Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Why the wind feels lonely - Perceptions filters

You cease to feel lonely when you align with Absolute-self. Here, we mesh back into oneness, rowing away from perceptive filters.

A person residing in the present isn’t lonely, although they may be ‘alone’. Loneliness is a symptom of being absorbed in the past and future, and the perspective of not-enoughness that comes with it. The fully present soul doesn’t know loneliness until it becomes lost in duality.


In this image, ‘XTzu’ (from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’) sits comfortably in his home between the water of soul and the sky of spirit.

As breezes and waves, we are much the same, only the present reveals the peace that lays beneath evaporating unnecessary distinctions. Those times that 'i' didn't sit in this state, yet believed I did, it turned out that my 'loneliness' was but a symptom of not be-ing here & now. Although somewhat semantically contradictory to the stories stated words, even the identification of 'soul' is culprit... for a soul is but a distinctive figment that our Absolute self can choose to relinquish.

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