You are being ranched, and accepting it! Remove your consent.
Slide into the trough of the 11:11 Luchador Gauntlet. Meet the rancher AND the ranched.
Control System - Removal of Consent Declaration
I do not consent to cleverly implied terms & conditions.
I do not consent to giving my power away.
I do not consent to belief systems shoveled upon my formative years... governmental, religious, and intellectual.
I do not consent to those who use deceptive terms, which hide the real intent of the designer.
I do not consent to shaming or being shamed.
I do not consent to the attempt to convince me that I must give my power away for the alleged ‘sins’ of my forefathers.
I do not consent to those who wholehearted believe their victim status, and are using the terms provided by their overlords to persuade me to willingly give up power.
I do not consent to those who posit themselves as victims, and me as the oppressor.
I do not consent to the control mechanism of ‘correctness’.
I do not consent to clever individuals and organizations that recognize the ‘game’, yet use the ‘plight of the ignore-ant’ as a tool to prevent me from competing with them.
I do not consent to those who allege ownership of ‘the ethical standard’, while clandestinely subscribing to the ‘law of the jungle’ themselves.
I do not consent to ethics or morals without a complete questioning of their basis, use, truth, and viability.
I do not consent to those who try to convince me that the ‘law of the jungle’ is not what they are embracing.
I do not consent to those who attempt to convince me not to embrace the ‘law of the jungle’.
I do not consent to those who use terms that imply racism, sexism, and diversity while supporting the very ‘discriminatory’ practices they claim not to espouse.
I do not consent to those who use labels with self-interested distinctions.
I do not consent to those who dismiss, condemn, and vilify, when their belief systems are questioned.
I do not consent to definitions of alleged dividing lines that create the appearance of ‘race’.
I do not consent to any responsibility for your condition.
I do not consent to perpetuating the divide & conquer tactics used by those who create and use various groupings of people to retain their power, title, possession, beliefs, and ego.
I do not consent to the advice, perspective, or ‘moral’ superiority of any alleged victim, victim group, or their advocates.