You are not your experience. Could it be that this world is of our consent… exactly as it is? October 30, 2019 Maat Before going on, Set down your stuff bear prize and step into the glossary for the metaphors: carnival, observer, process of observing, temporal fair ground, fairgoer In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ has chosen choice, surrendering to the outcome. OBSERVERThe essential nature incorporates the observer as a component (defined here using temporal words as best as possible), which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake ‘the observed’ as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).How have you consented to your condition and experience? OBSERVEDAny ‘thing’ that is perceived (concept, object, distinction, category or section of matter or energy, symbol including letters and numbers, whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process). The process of observing, may mistake ‘the observed’ as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).Spend the effort to disconnect from stubborn attachments. PROCESS OF OBSERVINGThe physical and energetic temporal brain (that related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process). Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. All ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.) Also referred to as ‘Stetson’, ‘The Thought Process’, and ‘Hypnosis’ (all thought is hypnosis in varying degrees). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a component which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts (also see; process of observing and observed).No matter how you or the ‘world’ may have convinced yourself, you are not your experience. Grab a cotton candy and join us See this social icon list in the original post