Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Are we a dream of another soul?

Drive onto the backroads of the glossary to navigate the metaphors of this parable: Airstream, RV, Sigil, Small-Selves

Within the RV, asleep and dreaming, our souls create worlds that ‘exist’ for as long as we slumber. The inhabitants of these landscapes have self-awareness for the period we are 'gods'… ones with outstretched fingers who live in shiny aluminum trailers.

We look up at our ‘creator’, desiring to be just like. Here, within the finest of roadway domiciles, our ‘dreams’ create eddies that dream as well. They conjure in all directions, creating infinite reflections of Airstreams within Airstreams.

They live and die, with pleasure and pain… at least until we wake up to discover our small-selves are sigils within sigils within sigils; fractal-like dreams floating in time at the behest of their creator who’s ensconced in time as well.

Just when does our creator wake up, and ‘we’ cease to dream?

And what happens when our creator careens off the side of the road?

Within the confines of our Airstream, transition occurs in many ways. Each transports self-awareness to self-realization. At some point, we become like birds, flying to and fro our aluminum body at will. Whether a trailer, rich green forest, soaring crow, or passing cloud… we find our very definitions of sacred and un-sacred, special and un-special, as well as life and death drift away from the imagined substance we once trusted.

Our soul amnesia is of benefit. Just as the metal body of an Airstream returns to no-thing, so it is that memories of its distinctions, travels and characteristics loose importance.