Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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How light and thought create each other. Who was the angel of light?

In the realm of creation, thought and light reflect and create each other.

According to legend, there was this badass cowboy named The Angel of Light.

This radiant cowboy had chaps made of radioactive illumination, a glowing scarf, blinding boots, a belt of lightning, and a shining rainbow leather vest.

His horse sparkled with subjectively constructed light that could be felt inside those riding next to him, and sensed by those looking through the impressions of his horses tracks.

His horses hooves vibrated in an illusory-like energy that mirrored the time and space of its gallop. If you were behind his trusty steed, you could see the creation of hexagonal horseshoe prints, the basis for the creation of all sets of angles.

To the right of the horse you could admire the subjectively interpreted energy we have made agreement to call red, and directly behind… blue, and to the left, green.

These 3 awesome colors create all ‘things’ from the horseshoe energy impressions that originally came from the sound of the riders thought.

A true creator knows the nature of light and sound.

Now strangely, each horseshoe impression had its own eerily glowing eye impression, right in the center. These ‘horseshoe eyes’ became the earth, and gateways for observation. Their indentation, with time, changed shape from an ‘eye’ to an ‘i’, but could never prevent themselves from being blown away from the time that it, itself created.

Within the metaphor of ‘the bringer of light’, we find its true source.

All experience stems from the perception and creation of sound and light. The ‘hat’ represents the mind that acts as a filter and template for the information broadcasted by other Wills.

Within all the senses, the angles of creation reside. From thought to shape, to the atoms and hexagram symbols that act as metaphor and sigil.

The ego is esoterically connected to the lower case i

Discover who the angel of light is and was. Hint: use a mirror.

The small-self can understand, at least to a degree… the process of creation.

The Absolute-self, when integrated into the lower can be found playing with the properties of creation.

Creation is as much perception as it is will.

The mystery of the bringer of light solved.

There is an answer regarding how the ‘world’ was created.

The process of creation can be understood.

Light and sound are the tools for creative playground experience.

The trinity can be understood be looking at the real nature of light.

There’s a cloud of dust in the air behind this horse!

It’s difficult to comprehend from our relative eyes, that beauty and ugliness are symptoms of our angular, fractal infatuations, created by combining these 3 ‘light sensations’.

Reaching the absolute during this experience is as difficult as staying on an unbroken Arabian horse. It can only be done by placing awareness between the hoof prints, between the thoughts, and can never be achieved through thought. It can be pointed towards with thought, but never arrived at.

The hexagon is the basis for the creation of greater shapes and angles.

Things create light and light creates things.

Considerations for the ‘enlightened’

Those who are en-lightened, and embrace light/dark duality without balance in the Absolute are blinded by the ‘light’. Despite ones religious ‘purity’ or non-religious ‘autonomy’, scientific ‘acumen’, or ‘transformed light-being’ state… one remains ‘luciferian’ (meaning ‘of the light’ or ‘enlightened’). To be illuminated without anchorage in the Absolute is to be immersed in the playground without knowing who, where and what one is. Entranced in the raging lights and sounds of carnival rides, feeding blindly with head in trough, wrestling in the ring - believing our moves aren’t scripted, prowling the savanna unwilling to eat or be eaten, the enlightened stumble like buzzed pub patrons knocking one back in the bar of intoxicated duality.

El-ite are lost in the light, and all the ‘things’ that brings light and light brings. Perhaps you’re a form of the elite, not yet adept at swimming deeper to compete with the other Wills who’ve forgotten they’re starring in movie-like productions of their own creation and consent.

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