ‘ride’ has its own ‘beer garden’. Each has its own level of intoxication. We have the CHOICE to drink more or less.
You should know... Chumba and his carnie cohorts have been putting all sorts of crap into your subconscious (without you knowin’ that most your thoughts and fears have been placed there purposefully).
Hard to handle, I get it, but we’ve all been programmed to some extent, and we all have ‘temporary’ brains that are meant to be programmed.
Oh, did I mention that one of the tools Chumba uses can be understood in the fancy 3 letter ‘NLP’. Nothing right or wrong about it (watch out for the false definition of NLP that Chumba’s friends wrote into Wikipedia).
For as long as you uncritically watch and listen to the BS spewing from ALL of your trusted sources, you will continue to be the robot that Chumba desires.
The lightning and the nails strike around you. It is your CHOICE whether they ‘go through’ you.
Lightning, light, and time are the storms of our creation. We can move forward as ‘Eye of the Storm Walkers’.
And knowing the ‘eye of the soul’, we become ‘Ego Whisperers’.
Now’s a good time to look in your hands and see you're holding ticket stubs.
Look! Told you.
Last time I looked, I was gripping so hard my hand was swollen. You know, I immediately took a pry bar to my fingers and declared,
'This is my choice. I came to the carnival to enjoy the rides, win a few stuffed lions to gift others, and clear away any carnival soot that settled on my glasses.'
Swim between the thought-bubbles of intoxicated experience!
“Any belief that I must solve a single problem of the world is now released to the wind, blown down carny lane. Until I see my own desires tamed first, where only needs remain, then can I focus elsewhere. The world is going nowhere."
Swirly-eyed command
Remove your consent from the belief that ‘'your action’, or ‘lack of action in influencing others’ has any value.
When choosing the ‘Playgroundia Experience’, the symbolic ‘mariachis’ of distraction fade into the recesses of the ‘eye-i’.
Fairly irrelevant After-thought
(only relevant to the relative perceiving mind… entertaining, but not essentially useful when hanging out in the present)
The ‘Disclosure Project’ is a limited hangout operation and dis-info campaign scripted and acted by allegedly prior government employees – essentially a gaggle of bad liars, making it up telling what some want to hear.