Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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‘Going towards the light’ is not what you think! Do you want to discover where it leads?

‘Going towards the light’ may not be the direction you want to head.

So, when you see that light… what path are you going to take?

One direction is the choice of the illuminated, the other… that of the radiant.

It’s more likely that ‘you’ are the thought-form of the sun, not the other way around.

The son and the soul are connected. Within the suggestions, duality grows.

Our pupils are connected to the ‘sun’. They are that which lets the light in, the windows to the ‘soul’, ‘sol’, and ‘sun’.

Realizing what ‘light’ truly is shows you the way home.

The ‘place’ of ‘dark and light’ is the temporal realm.

You get sun-blind when you look at sunspots too long.

You have spiritual eyes, as well as ‘light bringing eyes’. How you blend the visions are your choice.

Caw!! I’m headed toward the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ of soul.”

Click click burble… I’m flying through ‘light and dark’ to the other side.”

A Personal Anecdote

When I was a child of five, I had a dream, a reverie, one where I woke within the trance and walked to a door that overlooked the Pacific. In the silence hung a penetrating black sun, backed by sanguine sky. As I gazed at the star portal - it seemed to be an eye… my eye. Then, I shuffled to a mirror that returned the image of my young face. Here in the reflection resided vivid black pupils - peering back. Even then, I sensed that those eyes… my eyes, were the eyes of the sun. I knew I’d made the choice to come here, however reluctantly. This sensation swirled around my life for the next forty three years, until a powerful awakening brought the acknowledgement that this ‘dream’ was a higher-self message to my transient embodied soul. As I drifted into the vibration, the knowing created a profound clarity - one I’m privileged to share.

The Sundalini Rising Journey

I invite you to experience the sundalini rising journey, one that rises as a rose from what seemed a thorny briar, to one of a beautiful playground - a place of oneness, without fear, the real essence, one of no beginning nor end.

Together, the journey unmasks a simple mystery, one that’s walks you from the esoteric to the exoteric, a place to open your eyes and dis-cover that your pupils are of the ‘sun’. As student-pupils, we allow inform-ation from other Wills to form our light experience. Seeing eyes are windows of the ‘soul’, ‘sol’, ‘sun’, and the ‘I’. Life and light are not what they appear.

You’ll see, and then likely enjoy a big laugh of knowing.

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