Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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You're never by yourself. Being seen by your Absolute-self requires unconditional love on Two way Streets

For one to be ‘seen’, they must soar into the space of unconditional love. Otherwise, there’s simply no essential nature to be embraced.

A flick of the lighter and smoke fills your lungs.

After another drag, the fiery ember seems to have partnered with Scorpio’s red giant star Antares. Together, you’re hanging deep in Southern skies. Its blinking vibration morse codes the soul, opening up possibility and sending you deep.


You feel the Sun, conversing with the other side of the planet.

You know it’s there because the moon reflects its light. The silvery shine beckons, “Planets, like souls, are the shoes of the Sun”.

Then Jupiter tumbles into vision. It’s straight up, and shimmering bright on the ecliptic. You swear it’s stomping its soles around, scratching its red-spot bindi, as it chimes, “You can never be alone when gravity binds the transient planet, named… you”.

Are you really alone? When you are in nature, you are never alone. In fact, the Wills are very noisy when the cacophony of our ‘conveniences’ are quieted.

Presence is the place where solitude and loneliness don’t co-exist!

Loneliness doesn’t occur when you’re integrated with Absolute-self.

The only true twin flame state is where there’s Twin Inferno. (Twin Inferno is a slightly modernized, less culturally appropriative term for the state of ‘no-mind’… the place where all origination blossoms.)

Then you drift… contemplating;

‘The Absolute-self must be the nebula that binds all playground spheres, the glue of planetary self-distinction. No shootingstar, hoboplanet, moping meteor, outcast asteroid or lonely comet is alone once the ego-i-eyes look beyond the scope, and discover the ‘U’ of the Universe. In this solar system, belief in separation, abandonment, and being unseen is supernova’d.

All the planets sense the audience of embodied and un-embodied souls, aspects of their Absolute-self wearing radiant clothes of infinite suns.’

The soul seeks to reinforce its individuality, despite its desire to be complete.

Twin inferno is the state where soul and spirit dance.

You are never by yourself or completely alone. Only the inflamed ego has that concern.

Where the ego feels alone, that’s because ‘it’ is.

You’re no longer a child, but still love the stars.

Vivid loneliness arrives when you’re not unconditionally loving someone else… not the other way around.

Whenever the lonely hobo planet appears you toss your orbital stick and bag, and wipe off the nights charcoal eye shadow. As a sentient planet, you remember that other astral bodies seem separate because of vantage. Here, you provide a smile, courtesy, knuckle sandwich, recognition, time, appreciation, or star chart to someone else. Embracing your natural state –there’s no better time than now.

Although all your varied personalities swirling in time and space make it challenging, you search for your lonely-self sitting in a crowded universe, until you find it looking at its reflective black hole, believing a billion sky souls aren’t enough. You reach in with outstretched arm, where versions of ‘you’ are focusing inward. Inside and outside the event horizon, atmospheric disturbance lessens, and you disconnect the quietly bound emotions separating you from the knowing that we’re all one.

The very presence of unconditional love brings untold opportunities.

‘Planetary’ Considerations and Unrealized Sun Worship

Jupiter is indeed jovial, the root of its meaning sings that sentiment. The word and concept of ‘planet’ is used by young souls attaching shape and distance to retain social acceptability within the illusory-like dream plane. In essence, a planet IS Will; one that sits back from the metaphysical barycenter from which the sun and its ego revolves.

Creation manifested by this jovial Will is with natural ego, its colors a representation of attached constructs and perceived visions that can lead one away from the trap of the ‘light’, and the sun. Where the sun creates mirrored words, begs attention, and attempts to persuade you of its ‘center-ness’, it’s revealed for what it is.

Through the jovial is found an exit, and the place where the playground can be reached. By communing with it the observer bathes in light described as radiant, not reflective.

As bright as the sun appears, its severity is exaggerated from the glaring reflections of other Wills confusion. It feeds on the attention, a reflection of Wills reflecting that which they’re observing. Now the sun isn’t truly separate, as it’s also a symptom of numerous fractionalized soul observers. In of itself, there is neither right or wrong about this dream-bound relationship. Only when the sun isn’t seen as ‘one with the observer’ does the natural ego become in-flamed.

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