Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Tao of oceanic changing distinctions. Examine the rumbling whitewash of how to perceive life.

Considerations of a Watercourse Way

Those who are immersed in the watercourse way know that eddies and swirls will always be… they come and go. As sure as one disappears, the next appears. From outside the flow, where floating eyes, i’s, and egos are sure that being a part of the flow is not the way, we find a swirl trying to get rid of another swirl, and eddies experiencing emotions without the realization they made that choice. In this place, dreams of preventing unsightly swirls, and contemplations of making transient whirlpools last ‘forever’ resound. Such is the silliness of souls, who looking through the portals of swirls and eddies, sometimes end up. The twisting and torsion is but a short duration while the swirls’ opening lasts, for duality has a built-in reflective limiter called time.

One swirl sees another as a ‘larger vortex’ churning in the water. It babbles with the transient interpretation that ‘it must have had a larger purpose’. It then seeks its own purpose, for without it, it believes there could never be ‘meaning’ or ‘value’.  Focusing upon the center of their personal maelstrom, they judge those swirls who disagree with the myopic necessity of purpose as foolish be-ings.

The whirls move river rock in designs on the stream bottom. From that vantage they’re ‘permanent and valuable’.

All the while, whirls cluster in groups, agreeing to their perceptive swirlitude.

Yet the watercourse keep moving… where brief vortexes spin like watery eyes.

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