Could it be that the key to freeing yourself from ‘concerns of future’ lies in the present moment of dive bars? January 4, 2021 Maat The Twin Inferno Tao of no-mind frees you from an attachment to future. In that moment, no level of actual boozn’ returns you to the state of an intoxicated soul. After a robust ego-washing, ‘future’ and ‘past’ lose their substance. As ego resides in illusory-like time, so does the non-present terms that support the imagined scripts of tomorrow and yesterday. The ever-present is a place of peace… complete with pleasure AND pain, and occasionally cast within the temporary perceptions of creation AND destruction. Here, suffering is never found, for that sensation only arrives when you’re not present. The squall line intoxicants swirl in the hurricane of the city, yet within the eye of storm there’s calm. In the bar of duality, we eventually discover that the future is just an imagination. In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ asks, “Have I become blind from staring at the past?” A soul’s balance swaggers when we swig past whisky and future beer. Where’s our next dive bar meet? See this social icon list in the original post